You mean you don’t want people to see how unsuccessful you are at the game?
Considering mplus is one of the most played game modes in the game and about 60% of the playerbase raids.
Or that ion even confirmed most casual players play all types of content.
Solo players are delusional in how many they think they are.
Yeah, it was bad from a dozen and one directions.
M+ is end game content where the good loot is. Want to try again?
To add to this all he would need to do is check the hunter discord.
You know I honestly think they don’t get it… no one cares when they go be weird in a coroner alone in a mmo doing who knows what.
The second they try to influence the actual game play though… oophf thats the end of any grace period.
I don’t have time and energy to spend on people like you who have truly nothing good to add to any discussion on this.
You couldn’t make your points fairly or without looking down your nose at others. Hope someday you actually mature.
“Go be weird in a corner” what are you even talking about. People having light RP in their minds for a character and style of play isn’t automatically “ERP” or neck beard sweaty nerds. You’re the only weird one here that keeps bringing up strange scenarios in your mind over and over again.
I already explained multiple times why these are good changes. Not sorry but it’s not my fault you can’t comprehend it.
Keep claiming to be that hunter main though lol
I wouldn’t let it get to me, Blizzard is going to go ahead more than likely no matter what because they almost always do and the people on the forums is such a small amount that we’d never make a major difference one way or the other on anything anyway so.
They are not good changes. A hunter without a pet is not a hunter it is just a sniper class as that point.
It’s funny how Blizzard literally has been constantly asking for feedback in the modern era of WoW (since Dragonflight), yet you guys try to stamp us out when you don’t like the feedback we give saying things like “blizzard doesn’t read the forums anyway” and such to silence us. Guess what, they do read many mediums of feedback— here, twitter(X), Reddit, etc. And they constantly ask for it.
I use a hunter pet on every hunter I have regardless of spec, even if they’re MM. I don’t want that option removed. It’s an integral part of the class flavor and comes in extremely handy when playing solo. I don’t want to have to switch all of my MM hunters to BM (the zookeeper spec) just to keep their individual pets, and I have no interest in melee as Survival.
Also, I keep seeing people assert that MM hunters have “never” used pets since Lone Wolf was made available when this thread clearly demonstrates that such an assertion is false. Sure, using a pet on MM may not be optimal for DPS, but many of us simply don’t care about that.
The forums is a small group of people, I doubt they are going to change the plans to Marksmanship due to the very small amount of people complaining about how they like having a pet but won’t play Beastmastery or Survival, I could be wrong but I highly doubt it because almost anyone that plays Marksmanship seriously always goes with lone wolf since Legion and that was many, many, many expansions ago.
That’s fine if you think that then, but I get annoyed when people say “don’t even try” or whatever. Like they LITERALLY ASK US TO GIVE FEEDBACK. It’s up to Blizzard to decide who is right or wrong.
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Simple fix is remove lone wolf and have MM rely on pets more. But I guess no one thought of that?
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I never said you can’t or you shouldn’t, I just see it as Blizzard is fixing Marksmanship to be what it is supposed to be finally which should have been done long ago.
Yeah no, that’s not how it’s worked and anyone that plays Marksmanship properly knows that so I’m glad they won’t take someone like you seriously because yikes.
You being too clueless to understand the changes are actually good doesn’t make them bad changes.
Yet MM hasn’t been using a per outside of a niche situation since legion.
You have zero clue what you’re talking about.
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Then why people always saying ‘i need lust pet’ ‘i need a pet for pvp’?
Hunter has pets.
You can have your opinion on that. That’s ok. My opinion is that they should accommodate both camps of people because that’s what they said they meant to do when adding the new Dragonflight talent trees. They wanted us to have choice again, but it seems like we’re going right back to cookie cutter.