Please don’t remove Hunter pets

I get people suck and want a pet without specing BM… I wouldn’t do it but I genuiely understand it. Just like warrior’s who won’t use any ability because the game calls them “spells” and warrior’s don’t use spells.

I don’t really care what someone who knocks out a gimmie boss thinks. I doubt you ever got close to CE given your lack of understanding on how the game works.

Most people can survive the pet mechanic change, it’s mostly the forced eagle being the “true pet and companion” that has people upset.

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So much this!!

I really don’t care for stats, a lot of casual players don’t. It’s about the fun and the enjoyment of the game. I enjoy being really good at shooting and having a not so powerful pet, over having a pet tank and countless other animals at my beck and call.

For that matter, my frost mage really misses that water elemental.

Although these people saying MM doesn’t use pets probebly never leave the instances, or dungeons, or whatever the non casuals do. I know a lot of MM players that enjoy having their pets out and showing them off.

Unless they are radically going to change BM to accommodate the people that don’t want to 100% rely on their pets, and not have constantly use pet techniques, which I didn’t see in the note. They are alienating a lot of the player base that just enjoys having that pet out 24/7 as a helper.

This whole Ohn’ahra theme stuff being forced on MM hunters takes the choice away from the players. It’s fine to tie it to the Lone Wolf, but to force everyone who plays MM to become Lone Wolf with an eagle instead of the pets they tame is just sad.

Maybe they could make a choose your pet talent, as they got rid of lone wolf. So those of us that like MM have a choice to opt out of this Ohn’ahra stuff and use are own pets with just the normal pet utilities.


Right… and you have to grow up and accept people don’t care what you think and that a massive company isn’t going to let bad mechanics linger for eternity because you wanna be the unarmed warrior or the dps caster only pally.

No you don’t, you fail to show you understand at every response. You just have your idea of how it should be and try to leverage your accomplishments as justification.

Thank you for bringing that straight to the front.


I love MM and I love having pets.

I will never use this spec if MMs Pets are removed, the whole idea of a Hunter is to have different Pets.

Introduce Ranger Class if there are so many people who want a bow/ gun Ranged class without a Pet, please.


Ok, don’t play hunter then

That’s a you problem, then.

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I’ve always played Hunters. Hunter was my first class back in Nov 2004, so I WILL play Hunters.

I have as much right as anyone here to express my like or dislike on any changes, and this topic isn’t your personal crusade to defend.


Extremely clever retort, thank you!

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It’s the truth. If removing an aspect of the spec that hasn’t mattered for 10 years (and barely mattered even before that) will make you stop playing that spec, then it’s on you, and you have to look for another spec that will entertain you more.

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Arcane is actually the default mage leveling spec.

I’ve leveled the entirety of the last 2 expansions as MM Lone Wolf. It’s doable, and it’s tons of fun. It just requires skill or willingness to learn it.

Survival is also very good for leveling and solo content. Heck, it’s way more fun than BM.

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Cool story bro. People need to think more then just themselves. Ever stop to think how this change might hurt others gameplay? What if I want to have a pet as a MM? Why should I have to be stuck with a Eagle that is not my pet?


Removing content and spinning it as a feature. Blizzard at its finest.


They took SV…

“You can play BM or MM.”

Now they want to take MM…

“You can play BM.”

BM is not even a ranged class. It’s remote controlled melee.

This is 2016 all over again.


Hunters will be rerolling another class as a new main. They should probably just sell class change tokens on the game shop for when your main class gets ruined.


It’s not about you, it’s about everyone who has been playing MM with a pet for up to 20 years…

And SV uses a pet, because it is a hunter…


Before I discovered Range SV back in Wrath, I couldn’t find a main. I fell in love with ranged SV the moment I tried it. I found a home.

Then they removed ranged SV. I tried, and failed, to find a new main. Nothing clicked, so I quit for three years.

When I returned, they had finally improved MM enough to make it a decent replacement for Ranged SV, and I found a home again.

Now, the whole scenario is on the verge of repeating.

So, no. People won’t necessarily find a new main.

I love this game. When I don’t play WoW, I don’t play any game at all. I really don’t want to lose it again.


Blizzard adds OP Passive ability Lone Wolf, every marksmen uses it making the pet useless so no one uses them. Blizzard with their infinite wisdom and analytics sees marksmen pet usage at all time low. Decide to remove pets.

Maybe fix the underlying reason instead?

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