But its also one thing to talk about ideas and stuff. Its another to demand change, and spamming and call it feedback.
And its also okay to disagree. If I tell you I don’t agree. Its fine. You don’t need it. That is my opinion and it doesn’t affect you.
Some of us are also not being dismiss by telling you to play another spec. Its blunt. There is a 99.9% chance this is happening. So instead of beating around the bush, I’ll tell you go bm if you want that playstyle.
Why? Because its what is available. Its not telling you to shut up. Its giving you what is available because what you want is more than likely not happening.
But because people read or apply their own perception. It comes off as an attack from assuming context.
Granted some are being hostile, but I know myself. Telling you to play bm or surv isn’t telling you to shut up and go away.
This is another “two sides of the same coin”. Many are being sore losers about this.
Realistic is “its happening, we have to adjust and cope while they iron things out” but the kind of thing that breads the back and forth, sometimes with the aid of perception is those that are being hostile
Some might only be sore losers because of the sore winners, just something to keep in mind that sometimes one breeds the others (so sore losers can breed sore winners as well(.
dude I wasn’t even talking to you when I was into it with antiman and you decided to reply to me. and now you’ve been focused on trying to make the convo about me. get over it.
You are wrong. I have Mained a MM Hunter since BC, and I ALWAYS use my pet. Perhaps those of you who speed through everything and then complain about having nothing to do have abandoned your pets, but the rest of us sure as hell have NOT.
And you could have broken the chain by not replying to me. But you did it again, and so here we are yet again, with you being angry at me for daring to speak to you on an open forum. Because apparently you’re just too special to allow random people to talk to you, only the people you arbitrarily designate are allowed to reply to you.
Oh, sorry.
I saw you quoted someone else who seemed to be saying something to me (I have them on ignore) as if he thought he was making any sense.
The person I was answering was just wondering if MM was going to have more mobility.
It’s hilarious seeing Snozay say “prove it” when he’ll just ignore whatever proof you do provide while claiming to have superior proof that he’ll never show you.
It’s a good reason why we should be saying something to them then. The mythic/raiders already seem to have been heard and listened to.
But we haven’t been asked even.
The Raiders/Mythic people WILL quit a spec if they find it bad or inefficient. To them, it’s all about numbers. If Blizz requires that they wear a fish to get an extra 1% damage then you can bet that there will be people wearing fish in a Raid.
On the other hand, the casuals, who are playing 10 alts and dabble in dungeons and delves. If this spec gets ruined for them, you cannot really tell me they will quit. They are playing casually, BY DEFINITION, they will amble along and keep playing.
The biggest losers in this will be those who love and main only their MM and really do care about the pet. Those people will completely lose out. And that is really a shame for them. No sarcasm.
As I said previously, consider this 2024 MM dead. 20 years and now gone. That spec dies in the next patch. The NEW 2025 MM looks like this. The fact that they are both called MM is purely coincidental.
At this point, all I want is to know what htey are doing to give MM more solo capability to use without the pocket tank.
I also play frost mage, and most of the damage abilities on them have a baked in slow or root, so like if aimed shot is going to be key, why could it not be aimed at a limb to slow a mob down, or arcane shot causing the blind effect?