Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Hunter pets were originally unique with different attack speeds and abilities that you could learn and then train. You had to feed your pet to keep them happy. It was the core of what a hunter was. Blizzard removed that system and added 3 types of pets but added pet talents. Then Blizzard removed those. Now they want to remove pets completely from a spec.

They are just lazy and speaks to how they keep dumbing down the game. Can’t wait for 1 button rotations. Maybe an idle feature so you can just let your character play itself and all you have to do is stare at the screen.


Sylvanas was known for raising people in undeath with her black arrow. Weird thing for a ranger to be but I guess they necromancers now

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Because that would be bad for your side.

I’m a Hunter main and play at a higher level than heroic. I’m explaining why the change happened.

You also hide your logs lol


Read the last line again.

I was criticizing somebody who suggested that.

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There’s nothing wrong with retail.

Blizz caters to the majority.

Considering 60% of the playerbase raids they already are. People don’t seem to understand this is a group based game first and a solo game second.

I don’t have any problem with retail at all, I come and go as I want, I play this toon and my alts, I do whatever content I want solo and then I logoff and currently I’m really enjoying Siren’s Isle despite how many people are hating it because it’s small, super basic and easy to get the hang of.

This thread really reenforces that raider io will never ever go away…

Ok, buddy, calm down.

I’m super calm. I’m sitting on the couch at my in laws scratching one of the beagles head.

This is hilarious. They gave BM the entire roster of pets to play with and made survival have greater interactions with them and comboing skills with them. Marksmanship Hunters haven’t used pets for a LONG time because people didnt need the pet, we took Lone Wolf and went ahead and then complained cause Lone Wolf was a bad option for a petless class like MM and how it was meant to be. This argument is NOT “what I want in my MM class that I clearly nisunderstood what it’s class fantasy is for” and has changed to “stop telling me how to play my game” but come to find out the vast majority of players who hate this change are people who choose to play this game alone instead of what WoW was originally built for: MULTIPLAYER.

Then explain why retail is struggling?

What is their name? Are they a good pupper?

It’s funny how you call me mad and crying, yet you sound way whinier than me about it. It sounds like you people are scared that us complaining will get this rework reverted in some way.

I’ll have you know that’s exactly what we hope for. People love using their pets on Marksmanship whether or not you are a meta chaser who only plays the game for big numbers. More voices speaking out on this and Blizz will backtrack. You guys are scared they will. It’s kind of funny to watch.

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In what sense…?

Beagles are a nice breed, had one when I was a kid but couldnt find a good breeder near where I live so havent got another

How is it struggling? By most metrics numbers are up this expansion.

Kinda… blizzard has made a lot of terrible choices based on listening to the worst of the playerbase… We have covenants, ap, and a host of other dead and mangled systems from it.

Preach. I don’t get why this people try to sell Classic as this awesome game when in reality most of the tanks can’t do their job, most of the talents are to be avoided, you need to spend hours collecting buffs and very specific gear for a simple tank-and-spank fight, and over half of the systems are about grinding something so you don’t get a gameplay penalty (pet happiness, poisons, reagents, having to do long quest chains to get a basic class skill…)

Cause classic is when the game was good.

They want to put the game on console, I swear. They’re simplifying the game little by little again so we don’t notice it all at once. Especially with the amount of AoE reticle spells that are able to be “cast on target” now.