Do you have anything else to say about the game or just me lol
I had plenty else to say, it’s just that this individual named Oniana would rather attack me over daring to respond to something they said instead of actually bothering to counter any of my arguments.
Lol nothing to say again.
I’ve said plenty, it’s just that Oniana would rather resort to personal attacks or condescending remarks instead of making any attempt at actual discussion. I’ve also stopped directly responding to them since direct responses seem to anger them even more.
No it doesn’t. The solo players that are the ones complaining about a pet are the minority.
Changing mastery isn’t a spec rework.
Actually that’s not what I said.
I specifically stated that yes BM aoe needed addressing but that it wasn’t as bad as people were pretending it was. If people were doing tank levels of dos it was a skill issue.
Just like you clearly have a reading issue.
This is what confuses me most.
If there is only one correct build (which is fact),
why then blizzard just does not remove talent tree.
Because picking wrong or suboptimal talents results in severe DPS loss.
I mean because its not a competition for everyone? Let the meta chasers play their game and everyone else play how they want.
And it’s not like using a pet is “suboptimal” for everybody either. It’s suboptimal for group content, but that’s mainly because Blizzard keeps forgetting about pets when designing dungeons and raids. But it’s more optimal for solo content since having a pocket tank allows you to do far more than you could solo. Sure, kiting exists, but having a pet is simply better and gives you a much better tool to work with. Even with mobs that can kill my pet, I can still ping pong them around as long as they don’t have too many ranged attacks.
Over time they do, do that, they also change stuff from patch to patch and xpac to xpac, it’s why they put everything you supposedly need at the top of the tree and you have to pick it before you can actually move down to something you want to pick like actually pick it’s literally locked that way even with a certain amount of points required especially in the spec specific trees.
Like for example you can’t avoid taking eye beam in the Havoc Demon Hunter tree because it’s the first one you have to pick.
To some degree, but nah. You would think they use data, but they didn’t reference said data really. They just said it’s a direction THEY want to take it, that’s it. I can see why a lot of the companies newer games seem to flop so badly.
Would ask you to cite this but it’s clear you’re an alt of someone that shuffled over to classic alt.
Yeah I’m sure that recorded kill from your POV is around and impressive, right?
Doesn’t seem to be, no. If there was, it would show on any recent season but it doesn’t, which has a certain suggestion.
Yes, you made a lot of claims actually. A fact though, is that you consistently lie.
I am imagining that meme with an angry person crying with a mask on is you rn.
I just don’t get why they can’t make it optional like Lone Wolf was optional (although optimum) for years. Just add an ability to Lust without summoning a pet, and let people who want to keep their old pets alone… or… give them an option to replace the “eagle” with one of their pets of their choosing.
Ok, time to try and put this reasoning to bed, yes Blizzard has the data, but there are a few things:
- people can take Lone wolf for group content and not take it for world/solo content
- people can take lone wolf for all content but decide to eat the lesser DPS for solo/world content
- The main pain point of Lone Wolf is in group content the hunter might be the only one that can lust, and if they are MM, they have to sacrifise the DPS, in content that is always about maximizing personal DPS as well as group DPS, to provide it.
I once said the Delve spec I got from WoW head lacks the CC abilities of binding shot and the eexplosive/implosive trap options, know what other talent it does not have? Lone Wolf
No, you are just ignoring the idea that there are those MM hunters that want the option to use as much of the Hunter tool kit as they can, your entire argument is becoming more and more “only BM should have access to al possible hunter utility for both group and solo content”.
The talent provides a boost for running without a pet, but ones like you seem to think that means that those that take it and use a pet in world/solo content but go pet less in group content are wrong.
And they really could have just done 1 thing, reduce the MM pet to a pocket tank, like a warlock’s void walker and make Lone Wolf act like Grimoire of Sacrifice in the way it gives the pet utility to the player.
Blizzard is ignoring it. At this point it’s irrelevant. It’s not how they intend the spec to work. Maybe it will work out maybe it won’t anything else is speculation.
The comment about BM utility is nothing I said whatsoever. There are three specs. Each one has a little bit different to it. That’s just the modern game.
Because you are too stubborn to see how things you say can be implied: BM has the same access to the tools you are telling MM to use in order to kite; Binding shot, traps, bursting shot, etc. Yet you, and others, have said “if you want a pocket tank pet, swap to BM”. If MM is losing the pet, maybe BM should lose the traps and shot based CC (Binding arrow, bursting shot, etc)
Yes, there are 3 specs, but all 3 specs are hunter so all should have the most basic aspects of all the tools, the pet for MM does not need to be fancy or have a lot of utility/abilities it just needs to be able to do 1 thing, keep mobs off of us.
With this in mind, the “if you want x, swap to y or z” starts to come across as:
if you want access to all the hunter tools and be ranged, go BM
If you want access to all hunter tools but be in melee, go survival
if you want to gimp your access to hunter tools, go MM
Not my argument whatsoever. The fact remains people are playing MM today without a pet and getting by just fine, most will get by just fine and even better after the focus is fully on ranged damage.
This is the reality the pet is going away and it will only be back to MM if the implementation isn’t a success. I am hoping it will be. We don’t even have the PTR yet to see what it’s like.
You just keep proving the following
Yeah, because the option is there, there are also people that play MM with a pet in certain content, and do just fine as well
So, eliminate the ability for MM to do content soloo unless they are able to kite, got it
The only reason to hope for such, in the current iteration, is so you can look down on those that don’t play the way you do.
Correct, but that is why topics like this exist so any changes to it that some of us want have a chance to get into the PTR at some point instead of wafting for the PTR, suggesting the same changes but not getting them possibly till next major patch, next expansion or even later.
Blah blah blah, more attempts to make the discussion about me and not the facts at hand. It has been stated over and over that the “option” is not working and they are changing it.
No, the only reason to hope for such is so that there is a focused ranged spec that has 0 development allocation toward a possible pet being in play.
And that’s exactly what is coming. Deal with it. Or don’t idk.
Facts are all well and good, but you can state facts withotu nbeing dismissive or rude to others,
And if you had been paying attention, at least I have stated ONE LAST CHANGE to MM pets that would make this the case: Turn MM pets into something similar to a shaman’s earth elemental or warlock’s void walker.
There, the pet is a non factor in group content, needs no more development allocation time, MM gets the ranged focus it realy should have, and those of us that want to keep the pet as a pocket tank, without having to change specs, get it.
There are some ideas being floated in these topics that ignoring them just to post facts and “wait for the PTR” just smacks of "don’t worry about it now, wait till it is potentially too late for any ychanges to make it to live this cycle:.
There are multiple. Builds change based on first hero talents. Then there is minor customization for min/maxing.
Correct word is “suboptimal”. “Wrong” is just wrong.
Suboptimal talents can beat meta if the suboptimal person is more comfortable and confident than the meta user.
Same with gs. You have a higher chance of doing better, but if you aren’t playing optimally. Gs and meta do not mean much.
Pretty massive misconception.
Like running with a pet in world or solo content while also taking Lone Wolf (guilty) is suboptimal, but some are indeed more comfortable having a pet if there is not at least a 2nd player with them.