I"m all for the Glyph. They’ll need a very very flexible Glyph tho. Something that allows for multiple choices. Otherwise it’ll just be one or two and that can get just as bland.
Kiting has been severely neutered since the early days thanks to most stuff resetting if pulled too far away.
and the fact a lot of MM skills, or at least the hardest hitting ones turn us more into a turret now.
someone doesnt know what joking is!
The Anti Pet side has come up with MANY reasons why they either like, or think its good, or why they think its needed. All of them have been dismissed by the Pro Pet as essentially “dirty raiders”. That’s it. That is the entire core of the Pro Pet counter argument.
Seriously? That’s what you’re going to boil it down to? That’s disappointing from someone I thought was making some actual good arguments.
I have no issues outside of immunity with curse of exhaustion so.
Difference between you and me is I’d at least research something before I said it but I’ll do it for you and say that since I’m a Destruction Warlock it should be in the Affliction Warlock tree so I’d have to switch which I would because I wanna be able to play solo Warlock without a pet while having spell lock and having a damage buff and I’d do it without complaining nonstop like people here are doing nonstop.
OK, NOW we are having a conversation. Those are ALL valid points and reasons.
The replacement of Pet utility is still a big ambigous blank spot. The new MM toolkit could have stuff that allows us to solo. Root/Snare instead of tank. Still agree that the loss of personal tank is going to hurt.
Now, they screw it up and make the MM completely unable to solo stuff then you all will be justified in being up in arms. Frankly I give it a 50/50 chance this happens.
The trouble (for you) of course is that this will have zero effect in Group Content. So it will break down to how much catering to the new Solo centric paradigm MMOs are now embracing.
Difference between you and me is I’d at least research something before I said it but I’ll do it for you and say that since I’m a Destruction Warlock it should be in the Affliction Warlock tree so I’d have to switch which I would because I wanna be able to play solo Warlock without a pet while having spell lock and having a damage buff and I’d do it without complaining nonstop like people here are doing nonstop.
And this, is why I absolutely dislike higher end game content. Because players who partake in it routinely ask for class abilities/specs/items to be removed because its a “slight inconvenience” on their DPS.
Removing Warlocks Minions from any spec, is a no go option for me. They’ve been apart of my character for the last 17 years. While you may not care, and applaud “Yeah remove it! Gimme that dps.”
I would say that a lot of others, would not. Just like removing pets from MM is causing an uproar, the mere fact that this thread alone has hit over 3.6k responses is testament evidence to that and the multitude of other topics around this very same subject. And Not including the same 6 year old argument that occurred the last time they attempted to remove pets from the MM spec.
History is most likely repeating itself because the people who attempted it last time no longer work on the hunter class or no longer work for Blizzard.
And lets be honest, even if they do push this change thru… It’s probably going to be just like DK’s were… So overpowered that players will flock to it causing a confirmation bias on Blizzards end.
Of course, anything worth doing right is worth going the extra mile. But they have decided they ARENT going the extra mile. That pretty much ends that line of argument. People going on about “it’s not that hard” can keep saying that. But it’s also not their call. It’s Blizzard’s.
Removing Warlocks Minions from any spec, is a no go option for me. They’ve been apart of my character for the last 17 years. While you may not care, and applaud “Yeah remove it! Gimme that dps.”
Funny, I have played since BC and I love the succubus, shivarra and incubus minions but in every type of content I am forced to use the felhunter for the interrupt so I see it as pointless to have them because the other ones don’t fill that niche much, maybe I’d be more on board if I could have kept my spell lock in my general Warlock talent tree and use my preferred minion but the way it is it’s not like that so.
The trouble (for you) of course is that this will have zero effect in Group Content.
The main issue is group content and solo content don’t exist in a vacuum, though in essence they are very different games or situations, what is needed for one is not in the other and what is not needed in one is in the other.
The fact is, the easiest fix, comes down to the talent tree, they can put in talents that are obviously for x content but not y or z content in for those that want a load out that uses them, and other loadouts for y and z content.
Let me put it this way: if there was a talent that let us have a very basic pet, of our choice (stable collection) a lot of MM hunters would likley take that for solo content, but have builds without it for PvP, M+ and raid. More so if all the utility the pet once provided is now part of the hunter’s base (or cookie cutter) abilities.
Well, really, it’s only 1 skill. Though your point is still valid since that one skill is something Blizz has said they are really going to emphasise. My Rapid Fire playstyle will just have to adapt again.
The Anti Pet side has come up with MANY reasons why they either like, or think its good, or why they think its needed. All of them have been dismissed by the Pro Pet as essentially “dirty raiders”. That’s it. That is the entire core of the Pro Pet counter argument.
I don’t play MM with a pet. I like to imagine it more as a gunner/sniper but they already kinda ruined it when they forced 2 elf hero trees. Now they are forcing an eagle when they could have just made Lone Wolf versions of the pet utility.
Now, if LW is no longer a tradeoff and someone wants to willingly deal with pet AI then I don’t really see why leaving the option is a bad thing.
Build the spec around being petless for the people who only want to do group content. Then add an ability called Animal Companion that lets us summon our pet with a percentage DPS loss. It’d be like the opposite of Lone Wolf. The pro-petless people lose nothing and the pro-pet people get to keep their pet.
Funny, I have played since BC and I love the succubus, shivarra and incubus minions but in every type of content I am forced to use the felhunter for the interrupt so I see it as pointless to have them because the other ones don’t fill that niche much, maybe I’d be more on board if I could have kept my spell lock in my general Warlock talent tree and use my preferred minion but the way it is it’s not like that so.
The ability for Warlocks to have the Interrupt spell on within their talent trees never made it to live retail game. It has always been apart of needing a felhunter.
While I can agree, that it would indeed be nice to be able to choose which Minion we had out with us. Mayhaps they can perform something akin to what they’re doing for Hunters by allowwing them to pick which Pet type they want. Perhaps giving our class the option of choosing “You know what, Instead of my Succubus stunning players, I’d prefer the option of them having the interrupt.” Changing out her normal spell of Seduction with a spell named “Fel Whips” that performs the same thing as Spell lock.
Heck, I’d take myself a Succubus that could use the Voidwalkers tanking abilities. Sign me up. Succubus everything please.
LOL yeah. On this we can definitely agree. I don’t really need more mobility. I’ll certainly take it if they offer tho.
Gobbo rocket boots for the win
I never said they needed more mobility, I was answering someone else’s query.
I can CC and Kite, I don’t want this change either. I don’t want the stupid spotting eagle. I don’t care about the pet utility, it’s never been a need for any of the content I do.
I don’t run with a pet, but I have no desire to take pets away from those that do.
It’s more than 1 skill.
If you want to avoid the dumb eagle, you basically cannot play MM at all, because like a virus its infecting everything in the class and makes it all just a fetid mess.
The ironic thing is he says the pro pet side has boiled all reasoning from the anti pet side as “dirty raiders” but the anti pet side has boiled all reasoning from the pro pet side down to:
- “I’ll miss my pet” (for the nicer ones)
or - lol, look at all the baddies complaining about losing their pet