Please don’t remove Hunter pets

I highly doubt they do another purge. They already tried catering to bad players during WoD and we all know how that turned out.

Realistically they are probably not going to do a purge

And Pray tell, Why can’t a Marksman have the same pet they’ve had for the past 20 years?

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The pets that are hardly used, bro you’re a broken record.
I’m done in this forum; nobody listens to one another.

They’re just going to tell you Lone Wolf has been a thing since Legion blah blah blah. As if it was always absolutely mandatory.


Hardly used by you. But its okay. Thank you for your discourse.

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You mean a valid and obvious fact that can not be stressed enough?
Yes. We are going to repeat that point.

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I have to use them when I play MM in PvP (despite not wanting to), they’re hardly used by the majority of MM players that actually push endgame content.
Thank you for your blissful ignorance.

It was super flavorful but super problematic, like when hunters suddenly became useless in a fight because some mechanic forced them near a boss.

Pets have never been fundamental to MM. Even as far back as Cataclysm they were more of a hindrance you had to manage than an advantage. They still had Kill Command, but it wasn’t even part of the rotation.

That’s what spec fantasy is all about. If you want to play a ranged archer with a pet companion, go BM. If you want ranged archer, go MM. If you want to fight side-by-side with pet, go Survival. Each has its own niche. Spec skills are changed every expansion, but the core fantasy is what needs to remain.

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Yeah, but our point is both sides should get a valid option between pet or no pet. You guys stick up your middle finger at us and laugh. We could be saying “Marksmanship should only ever use a pet and to delete Lone Wolf”, but we don’t.


Because we arrived at a point in which the pet is a hindrance to the spec design.


That doesn’t work.
What exactly do you think the current iteration of MM is…? and has been trying and failing to do…?

If you want to be a pet-centric Hunter, play BM.
Otherwise stop building barriers in the way of progress for MM just so you can have a cute, but useless kitty kat when you log onto your MM alt once every 4 months.

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And the hinderance is absolutely unfixable without the coming rework to completely remove pets from Marksmanship?

So obviously, as we’ve been stating. For those Higher End Players, instead of completely removing the pets for all players because of the contention experienced by the minority… They should 100% fix the discord caused by Lone Wolf to better suit those players, and not remove the Pets for all.

Heck Make the Lust ability work just like “Fortitude of the Bear” or like the specced ability “Territorial Instincts”.

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There is a difference between ignoring someone and disagreeing with someone. Your statement implies that you feel you are correct and so people are obviously not listening. Problem with that is that there is no right or wrong in this discussion, it’s purely subjective.


Lazy, poor quality development. What do you think it is?

What exactly do you think separates BM and MM, if MM has to have its pet-system reworked to be more involved?

You guys just want it your way or the highway. I can’t imagine how belligerent and uncompromising you must be irl.


I don’t say I have crap. You are the one trying to preach on top of mountain of narcissism. I dont tell people how to play. But I will defend what we have. Those who attempt to remove something we have had since 2004 are the enemy. If you want to add to MM that is fine but do not remove something that has always been.


There is no right and wrong, but there is fact that most people that play MM DO NOT USE THEIR PETS outside of open world content. Which the typical player quests through and never touches again outside of the occasional world quest content.

Why would they design a spec around two different gameplay styles when that spec already has a specific fantasy, and the other fantasy is already fulfilled by another spec?

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