Please don’t remove Hunter pets

This one’s name is Lego. My bil (who is now 17) named him when he was 8. He’s a good boy but getting old.

Then there is another named Millie. She’s only three and hyper like most pups.

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You can play it… you can play a version of it with new things even…

Pretty simple solution then go play classic instead of playing retail, let those of us that actually enjoy retail enjoy it instead of trying to ruin it.

It’s typicsl that Blizzard listens to the vocal minority of players who sit and play the game by themselves and tben the good ideas get taken out back to the shed and destroyed and then the rest of us who liked the idea get to suffer but instead of doing whatever it is you are doing, we just roll a different class and silently hope that they will make a big change to what we want. That day finally came and anyone who plays MM in more than just delves likes these changes BUT I still think you should be able to summon whatever pet you want you just lose access to the eagle’s spells and traits

It’s right there next door for those who love it.

This is Retail forum.

Who to say it isn’t already ruined?

Where do you get off being the spokesperson for the only hunters that should matter?
Your patronizing, insulting and arrogant postings have been a classic example of why there’s a term for some wow players as being elitist jerks.


Some of those were quality of life changes like for spriests. If you messed up your one ability on a pull your damage tanked.

Me, I said in a post above I’m really enjoying the current patch and that comes after really enjoying the expansion and I’m not the only one.

You don’t like changes and you cite you liked the game from years ago so go play that instead, eventually it will end up where it is currently anyway because it’s currently to Cataclysm but you have some time before that time.


Out of the hunters in this thread I’m the only one that has any credibility.

I’m sorry you can’t handle reality. Well not really. I don’t sugar coat things because you can’t handle it.

Covenants were Ion’s forced system only got changed when tons of players begged for it to be optional. That was not on the player at all.

You mean when the game was so simple you could be successful?

What funny is I think Covs were hated by everyone from filthy casual to toxic raider. But people blaimed other players because, idk, tribalism?

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It wasn’t optional. It was the core system for SL. People just didn’t want it as strict as it was.

Having to have multiples of one class because of different covenants was such an awful design

Not all of us want to change from our main posting char to suit your needs.

You call us a vocal minority, yet where are the hoards of players in your camp to defend the new changes? I’ll tell you, they don’t really care either way. As long as Lone Wolf was streamlined to work better with utility, those players would have been fine either way. Now we have an entire spec overhaul that no one asked for at all, and your camp is on here pretending it’s going to be perfect yet you haven’t even put your hands on it yet.

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Absolutely not. And blizz knows the m+ players aren’t in the majority of people who play this game.

The issue with covenants were how rigid they were.

And you had that energy power to change cov builds was also terrible.

Not on the forums in the first place because the forums are an extremely small minority of players

Most players who do more then lfr don’t come to the forums because for years it was infested with a weird report happy cult that has only now been thinned down.

Its lost content. We can go see how popular pet MM is on logs if you like.