Sounds like you don’t understand what credibility means.
Or people that aren’t afraid to show their toons.
People hide on alts because they are bad and they know it.
Sounds like you don’t understand what credibility means.
Or people that aren’t afraid to show their toons.
People hide on alts because they are bad and they know it.
That’s your opinion and you’re free to have it.
I also miss ranged SV but the game is about adapting.
People either adapt or they don’t.
Retail becoming the omega sweat fest, meta driven, FOTM environment that it has does not make for a good MMORPG. It makes for an instance simulator game. That’s just my opinion.
Alamara. Just be happy you’re getting your Elf Ranger fantasy, so now you can RP as Alleria or living Sylvanas. Big clap claps for you. I don’t even know why you’re here arguing with us anyway. You won. You got what you want.
It really is. On retail, fun = whatever the meta is, not what you would personally enjoy. Pretty big bummer.
WTF you think this is fifteen years ago and on a server forum that was active…more people from that time period know me by this name then any other I use now.
I love when people describe Classic’s design as if it was a retail problem.
Classic is nothing but FOTM. Except it has no updates, so the FOTM never changes. That’s why 2 out of 3 tanks specs just don’t work, so every tank needs to be the 3rd one.
I’m not referring to current day classic players. I meant in the “old days” when people played how they wanted and still cleared content regardless of what was considered the perfect meta.
You keep acting as if your opinion matters to anyone except yourself.
You’re just another rando player on a video game, just like the rest of us.
The only “credibility” you possess is in your imagination.
On topic: I do play hunters, both MM and BM. This change concerns me because I like to play MM with a pet to tank for me.
I will wait to see how it plays before rendering a final opinion.
I do, on my Goblin alt. I mostly play Surv, but when I MM, I MM with my robo-dog. Yes, my Goblin is almost exclusily solo / LFR. I main my priest. But the aesthetic I want for my Goblin when my Goblin guns is with my robo-dog at my side. Definitely not an eagle. Definitely not any random pet. My robo-dog.
I am MM and I play with a pet, I like my pets. Don’t take my pets away from me.
Blizzard reworking specs is something that happens every expansion and in many patches. Features are added, removed and updated frequently. That was always the case, and you will still be able to play suboptimal all you want, you are just mad that you are losing a leftover feature you value.
I guess cobra shot and barbed shot aren’t a thing, not to mention the fact that their basic tool kit is the exact same as MM’s from a cc, defensive, and mobility standpoint.
They kite and attack from range, sounds a lot like MM to me, sure they’re not hardcasting aimed shot, but their playstyles aren’t as different as you’re trying to make them out to be. Calling them a ranged melee is just disingenuous at the best, and flat out wrong at worst.
If you want to boil it down to bare bones, we could make a whole lot of specs obsolete. Don’t play that game. You’re better than that.
Plus BM has Kill Shot and Explosive shot, and they have Kill Command for the pet fantasy and to make the pet actually work better. And after the patch there will even be talents to focus on having a single pet rather than 2, and people can avoid talents that summon more beasts if they don’t want that fantasy.
The only time pets should be “tanking” is open world, do you really think the game should be balanced around open world PvE content that’s at a handholding tutorial level of difficulty.
Let the game be innovative for once, they’re thinking of a new way to update the two-decade old pet system.
Lone Wolf is hardly a “leftover feature” as it’s been in the game for like 10 years, and if you meant pets in general being a leftover feature, they are literally the main STAPLE of the Hunter class. Honestly at this point, if I could use pets from my stable instead of this dumb “eagle” I’d be happy. No word on that though, and I doubt they will add that functionality anytime soon if they ever do.
“Leftover feature” = The Customized and cherished pets players have had over the past 20 years.
We get it, you never formed a connection to your pets and thusly don’t care that you’re loosing them. Most of us did. Most of us enjoy having our companions by our sides. And by this point, most of us tie our pets with our character.
Loosing Ashbringer, my pet that I have as my MM hunter, to this half-baked quick idea to “Fix” a singular issue with a minor talent choice is just flabbergasting. And the fact that some players are championing it like “Oh yeah! Remove those pets! Get rid of those pesky things! I hate having to have this macro!” Instead of championing for a better fix that fits both sides.
MM Pet is the leftover feature. Lone Wolf became a spec-defining feature 10 years ago.
For real, they get to discount people’s opinions on the class fantasy of being a ranger/sniper.
But if we discredit their views on class fantasy despite already having alternative options, we’re just in the wrong.