Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Why are you here two whole decades later then…?

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yeah just remove the pets, then hunters either become weak elem shammys or dead meat

What I don’t understand is, why go through the trouble of introducing these game changing talent trees in Dragonflight, only to continue limiting player agency at every turn? Make it make sense.


It really is stupid. They are taking choices away. They could have made this optional in the talents instead of making it mandatory. Blizzard doesn’t understand players want choices to make there own path.

Reason why classic is so popular right now cause of all the stupid changes in retail.


How about no?

That isn’t how classes or even specs work. If they kept it they would have had to constantly balance around it and it would never evolve.

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Yeah lets defend blizzards laziness and not wanting to work and balance classes properly. Lets instead make up trash changes to get away from honest work.


A guy who hunts with a spear side-by-side with his pet is way more hunter than anything ranged survival represented.

Melee hunting not only represents real world hunters, it also was represented by Rexxar or Troll headhunters way before WoW defined its classes.


A total rework of a spec’s identity takes no work at all, yep

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How do you think class and spec design works exactly…?

Its not magic… I have a disturbing feeling you don’t even know why from a balance point of view survival needs a pet in pvp and why mm can’t have it for that same reason do you?

100% agree. Imagine taking totems away from a shaman spec and acting like that wouldn’t change the shaman class as a whole. Or expecting shaman players to just be OK with it.


You don’t talk to shamans do you…?

What’s next you are gonna scare dh by taking away momentum?

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What does this even mean? If I can’t use them, that’s removal.


There’s no comparison between what hunter pets are to hunters to what momentum is to demon hunters. Meta would be a more appropriate comparison and the dh community would rightly lose their minds if Blizz took meta away from one of the specs.

ETA: one of my main alts I’ve played since Cata is a resto shaman so I know a thing or two about the class


Open world content is trivial and irrelevant.

Games balanced around mythic raiding and mplus.

That’s fine. However having the optional pet was a balancing problem so they are removing it so MM is more viable in content that matters.

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lol I love when people say this.

Do you play it as bad as you play your hunter?

It’s super weird how much you actively try to be disagreeable and rude.


its pretty much all he does on these forums.


I don’t have to try though.

But when you make a claim like

You’re speaking from a position of experience.

But when you’re main is played as below average as you are playing it at it appears you don’t actually know as much as you think you do.

Now,now, we mustn’t judge for… some reason.

Honestly ive never understood why you can’t take into account a player’s ability and knowledge when talking about balance and class design…


It really rattles these players bones when other people choose to play how they want outside grouped content that doesn’t involve them in any way whatsoever.