Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Maybe you and others should consider shutting the hell up about what other people should and should not do, how about that? when you pay my sub or my tokens you can tell me what to do, otherwise we will give feedback for then to return the option we had


When warlock gonna be butchered and you come here to complain, I will advise you to reroll to paladin.


We don’t want the same thing, I want a solo spec Marksmanship Hunter without any type of pet including the eagle, if I could get good survivability on my Warlocks and then the spell lock put back in the general talent tree and a buff to increase my damage without the stupid sacrifice I’d never use a pet ever again.

People like you are why I have no sympathy for the people that want pets still, just the way you talk and act is more than enough to make me not feel sorry for what you want at all.

Lol, Warlocks have been changed so much over time that I’ve adapted tons of times, your class took a major part of mine for it to exist and I and many others adapted, as if.

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And he, as well as others, like my self, want the option for a pet when we are doing solo content… In group content we are more then happy to go without the pet as MM unless we need it for lust.

and things like:


makes YOU out to be the same to THEM. A few of us understand where yo are coming from, but the way YOU tak to others, with words that can come across condescendingly (since quite a few can’t seem to take things said in text with a grain, if not a full shaker of salt) prompts them to respond to you in kind, so try looking in the mirror if you don’t like how the responses you are getting.

On the removal note, I’d be happy with a glyph that lets us choose how our “eagle” looks, based on pets we have tamed, and let us keep taming them for said looks. Maybe a talent, that is only taken for solo content, that reduces our damage in exchange for a pet so those of us that like the fantasy of being the lone hunter, with naught but an animal companion, fantasy for solo play but the sniper in group content can manage it.


Raging at people that don’t agree will never sway blizz’s decision.
And being the loudest person in the room doesn’t get you what you want either. It just makes people roll their eyes.

And condescending people like you with schadenfreude syndrome is why i dont take your opinions and arguments serious.

Says the person trying to gatekeep what other people should and should not do, when they play the game they paid themselves

You are not trying to help, you are not trying to be friendly, neither being nice, you already confirmed you have no sympathy, all you do is belittle and be condescending to others in a tentative to shut people up to not have what they want, despite not affecting you in any way shape or form

We don’t want you to be sorry, we don’t care about people like you, just stop trying to gatekeep others and tell what other should and should not do like you pay their sub and we will be fine.

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But they were ALREADY having player loss. An entire spec called MM was underplayed. We needed a bug that increased Black Arrow damage by over 400% to get into the top 10 …

Making 'Lust baked in is not a solution, they need to pump pet damage by 10x to make it worth having it out. Yes, this is all about the damage. All about the numbers. But this is who Bliz are catering to.

As I said in the post you replied to - It’ll piss off a whole section of people. But it’s also made another demographic happy. They were never going to make everybody happy. We can only hope that they have worked out that this change (as bad as it is for your demographic) is better for everybody overall.

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Wake up to reality I can’t gatekeep anything I don’t work at Blizzard and I’m not a dev, you and others like you take this too personally and it’s all over a pixel or pixel pets.

I simply support the game evolving and improving for the better which is why I pointed out playing classic a bit ago to someone else and you took that offensively too and said what you said so the problem here is you not me, you are playing a constantly evolving and changing game and complaining about it get real.

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You cant, indeed, doesnt mean you are not trying

It can happen and we can still have the OPTION to summon the pet, they are not mutually exclusive.

Saying w can only evolve and improve by removing a core element for the spec and class is a fallacy.

Because it is, if people wanted to play classic, they would be on classic.

You are acting like you are giving a galaxy brain suggestion, we know classic exist, no we dont like it, no, going there isnt a solution, the solution is not breaking up the spec we like to play for no reason


Ugh I don’t usually chuck people on my ignore anymore but honestly you are such a toxic person I am done with you so I’ll just leave you with that this is clearly a topic that you take too seriously and I should of blocked you the other day after the psychist comment but I’m just done with dealing with your toxicity because I see it differently.

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Lets see if that’s actually how it goes given this time they are changing everything to work around that eagle so I doubt they have any intention on backtracking on it this time.

it was underplayed because they could never tune it. Single Target had BM has the best spec of the 3. MM came close in overall due to AOE ability and sometimes SV snuck in. But whenever hunter was ever in the top 3-8 spots, they nerfed something the next week to push us down. The pet was never ever the issue for MM. And to reiterate for the couple millionth time, a MM hunter can be petless right this exact very second. And they get a dmg buff to make up for the loss of pet damage. Right now. Absolutely right now, this can be done. Petless MM for ANY who want to do it. You lose nothing except that lust button that youre still not getting anyway. But also RFN, you can login and have a pet with MM. You lose the 5% buff to make up for the pet damage you have.

So they can give both people what they want. I know Ive already personally explained it 20-30 times. Remove the extra features from pets and give them to the hunter. Keep lone wolf, or do the opposite. If the pet is out, you lose 3-5% damage for the hunter. Keep all the other BS they want to do, just do the above and make both happy. But no one seems to want that from the other side of the table. They only want it their way.


Underplayed, or undertuned? We weren’t even dead last. There are multiple classes that were lower than MM before the bugged buff, but they’re getting barely anything done.

Pets are more than just about having extra damage. Having pocket tank has been a huge benefit all these years.


I want you to be able to have that.

So we want the same thing.


Just to build on this, I run pet less on my hunter in group content, I prefer to have the pet out when solo, so mobs (especially elite ones) don’t make me go “crunch” (squish for mail/plate wearers) as I try to kill them. Thing is, over the years, I have always preferred MM, but I also collected some nice looking pets (Somber Dawn the black unicorn on the Btoken shore, just got the reindeer from Hillsbrad, etc) and they are nice to look at when I have them out, so am I in the wrong for at leaast wanting to be able to see the model of pets I have caught?

Main reason why I am pet less in groups, barring the need for lust, and like the pet when solo.


And they are tuning it now. Massively. And the result of that is that this Spec will no longer have a pet. So right now, it’s a binary set solution. You can have a pet and no tuning or you can get tuning to actually turn the class into something decent.

I understand people love their pets. They want them out to look at. But the people who actually play the class at the harder modes haven’t been. And those modes, as much as you may not like them, are the modes that count where Blizzards balancing is concerned.

The fallacy is thinking those are mutually exclusive

why do you think that for tuning they need to remove the pet, and if they remove the pet, there can be no tuning?

Why the game should only be catered(not balanced, catered) to the smallest playerbase?


There are many other classes that RDPS solo without a pet. MM will just have to adapt and do it too. It does not kill the Spec. Though, see below

Now, how BADLY Mythic can screw this up is a different thing. I fully expect whatever root/snare/blowback mechanic they give us to be utterly bugged for the first month or so. Yes, the casual solo players will likely suffer badly.

And what most are asking for is to be able to have those pets out in SOLO content, or content where the balancing is not that big of concern even for Blizzard. Again, most of us would be going pet less, barring need for lust, in just about ANY content where the balancing is key. So answer this: why, if balancing is key in x content, why do we have to suffer/deal with things that we do in Y content?