Ranger as a class would be great anyway because it would mean another class uses ranged weapons.
It’s not like they haven’t ripped concepts from other classes to accommodate new ones before. Metamorphosis and Death Coil… They could 100% make it work.
Ranger could have a spec similar to Marksmanship called, I dunno Sniper or Hawk Eye lol. Then another spec like a support called Bard, and a 3rd one that could heal like Brann does in delves called Field Medic.
(Made these up in 2 seconds. Don’t grill me too hard LOL.)
So not self-aware.
The Class Identity of a hunter is a pet. Which is why in their “fix” for the minor talent choice of Lone Wolf is to enact the “Eagle”. Thusly, giving the spec that was optional to be “petless” a true “pet” to meet the Hunter fantasy without infringing upon the contention of having to utilize a pet within a pet class to do pet related abilities.
The Class Identity of a ranger, would be that they are a Ranged Gun/Bow wielding ranged class that could specialize in Sniping, potentially having another spec specializing more in the stealthy approach.
If you want another class that uses ranged weapons, go for Tinker.
Hunter already covers the archer/scout/ranger/wilderness specialist. All the ranger organizations in WoW were part of the Hunter class.
Read the MM description in the spec selection panel, please.
The class identity of a hunter isn’t just about having a pet, like dude just because you say it’s so, doesn’t make it so.
Legion was the expac about class identity, and guess what MM didn’t have pets bro.
3 classes using ranged weapons would be even cooler!
Not when one of them is completely redundant.
You can have similar concepts bleed into each class and also make them play uniquely. Ranger as a new class in this day and age would actually play way more modern like Evoker probably, you could have charge up shots and stuff. I’d be begging for this.
Wanna talk about redundant, that’s like saying Fire Mage and Elemental Shaman shouldn’t be two separate things because both are ranged magic casters. Things are going to feel similar sometimes but still be different enough to be fun and unique and flavorful.
We will see what happens I suppose, not likely to change course now. SV changes were and still are contentious. Honestly if the new MM doesn’t hit right we may see one of the most played classes drop off the top. I don’t play SV at all and haven’t since the melee change.
In most forums I have seen the question posed SV is called out as the least popular spec (for Hunter) by a fair margin… Not the best example by any stretch.
All things considered I will be interested to see how it turns out good or bad. Sounds like this is a big win for you so congratz.
Read the description of what a hunter is on the create a character page please.
Cause it definitely states:
“Hunters are at home in the wilderness and have a special affinity for beasts. They rely on their weaponry and their pet to deal damage.” - Key words are definitely “And their pet”
I sure hope they never come after anything you love and turn it to something you don’t. No one will be around to listen to you cry.
Yes, will never forget what happens when devs push their fantasies on the playerbase…no matter what some manager needs to be fired. They are creating a negative when they could have just added a positive. Last time I saw a bad update like this was back in Vanilla when all Warriors were told to go Protection. They fired that guy…
Don’t redirect that, we’re talking about a specific spec. He brought up a valid point about MM specifically. If you want pets go play BM bro, it’s not that different.
No one knows or cares who you are.
You just prove you’re hiding.
THat spec, is a part of the class. The Class overall should be used to design what the specs are.
The overall class states it uses Pets as apart of their damage and Has an affinity for them. How is it class fantasy that one of the specs is like “Nah I hate my pets”?
Who are you?..I was mining for fish and doing kaine roles with the name since 2005.
They really, really are different. If we want to start analyzing specializations relative to each other, we could go crazy getting rid of things that are similar.
Why? There are 3 hunter specs, why do all 3 need a pet?
Mm is a ranger. Its a sharpshooter/sniper/marksman.