A game can be balanced and flavorful, the two things are not exclusive. If you want pets play BM or Survival, let Hunters have one spec that doesn’t revolve around them
I’m sure that has nothing at all to do with everyone and their mother copy and pasting WoWhead builds into their talent tree.
Or, better yet, let people keep their preferred playstyle and have the choice.
They do. If you want pets play BM or Survival
What about the people who have been forced to play the playstyle they don’t like MM having forever now in PvP for instance?
You’re confused. Lonewolf has been the default the spec has been designed around and it was optional for people who wanted pets.
You’re confusing the majority not using the pet.
You’re a minority. No one uses the pet outside of world content or needing lust.
Sure that circles back to supporting your idea players care deeply about pet class fantasy somehow too right?
It goes both ways, yeah, and Blizzard has always been terrible with balancing.
Are you saying that just because some people don’t care either way, or are meta chasers, that the ones who like having a pet are just irrelevant completely?
how long after the patch do you think it’ll take before we have an addon that hides the Eagle?
Yes, when it comes to designing specs you entirely are. Same with how the frost elemental rework happened.
Your weird rp doesn’t give you leave to mess up a spec when you are a minority of a minority.
You say the majority of retail isn’t sweaty elitists, but when most MM hunters aren’t using the pet it’s indicative of either 1. People don’t like the pets on MM, or 2. People are using Lonewolf despite not being sweats.
The latter contradicts your statement.
How is it weird to want to play a class that has always given people the option to use a pet, the option to use a pet?
You dodged my points… sure your not playing rogue?
When it comes balancing decisions yes.
When you do irrelevant content your opinion is lowest on the totem poll.
I never got the option to not use a pet on MM for PvP, what about the PvP players who love MM but don’t want to use a pet but have to, to even have a chance.
That’s all he ever does. He can’t refute or back up any statements he makes. And when you show how out of touch he is he just blocks you.
Pretty sad we came to a place where the masses are actively advocating for big daddy to take away, while licking their boots and saying thank you. Rather than actually coming up with a creative and intuitive solution for both camps (pet likers and pet haters).
Was there a point to that passive aggressive speel?
Are you whining about them not being creative while rehauling a whole spec?
You’re delulu dude.
Blizz is experimenting an update to the pet control system to find a future compromise for those who want pets and those who don’t on the spec. But you’re so tilted at this point you’re calling people who are bringing up valid points boot lickers. LOL
I’m sure if you give Blizz time, they’ll implement glyphs or some other system to change the eagle to another beast or even maybe stable pets.
Be patient.