Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Sure, but Lone Wolf was always optional. Until now when it won’t be. So, you can see why people might be upset about that.


You can still collect them as MM, and use them as BM and Survival.

I go Survival when I feel like I want a pet.

We don’t know anything about what this change entails for how or if an MM hunter will even be able to tame pets. I doubt they will cause why would they “Waste the development” time putting in those “features” when its entirely pointless to that spec. Because as you put it, “Go to another spec if you want your pets”.

This is entirely conjecture.

Because you are able to have the fantasy right now with Lone Wolf. (I know you PvP and are forced to use the pet but they could fix that). Our fantasy is literally being completely stripped away next patch. We want both sides to get what they want, but literally no one cares about anything that doesn’t involve them ever because people don’t have empathy for anyone ever.


False, it became obligatory in Legion. You know, the expansion that was all about spec fantasy.

We have very very very different idea of what this means. The CLASS was a pet class, and MM was physical ranged damage that had a pet, while Beast Mastery was pet sourced damage and Survival has been 12 different things depending on who you ask (ranged physical/magical hybrid with a pet was my favorite, and it was fairly unique). Petless just feels like it isn’t even a hunter anymore.


Legion did a lot of stupid things I don’t agree with like permanent Shadow Form for Shadow Priests until that was swiftly removed.

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A minor talent choice, a major defining part of a spec it does not make.

If it was a Major one, sure. You could state that. But Lone Wolf, is 100% a minor talent choice.

It’d be like entirely retooling Warriors Fury spec to be entirely Single Minded Fury because they have a minor talent choice for SMF.


Not my fault you are still bound by vanilla concepts. Things evolve.

Vanilla concepts that are still in the game in 2024, and also a core defining feature of the entire class since day 1 (pets).


If they made the pet completely optional in PvP, and put the utility, ms, defensives, cc, etc directly into the player’s spellbook instead of the pet’s spellbook, I would be happy.
But people complaining about not getting to have their agency or choice in here but not realizing the other side of the fence that hasn’t had that choice or agency for a while now is hypocritical.

This eagle pet is the middle ground compromise, if they wanted to remove the pets entirely from MM, they would’ve done that, and as I’ve said I bet they’re going to find a way to use other beasts instead of just the eagle sooner than later.

But a pet doesn’t fit the sharpshooter fantasy they are going for.

And most dont use them for mm.
Lone wolf is all but baked in and has been for years.

Outside of solo content you mean.

Most raiders and dungeoneers use lone wolf because it performs better overall. And if you use it in pvp, its to distract.

The instance you use a pet is for pve is for hero or solo content so you can stand there /afk dps.

Then a new class, that isn’t a Hunter, needs to be created. Make it a Hero Class for Midnight.

It would fit right in, especially since we’re going to Silvermoon. Your Class, is a Ranger.

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It makes no sense to make a class (with 3 redundant specs and all the trouble balancing it) for something that is already available in-game.

To be fair though, only PvPers don’t have the choice, and I agree with you that it sucks. I would love for you guys to have the option to go solo. No issues with that at all. That’s why I’m so shocked no one wants to compromise and make Lone Wolf work for both sides. No one will agree here that completely removing the pet function alienates the pet enjoyers because they get what they want and that’s that to them.

Imagine if they removed bows from Marksmanship and said, Marksmanship can only use guns now. “We want Beast Mastery to use bows to separate the two specs and give more of a naturalist fantasy for the Beast Master!”. The forums would be an explosion of rage.


A new class for 1 spec? Yeah great idea dude, how about just using the ranger spec that’s already in game lmfao.

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nah its just the devs bringing back their ideas for ‘class fantasy’ again same garbage they pulled in legion.

Who says it needs to have 3 specs? Evokers launched with only 2.

So what would the specs be then, and how are you going to find a way of making a ranger class that doesn’t infringe on hunter’s class identity, abilities, and features already?

Even better. Make it 1 spec, called Marksmanship, within the Hunter class!