Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Then you don’t have any understanding of the game outside of solo content.

They still have to tune and balance it.

Endgame content is where balance is focused on. If you choose to not do endgame content the. You don’t really have a valid point.

You didn’t but that isn’t how communications works all the time. You either misunderstood what I said since its text or are trying to get your own little cutise “gotcha” moment.

LW has been a thing but if there is an option to avoid it, then it isn’t the only thing. Thus my statment of I feel they’re going forward with LW and not backing down this time.

That a bit more clear for you there champ?

Don’t feed him he got some issues…


Yeah fair enough.
I mean, they’re literally adding a forced pet at the cost of removing your own. They could accomplish the same thing without moving all this hoopla around and taking player’s freedoms away.

Dumb decision.

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Its the same as frost mages and their water elemental… these threads are dozens of posts from a dozen people annoyed that they are gonna get wrecked by world rares…

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What I said is that lone wolf has been the default balance point and focus of the spec since legion.

You countered with

Which is literally irrelevant and not a valid point.

Would you care to try again?

The option to avoid it wasn’t always there. In legion LW wasn’t an option.

On top of that having the option to use a pet still doesn’t change the fact that the main balance point has always been with using lone wolf.

The only thing clear is you lack basic understanding of hunters and marks in general.

I don’t have any issues. You just can’t refute facts rofl.

It’s not an actual pet. It’s going to be the same thing as sentinel owl currently is.

It’s actually a great decision because it’s been required my actual MM hunters for years and fixes a big issue they have in pve

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Is that why people who like lone wolf are always crying about needing to use a pet? Because Blizzard designed the spec around not having a pet?

The issues having to summon the pet to use its utility and then having to dismiss the pet during gameplay.

That’s why it’s being changed.


oh boy you sure triggered him.

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You know what’s crazy. Those abilities work without a pet in the change. So why couldn’t they work that way as LW?

I don’t get triggered over the forums but nice try at being relevant :slight_smile:

The change is making the LW playstyle permanent

So they are working with LW.


That had nothing to do with what I asked.

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Hmm No, you said its been a thing since Legion making some assumptions that I didn’t know, which is why I said:

I know its been a thing, but it also so been an option. It does make it a valid point because that this entire thread is talking about not removing it. You interjected yourself into a conversation I was having with someone else, which is fine because it is an open forum here but you started having a different conversation thinking you’re going to school somebody and it just makes you look silly.

I don’t have enough crayons or construction paper sorry.

Yes, and adding an option to avoid it is what at times people call backing down. You’re getting there, we’re on the same page you’re just trying to pick a fight for some reason.

Yeah you’re probably right but at least I’m not going around picking a fight because I misunderstood what someone was saying instead of getting a slight bit of clarification because clearly context clues wasn’t taught to you growing up.

You have a good day now.


Some people in this thread: “They can’t take away a fantasy from hunter!”
Same people in this thread: “MM has too much ranged weapon fantasy, it should be toned down.”

All this just to make it Beast Master lite. Go play Beast Master for your “some ranged with pet” fantasy. Let the only full ranged weapon spec in the entire game bask in its niche.

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Pretty much… its kept just for bloodlust then is dismissed. Outside of pvp where MM is kept weak because of it…

You know this though its been explained at length, You just enjoy stirring the pot.

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Because what you asked was stupid

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