Please don’t remove Hunter pets


Yet even in LFR 100% of MM use LW.

MM has so many tools it doesn’t need any thing else for solo play.

I suggest opening your spell book and just looking at your abilities.

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I should do the ptr this time just to find out and give my opinions on the hunter then.
My MM hunter isn’t going down quietly.


That would require him to list any proof.


Enjoy your most recent L

raises hand
I am a casual, and you bet I will quit over this.


From how I play mage, I always found frost better for solo and leveling in recent years. I love arcane but couldn’t make it work anymore solo content.
So I’ve been wondering if they’re sticking MM hunter into a role where it can’t be used as effectively in solo anymore.

Well it’s happening

I really don’t like using the term ‘casual’, it’s used so often to denigrate.
And as many hours as I play this game I don’t think that should be classified as casual at all. lol
But I’ll do LFR once and awhile, or grouping for world content. I used to do more but it was with family and now none of them play.
So I will def not quit, I find the game much too fun but it’s also important to me. And I’m not going to sit back and be quiet on this.


You claim my “defense is weak”, but yours is “reeee is their game!1!!1”? how ironic

Its “their game” but we pay it, we play it,

And in this case is, because what was always this way is simple the core mechanic and fantasy of the hunter class

And, most important, there is no reason to remove it whatsoever when its a feature majority like it, to a point that they tried to remove twice and failed twice.

Why not? they flat out said they are using RP to justify the change, by saying they want to change the spec fantasy, its on the blue post nothing there say they did because they think is hard to code, you made this up.

Because that isnt an opinion, it is a fact.

There are subjective and objective things, not everything is a big pile of “i think” or i “fel”.

Yeah, again, they tried this twice and failed twice.

You literally quote the post where i gave reasons → the only issue that warranted the change can be done without removing the pet - just like grimoire of sacrifice work for warlocks - and both parties are happy.

Here’s what Blizzard should do. Delete Lone Wolf. Clearly this ability has done nothing but breed toxicity over people who hate pets and don’t want to reroll to any of the petless classes (the same thing they’re telling us to do over this change).

Increase MM pet speed by 100%, give MM Pets a charge ability on a short cooldown. Give MM Pets an AOE attack that gets a boost from Hunter AOE abilities. Increase MM Pet damage by 50%. Make Growl work in dungeons/raids again, but make it reduce damage dealt by the target if it doesn’t get aggro.

The people who want to be petless were thrown a bone with Lone Wolf and it’s clear that we should ditch them entirely for a much more better class fantasy with the Hunter and their lone companion against the world.


Indeed, if they dont like there is plenty of classes without pet /s


Today, I learned about equine therapy.

Where’s my emotional support horse at?

I require one. I have apples, carrots, and sugar cubes to give.

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Give me a ranged version of Rogue or Warrior then, and sure.

Both historically had ranged weapon options anyways

For me it is clear that those that want to be petless were thrown a bone with lone wolf, and tohers of us took on the pet is our party stance, if not in a group, the pet serves as our duo member, if in one, we don’t have a pet out. However, there are those that want to be petless that think we should not be thrown a bone like they were.

Some of us are not asking for much, just to be thrown a bone that fits our style like they got one that fit theirs. For me, it is not just about Blizzard any more, it is about how players treat each other, and create animosity in the community becaue of attitues of “this is how I want it, too bad so sad if it is not what you want, you are just bad and should play like I do”.

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To be clear, I’m not 100% serious here. Just annoyed at all the people who keep telling pro-pet people to shut up or to stop being bad or change spec/class.

I’m not saying everyone who is pro-petless is bad, but the ones who are bad are extremely obnoxious about it. So I’m offering my counter-suggestion that eliminates what they want.

Then maybe Blizzard can finally get off their butts and make a proper petless class.


I figured. You’ve been pretty consistent on the same end result as me: this change to eliminate player choice from the spec is a bad choice.

I’m fully no-pet, for me. If others in MM want to use pets, then they should be able to. Player choice and agency is a big deal, especially in a game that sells itself as offering a wide array.


And if you read on, you will find that I did take your demographic into account. You are not the casual this is referring to. Please stop cherry picking words and deliberately take things out of context.

The thing is, the kind of people you are talking about are the ones that seem to be unable to comprehend the “if the tables were switched and it was you wanting your way to play to remain and ours to get the things it is getting, would you appreciate being told that your way was not “proper” or that you were “bad” for wanting to play a different way?”

Not all of the anti-pet side is like this, but the number that are is non-zero, and a LOUD minority if nothing else.

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No thank you, I look forward to testing the new Marks.

./skips away tossing cherry blossom petals

You did indeed, call out my demographic.

I play multiple alts, and do only dungeons and delves. I don’t step into mythics or raiding beyond the odd lfr when I am bored AF. I fit your ‘casual’ demographic more than anything else.