Yeah, a marksman…with a pet, named Hunter, we know.
Its the reality.
We arent playing the same game. I am playing the game where balance matters, you are not. You arent playing where having to summon/cast lust/dismiss is a problem for you.
So no we arent playing the same game
MM hasnt been based around having a pet since Legion
Actually it does as has been explained multiple times
My MM hunter(s) always use their pets. Doing everything from wandering around town to dungeons. I don’t pvp and I don’t min/max. I am a hunter with a single chosen pet, 100% of the time.
Its not the toon your posting with that still has level 70 gear on it is it…?
I don’t think you play it much tbh
Anyone else remember back in the day when Blizz would ask themselves things like “is this fun?” I find myself asking a related question on this change: who is this fun for?
Is it fun for me, a person who created their Hunter in Wrath and has mostly used the same pet since? Is the funnest part of this change being forced into one of two specs I don’t enjoy playing? Or is the fun part being forced to put aside a pet I’ve had for 15 years in favor of some random bird? Maybe the fun part is looking at the challenge pets I got in Cata & MoP and realizing that I don’t get to play with them ever again in MM spec?
Is it fun for non-hunters who now get to see all MM hunters using the same likely-unnameable Eagle, no matter their race? How exciting it will be to see Humans, Orcs, Void Elves, Tauren, and Draenei using the same boring flying pet we didn’t get to choose! Or maybe they’ll make a custom one for each race, which will then prevent new races from getting hunters due to art asset requirements. After all, that’s the reason they gave for why Paladin races haven’t been expanded to this point.
Maybe the fun is suppose to be the RNG of our new bland bird, since the post seems to mention that the most frequent use for the eagle (“Spotter’s Mark”) involves an ability giving the eagle “a chance to descend from the skies and mark your target.” That means the most frequent reason I’d want to see my new forced-on-me feather friend would be an RNG proc from a different ability that may or may not show up. Going from a pet I chose with abilities I control to a random pet I didn’t get to chose who uses their primary ability when I hit the proverbial slot machine jackpot sounds…more irritating than anything else.
I’m struggling to see why removing player chosen pets in favor of some anonymous avian attacker is fun, but maybe I’m missing something. So…why is this fun again? And who is this change actually fun for?
While yes, I do not play beyond heroics at best on my alt Hunter. You do have me at that. It in no way invalidates my opinions or feedback. I play this game just as much as you do, just not to the level you do.
But it seems like the better answer, than straight up removing the customization and pet option to players is to fix what was driving the requirement for you to min/max like that by having to Summon your pet to cast lust, to immediately dismiss it.
As Lone Wolf was originally intended to only offset the DPS lost by a hunter for not having a pet, Mayhaps they should go back to that originality behind the Lone Wolf aspect. Potentially changing how Hunters get a lust to being a straight class ability. Mayhaps rework it to be exactly how Intimidation works without a pet.
You can have an opinion, you just dont have any credbility.
Its being removed because the specs core design has been petless since Legion.
The other reason is for balancing reasons. Its easier to make a spec viable when you arent juggiling between LW and non LW.
Incorrect. Lonewolf was deisgned to be the default talent.
They could just keep it a talent but my MM hasn’t used a pet at all since day one so this change does nothing bad for them. My beast master would be more steamed if they tried taking their pets from them than my MM hunter ever would
This is probably just sour grapes on my part due to irritation on Blizz replacing my long held pets with a bird that doesn’t fit the fantasy at all for me…but I could actually see Blizz trying that at some point.
That would be crazy, right? Perhaps, but follow me for a moment. As part of the Pack Hunter discussion, they mention Rexxar & how he’s closest to Survival. Given their seeming interest in taking the player choice option away from MM hunters, it doesn’t seem like it would be much of a stretch to do something similar to Surv hunters & give them a Bear to start with alongside a similar talent build up to what they’re forcing upon MM hunters.
But we’re talking Beast Master…surely that’s too far, right? Not necessarily. If they’ve already taken away player choice in pets from all but one spec, all it would take then is a rework of BM to be more of a “Master of All Beasts” spec, similar to how Demo Warlocks control all types of demons. Then you give them two starting pets with a similar rollout of skills as the Eagle & Bear have. As far as Beast Mastery skills otherwise, their other abilities tie into pets being called. Think about things like Stampede, but across a variety of abilities.
That does lead into a question…why do this? Players enjoy choice, don’t they? Well…sure they do, but that choice costs Blizzard money & time. Just think of how many database entries have to be in effect for each hunter to store what pets they have & their names. Plus there are balancing issues when you have a variety of usable pets with a variety of abilities…not to mention the time it likely takes to add & balance new hunter pet families each expansion.
Will this happen? Probably not…but it’s certainly not impossible, especially given the potential benefits homogenizing the pet system could bring Blizz.
Its just… this comes across as absurd.
Its to the point im unsure if you mean it as a parody. Its a argument for such a minority of a minority im not even sure how to address it. If you take away pvpers who use pets for defensives the amount of MM hunters not running lonewolf is likely below a single percent.
This is a tempest in a teacup.
If they altered Hunters that majorly they’d probably kill the class entirely for some folk as in my Beast master’s case their pets are dear to them, perhaps as dear to them as Rexxar’s are to him so to take them away entirely or alter it too much would lose them more than they’d gain. I mean it took them a bit to let Beast masters get Hati back and then they went and incorporated Hati and Fenrir into a hunter talent but thankfully didn’t take the wolves from us again but…yeah it’d be a bad move to strip classes of their class fantasy. I mean if they wanna make it a choice talent then fine but I for one am beyond sick of them drastically altering things from how players enjoyed them for years like how they screwed with the lore in a big way back in Shadowlands
I’m going to wait for blizzard to go after your class main watch them do needless changes. Then when your upset and fuming with smoke coming out of your ears we can just shrug and tell you it’s no big deal like your doing here.
It is hunter atm…so I don’t know?
I pvp at a pretty high level on a war and dh to. Plan to do a lock but my next month is super packed
Seems overblown. Not having a pet has been a much bigger part of MM’s class fantasy relative to other specs than the inverse. It’s defining feature vs BM was “pet doing the work vs hunter doing the work”.
Focusing more on the sharpshooter aspect by giving it a bestial spotter and tying the utility that is on the pet (which creates some super annoying in-game interactions) and giving it directly to the Hunter themselves seems like a win in my books.
If you wanna play a Hunter and have a pet fantasy, why not just play BM instead of playing MM suboptimally.
Because Beast Mastery forces you to use 2 pets on top of a bunch of extra random pets thrown in from various spells. Beast Mastery is a bit too over the top with the number of animals you summon in my opinion. I feel the same way about Demonology Warlock.
Marksmanship using a bow and arrow (or gun) and one animal companion was a sweet spot fantasy for many players which is now being taken away. The original vanilla WoW cinematic had a Dwarf and a bear. Being able to use one specific pet instead of 2+ many more makes it feel like a more personal experience between the Hunter and their chosen pet. As well as the elephant in the room reason that maybe these people just like the playstyle of Marksmanship’s gameplay more than Beast Mastery but still want to keep the pet.
But of course, I’m just in the “weirdo camp” that plays a fantasy game with a fantasy in mind instead of treating the game like a mythic plus random numbers generator slot machine like you’re “supposed” to. WoW has really lost the magic for so many people.
This reworks is bad on so many levels,
why touch something that is perfect and working.
Add 4th spec if you so want to.
The worst part about this that its so bad, the idea the rework.
Its all over “you think you do but you dont” thng channeled by devs.
And MM is more or less the complete opposite. You’ve got one pet that is detrimental to actually use in combat outside utility which creates a clunky gameplay loop of resummoning and dismissing the pet.
Pet class fantasy doesn’t really exist when your pet doesn’t do anything.
It also had a Tauren using a totem which notably wasn’t a thing Taurens could use in WoW.
The easy solution for this is simply a glyph that changes your Eagle into a pet from your stable.
Yes, yes, M+ bad.
If you wanna play a game that never changes, there’s like 10 versions of classic for you.
So is your pet.