Please don’t remove Hunter pets

You forgot “lmao” at the end of your post to make it valid,
please Snoz, dont lose it.


On my MM hunter i’ve had the same nightsaber pet since we came out of Moonglade and will miss her. The laziest pet ever lol. I prefer the playstyle of MM to BM but i like to have a pet out holding agro for solo content. Yes I use the rest of my tool kit but pet does it best. Since I value the playstyle more than the pet (sorry kitty) I will stick to MM.

That being said Blizz’s “overhauls” get reversed or nerfed almost continuously–my frost dk was great for about two weeks this xpac until they nerf-banished it into oblivion once again. I don’t have a lot of faith in their grand fixes that they undo three weeks later.


If you want or need a pet just swap over to BM real quick.

How are you an MM hunter that is attached to your pet??

Because they had the option to tame then and summon then for 20 years, how you are a RPG player and dont? lol, if you dont know dont say nonsense.

gO pLaY bM hUntEr

You must be very proud for suggesting something no one ever done and no one else considered


Can’t swap in combat smart guy, has anyone ever thought that one time an MM may need a pet is in order to put something else between them and a mob they pulled? or to hold a 2nd + mob they pulled while they deal with another?

Some of us might not be “attached” but an MM hunter with a pet could be:
the trapper that uses their pet as a decoy while they trap/kill the beast they are sent to hunt
the ranger that is no beast master but a friend of the wild none the less, so his “pets” are less pets then animal allies that aid him in his tasks

But, for ones like me, it is more like we are those that like a “hunting party”, it can be our party or raid in group content or just us and our pet of choicefor solo/world content


I"m realiy a one-pet type hunter who never got much into taming exotic pets and like the streamlined style of MM, so very much fit the profile. Plus at times Aimed Shot takes a looong time to get going when Trueshot is on cooldown and have to hardcast, so the pet helps keep the prey busy.

You can’t cast aimed shot on disengage or while moving, which would be a great addition to the MM “overhaul.” I just consider the pet part of the toolkit to be used in world or solo content. Traps are good and all but that friggin eagle better be doing something solid during aimed shots, for real.


Most exotics, or what are considered exotic, are BM anyway. I just got a small collection of pets for various purposes, and because I like the looks of them, I recently just caught both models of the reindeer (normal and red nose) to use for the holiday season, Mainly I stick to my wolf, my lesser dragon, or Somber dawn.


You want two handed Enhancement? Just go play Resto or Elemental, they get staves!

93% of people fail this simple test.


really, I think some would be better served asking what MM uses the pet for, like myself? pocket tank and occasional looting (fetch) it is not a huge source of damage for me, as I don’t have the BM specifics, or if I do they are not part of my rotation (kill command and most pet specific abilities)

I think quite a few of us would be happy if our et, as MM, became like the shaman’s earth ele (temp tank/slight damage boost).

gonna laugh so hard if they reverse this


Hey at least pets were viable for nearly 20 years :joy:
2h enhance lasted all of vanilla, bc, and maaaybe wrath?

Tbh after playing my paladin on siren island. I’m pro deleting pets from all specs now :joy:
I’m trying to tank all the rares and elites for everyone… Every single time… there was always that one hunter that would spin the boss with their pet.

Play something else or learn to deal with the reality of the situation.


2h Enhance also sucks, but it was the first example to jump out for me.

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Some of these people seem kind of mean.
But whatever.

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From what I understand the want to make Aimed shot MM’s main. But I didn’t catch anything about giving MM more mobility.

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I learned in this exact thread yesterday being nice to certain people is overrated because they can’t even be civilized and since most of the same people are in all the Hunter pet threads currently not hard to come to that conclusion overall honestly.


MM is the second most mobile spec in the game. It doesn’t need more mobility rofl.

Daily Reminder: Do not remove pets from MM.



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As far as I am concerned, remove pets from MM for group content, let us keep them for solo content via a talent.

I don’t follow the beast master spec fantasy, but is a “man” and his “dog” going out hunting BM or just hunter in general? Some of the issue I am seeing is Blizzard is trying to make the MM fantasy the archer from a city when MM could be the woodsman who is a crack shot and relies on the pet more for companionship and hunting partner.

To put it another way, MM would be the hunter that kills with his arrow/bullet and has the pet serve as decoy and fetcher where as BM is the one that has the hunter ordering the pet to do the take down and kill.