Please don’t remove Hunter pets

I was under the impression at the time we got lone wolf, it was basically for instances/group content. The reason it was a choice was so we could keep a pet to tank for us in other content. It always seemed like this was the purpose and why we had a choice.

But that doesn’t play into what they said, you can fix AoE without the pet being a factor. Like saying paladins need to have BoP removed for their healing to be good.

Gotta love how most debates here are not over fun and more optimal and effective…some people like using a pet some don’t…how dare people have class fantasy and fun!!!


I get that and I haven’t been one of the people telling other people they aren’t entitled to their opinions for one reason or another even though I’ve had multiple people say that to me thus far, do I disagree yes but trying to shut them down completely no.

Also thanks and I hope you are well as well dearie. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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Its about stripping choices away from players is why this thread exists. When choices get removed people get upset.


If I was worried about optimal play, I wouldn’t have avoided Rune of Power on my mage for years up until they removed it completely. :sweat_smile: Sometimes it really isn’t about what does bigger numbers. It’s about what’s fun, and fun is subjective.


Yep. Unless you play the game in a high octane, cutting edge, max efficiency way, your opinions are obviously invalid! /s

I can’t believe what I’m reading half the time here. I can’t understand how anyone would log into a fantasy RPG and only care about the bleeding edge of content rather than enjoying the fantasy aspects.


Cause people want to have that E-sports play style racing to be #1 spot in meta scores.

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Then MM would be too strong in ST.

This is you having a severe lack of understanding of how MM works.

When a pet isn’t you lose LW. So the pet can only attack one target versus bonus damage from Lw attacking all targets.

Sadly, this is now our late stage Mythic+ developments.

Just like how dungeons are now a race to the end, regardless of your fellow group members.

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Thinking about the guy screaming at the people playing a game and how they are playing it wrong

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When people lack understanding on the fixes they complain or just troll.

Esports has zero to do with it. That’s cope

Everyone wants to speed run everything and then wonders why WoW is a seasonal game now. I don’t want the game to be a snail’s pace either, but there’s nothing wrong with stopping and smelling the roses.

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Ok? MM
Has zero interaction with their pet.

Wow always been a seasonal game.

We understand what the changes are attempting to fix. The Contention point that currently exists because of the Singular, 1, Uno, Node choice of “Lone Wolf”.

So instead of fixing the Singular, 1, Uno, node choice of “Lone Wolf” to fix the contention points given by players. They instead, upend the entire spec at the first major patch of the expansion, and remove a piece of the spec/class that has existed for the past 20 years.

This change should be postponed at best to Midnight. To give it plenty of time for Feedback, Iterations, and PTR time. We’re going to maybe, maybe, get a month of PTR time for 11.1.0. This spec, should it continue as is, is most likely going to be a mess and be far worse than your current “Sub-optimal” design of having to utilize a macro to summon, cast lust, and desummon your pet.


Buddy said to me just talking about it as some like to talk and play with numbers…I said they should just play with a calculator then…


Dude… the pet alters DPS by like 2%. Who cares if it’s the less optimal AoE choice?


Youre wrong. I have used pets for 20 years now as a MM hunter. Just because YOU dont want them, dont take them away from us who do.


I am the biased one? Not you, who believe Blizzard does not listen because it didn’t listen to YOU?

Yes you are the biased one because you want it YOUR way and you’re happy to crap on others to get it. I want it BOTH WAYS FOR BOTH OF US. How is that so hard to get through your head?? You just want to be combative. I want both camps to get what we want!!! HELLO OPERATOR?