Please don’t remove Hunter pets

I don’t think its a compromise at all. Its pretty clear they want dmg windows like frost mages have via water elementals

I don’t know why you keep saying this. It’s not that bad. Plus the pet controls have been iterated on and streamlined on many occasions since Classic WoW. What a weird hill to keep trying to die on.


Not ignoring the players, I’ve already accepted the eagle compromise, if it was up to me MM wouldn’t even have the eagle. But here we are, play BM if you want pets and it’s the core identity you think MM needs to have.

I want a parrot

Having to make a clutter of macros, bloating keybinds to control on a basic level, and then defending that is hilarious. Pet pathing is horrid, pet AI is horrid, and the reaction time on pets is horrid, half the time you can spam pet follow, and it blatantly just doesn’t even respond for a solid 2-4 gcds.

I feel we have evolved you know, the birds have not. They still do what birds do, fake stuff. Being government drones and all.

We hunt them ya know. Now a raven or something would be cool, a vulture does what a vulture does. Prey on already dead things. Not a threat.

BM already had a pet master fantasy when they were the only spec able to tame “exotic” beasts. Marksmanship could only ever tame normal beasts. That was the delineation between the two specs.

Now I guess it’s PETS VS NO PETS for you people point blank.


It’s hunter or gunmen, that’s their choice.

I think they should do something like they did with locks. You can dismiss for a bit of a dps gain but use them if you want in world content.

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I don’t play MM, but I personally don’t like the idea of removing playstyle options.


MM has an eagle pet, I’m sure they’ll implement more beast skins for it.
I bring up BM because you people think the pet is a core feature of MM but it’s not, pet’s don’t see the light of day outside of lusting or doing PvP. And PvP’ers don’t even want their pet for MM, we’d prefer to just have control over the utility ourselves instead of it being tied to the pet.

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Having several MM hunters I do not want it to be a petless spec. I like the Lone Wolf concept and mechanic but I have my pets and play a hunter for a reason. I do not see why this “eagle” thing couldn’t just be my pet coming out of the stable and doing the ability in question and then returning to the stable.

I’m not playing Falconers on any of my MM’s…


I agree 100% OP.

I read the patch notes and their reasoning is ridiculous. "we are looking to reimagine Marksmanship’s Sharpshooter fantasy " they say. According to who? Whose fantasy are we considering here, the fantasy of the developers or the player’s fantasy? And anyhow, what percentage of a player’s time is spent imagining their character’s personal fantasy and acting on that? Sure, RP players may but I suspect the much larger percentage of hunters are not doing RP when they are playing their hunter.

Shouldn’t the devs be concerned about what the players enjoy about the character and allow them the choice of turning off their pets for one style of play and making use of them for another? They gave us specs to give us choice, and then they limit a big part of a specs design because they they think its the ‘fantasy’ we all want.

If I wanted an eagle I’d tame an eagle. It isn’t a pet if I don’t tame it or somehow otherwise win it. The eagle thing is simply another spell/ability mogged up to make hunters think they are still hunters.


So play Survival then. It isn’t tied to exotic pets

Or, as I suggested earlier, hopefully they give BM the ability to make any pet “exotic” along with the ability to change all pet specs so that they aren’t shackled to exotic families for optimal play

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But it is because pets are a core feature of the Hunter class on the whole. That’s the issue here. People are tired of each spec being treated like their own little island. It’s a whole class for a reason.

Blizzard could have improved the functionality of Lone Wolf, but instead, they wiped the slate clean, pulled the tablecloth off the table with all the dishes and they shattered all over the floor, and told us “no pets! enjoy your AFK bird”. It feels lazy to not fix something that was already working fine, and just needed improvements.


We had the ability to change our pets’ specs. They removed it and it was one of the dumbest decisions they’ve ever made.


You really have no idea what you’re talking about. Lone wolf was added in legion because of the class phantasy of MM being a lone shooter.

It’s been the focus since legion.

Being 100% pet less has been one of the main requests of non hunters for years.

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Yes, and they’re giving you that ability back in 11.1 along with the MM change

Like I said above, It’ll take years before MM will see any kind of improvements to this “Here’s an Eagle” thing MM is receiving, including further customization’s. It took, what, nearly 18 years just for Warlocks to get Customization’s on their original Minions.

It would be much better off if they just made the Class, the entire class, work with pets as the classes fantasy since Launch has been about. And if you don’t like Pets, then maybe the Hunter class isn’t for you. And again, Maybe, instead of doing this, they should just make another class entirely for those who like the ranged arrow/gun class fantasy without pets.


MM Hunters have been Lone Wolves for more time than not at this point. The option was added in WoD, and requested by players since st least Cataclysm. There was even one expansion (Legion) in which they lost pets completely.

This update is Blizzard finally embracing MM’s identity completely. I’m sorry for those that liked a pet, but they can still have that as BM, especially now that BM can talent into focusing on a single pet rather than many companions. The fantasy is still there, just not included for the sharpshooter spec.

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