Possibly because it’s not that easy to tune the class AND keep the pet.
Just like how all these people who keep going on about putting in a 4th spec. How easy do you think it is to code and balance stuff? EVERYBODY who is pro and anti pet are pretty much in agreement that Blizz sometimes just screws up. The more moving parts something has, the harder it is to keep it balanced.
So they made the decision. No pet. It’s just easier. That’s all it breaks down to. If it was a choice between having the class THAT I MAIN having a good retuning or having another buggy piece of crap update then I will take the first. Sure, call Blizzard lazy if you like. But since it’s their ball, it’s also their call.
It is though? make the changes and keep the pet as option.
people will not use pet in high content, like they dont do it anyway
people will use the pet in other content, like they already do anyway
Everyone happy
i dont know, i dont work there, i pay then, rpetty expensive, for then to figure it out, if the current team cant, hire a better one.
isnt easier, tis dumber, both options can coexist and not affect each other
get all the changes they mentioned, and having or not having the pet will change literally nothing when without it you will have all the benefits and utility and more damage
Because that’s their policy. Has been for ages. This is not a new thing. People have been complaining about how Blizz caters to the M+/Raid players forever. And previous to that it was Blizz catering to PvP’ers.
The reason you have now noticed it is that this is finally impacting on you now for this spec.
Disagree with the policy if you want. But that policy covers more than just the MM Hunters. You can’t say something like, apply it to everybody but MM cuz we like our pets. It’s pretty much all or nothing.
Did you even read the post? I never said it was smarter. IT’S EASIER. That’s all. You can dislike the reason. But that is all there is. They want the easier route. If you want to pay for that extra programmer out of your own pocket that is also an option. But that’s really it.
but isnt easier its harder because they are making this dumb fake pet eagle mechanic, that arguable take more time on the development when they could, just, DONT
multimillion dollar company owned by microsoft needing side pocket from players to pay their devs
I mean, all the tuning is done around not having the pet out anyways. It’s not like they’ve bothered to adjust MM pet damage up or down in the past decade. So they can continue to balance Hunters in group content around the idea that they won’t have pets out, while letting solo players continue to have their pets.
Just replying to Syg and Rankin since they both parroting the same things.
It’s easier to retune the class without a pet. That’s it. Nobody said it was smarter or dumber.
If you both want them to redo things AND recode them so that we have the universally acknowledged buggy pet AI, then you will need to man up and fund it yourself. Blizz has decided it’s not worth it and it’s their game.
The Eagle thing is NOT a pet. It’s a game effect. We all need to stop calling it a pet. We have zero control over it. It’s even less like a pet than a Shammy’s Golem.
We really shouldn’t be tolerating mediocrity. Especially when they should have done all this during the expansion PTR instead of trying to cram it in with a patch. I’m not saying they shouldn’t do anything, but trying to drastically rework the spec is them already taking on a lot of extra work.
Then why have any pet classes if the pet code is such a mess?
Well, that was kinda a point. IF you want them to spend the time to code in the more difficult option, then you need to convince them where it matters, with economic sense. You either pay for it yourself, or prove to them it’ll be worth it.
Your point about a billion dollar company works both ways. If YOU quit over this, are they going to care at all? However, if you can convince them that thousands of people will quit, then maybe they’ll take notice. But I seriously doubt that they will lose subs over this.
Point went whoosh.
They call it a pet, but it acts more like a familiar.
It swoops down and heros and other buffs. From what I can tell. It doesn’t even stay at your side, but that will be understood once the ptr goes live.
It’s called a pet, but it doesn’t function like a pet.
But at this point everyone is arguing semantics for the sakes of arguing.
Eliminating the pet simplifies and focuses the spec. Full stop. it removes a variable that must be accounted for in all tuning passes. The conversation about tHeY cOuLd dO bOtH! is pointless. They aren’t doing both.
What variable? Any tuning they do is around group content, which is where 99% use Lone Wolf anyway. It’s never even been an argument before when trying to remove pets in their previous attempts.
A player can have the pet out or not. That is the variable. With all of the abilities that come along with it, or not, if the player is LW. It’s unarguably more complicated. Now it will be focused.
Currently LW is superior for damage, yes. People are forced to use a pet for utility.
Cool, they roll utility into the hunter so pet is no longer needed… now why do we leave the pet in purely for “choice”?
That is the concept you fail time after time to understand. You are so focused on “choice”, that you throw design completely out the window.
It’s not a variable though if 99% of the time the pet isn’t out because LW is the superior option for group content.
Around a standard issue bird pet. Totally focused. Also, there’s still going to be dozens of talent choices, there’s always going to be many more variables that make a much bigger difference than something that occurs less than 1% of the time in group content.
It still has to be designed around. Well, did. Not anymore. It’s pretty obvious the “pet” they are giving will be some evolution of the sentinel that currently exists.
Yeah, and none of them will be based on a maybe pet that is there or maybe isn’t
That it’s easier to tune the spec as a whole if one of the variables is gone.
Basically how they removed 2h frost from dks for years because they could never balance it properly.
Blizzard’s problem is they are super inconsistent with these changes.
Like remove 2h frost from dks, but leave in smf for fury wars lol.