Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Because I’m fine with Shaman having the only bloodlust/heroism in the game, what’s wrong with different classes having different pluses and minuses.

I didn’t, I acknowledged what you said and explained my reference point, if you take that as defensive that’s on you not me, I could really careless.

For as long as lone wolf has been available I’ve used it in group content and enjoyed using my pet as tank in solo, questing.
I have been told by some people here that I’m a bad player because I use a pet to keep mobs off me and I don’t know how to play mm.
Are you saying the same?

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I disagree because it limits adding new classes to the game. You could have got a Ranger class with varied specs, but not anymore. Probably has a lot to do with designing tier sets and they don’t want the extra work.

That’s cool if you want that, didn’t really comment on it.

Yeah, what’s wrong with people choosing different things, why we gotta change things?

Excuse you?
It is not an opinion that all ferocity pets can use Blood Lust, not just Exotic Core Hounds limited to Beast Mastery.

Can you explain what about that is my opinion?


This topic turned into a warzone. :grimacing:

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Grab your flaming pitchfork and go to war. :person_fencing:

I -LOVE- Warzone. Fun game mode with friends.

My bow doesn’t get feared. I can still cast every core rotational ability when my pet dies. BM loses it’s core rotation. I hate that. I’ve always hated that.

Also, if you want to attack me on my parses, go ahead. Feast away. I opened them up. What matters more than anything is that I have 260 days /played on this toon (despite having more than 10 accounts, 13 level 80’s, and four 70+ hunters - My hunters combined have about 1 year /played).

That would be as silly as me attacking you because you are a BM hunter with 14 pets. You haven’t even bothered to train Loque yet. Are you even a hunter if you haven’t trained Loque?

Yes, that would be silly.

That said, I’m not sure why you are attacking me. I’m losing something very important to me. I have a right to be upset. I don’t mind if pets are useless in Raids. I only want them to be an option (especially in open world using the general rotation I raid with). What I want doesn’t take away from what you want.

Personally, I think they should have added a Ranger class or a fourth spec years ago. I get that people want the Dark Ranger sniper ability. I want them to have it. I just don’t want to lose my pet to make way for it. I already lost my original spec (ranged SV), and this is a kick in the teeth.


No, I don’t see this as wrong like wrong because you aren’t trying to hinder everyone else’s gameplay because you use the optimal way of gameplay when not solo and that’s different from most people saying they just use it for looks or RPing.

Because without any type of change things get stagnant and boring?

Adding new classes is a huge amount of effort. You don’t need to add a whole new class when an existing one already covers that fantasy. It makes no sense to make a “Ranger” class with 3 specs (that are just small variations of the same thing) when a single Hunter spec can cover it AND still allows you access to two other fantasies if you so wish.

Blizzard has been making specs into “sub-classes” ever since Cataclysm, and it works wonders. There’s a fantasy for everyone.

Insert Skyrim everything becomes stealth archer meme

Inb4 arrow to the knee Skyrim memes start rolling in.

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Yeah, like bloodlust being on other classes. And warlock losing meta

I have always preferred to down a target on my own rather than rely on a bunch of AI controlled pixels to do my work for me.

Just not for marksman that want to use their personal pets anymore I guess.

I think you missed it. I don’t get the reference though. I only play WoW when I play video games. If I’m not playing WoW, I’m actually being productive and/or a pain in the butt to my wife.

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I never cared for Demonology spec so I didn’t really care they lost that and the people that did either adapted, played different spec or played a different class, this is the same way either people will adapt to how the new Marksmanship will work, they will play Beastmastery or Survival or they will play another class.

I remember that day.

I used to have the glyph, where it was permanent but would only sprout wings on my back. I would RP that I was a priest by TMOG’ing into a priest look a like set, and right as I was about to “bless” someone, I’d sprout my wings. I lost a piece of my character that day, and since that day forward I have hated the Demonology spec even though it has my favorite minion the Felguard within it.

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That’s BM’s fantasy.

The problem is that you are not after a specific fantasy, you want a specific mechanic, and I’m sorry to say but it makes no sense to keep supporting a deprecated feature.