I casted my like vote on this thread. I vote no on pets losing pets. I don’t want hunters losing pets that is dumb. Hunters has always been a class for taming pets not matter what spec your in. This is the typical fun policing by blizzard as always.
Oh, yeah? Where does Survival then core skills like Stings, Explosive Shot or Black Arrow even fit with that?
Survival was created originally to focus on traps, poisons (stings) and melee skills, essentially the leftover aspects (other than pets and shooting) of Hunters’ original design.
Ironically, melee Survival got more like its original intent than ranged Survival ever did.
Don’t use words you don’t understand. Flippant doesnt even come close to describing my comment.
My AHCTUAL point is that this change is stupid, removes choice, and destroys hunter class fantasy. People want a spec that isn’t reliant on pets for damage and utility. Fine. But to remove the ability of a hunter spec, a freaking HUNTER, the ability to ever tame or summon a pet is ludicrious. Esp when they’re replacing with…a pet. And AI avatar pixel version of ONE type of pet.
I loved survival and played it all the time before Blizzard ruined it for me in Legion. Looks like I’m going to have to either play BM, which I’m not real fond of, or switch back to my warlock until they completely ruin that class for me too.
Where else will hunters go to get the class fantasy of beast mastery!
It just doesn’t exist outside of MM!
Nah, you loved a specific rotation, and those change every expansion, or even between patches. Fantasy is far more important to spec identity.
Not showing a serious or respectful attitude. Sarcasm that does not actually address the point is not serious and quite disrespectful
Ask your English teacher if you’re still confused
Play BM, that’s your ranged hunter pet class.
You’re in the minority on this bro.
Most of us are gonna love having our UAV eagle and not having to manage the crap 2 decade old pet system with clunky controls and bad pathing.
And a hunter who doesn’t use a ranged weapon doesn’t scream hunter class fantasy to me which is why survival was ruined for me in Legion.
I hope I can get a glyph to make him a parrot…ooo maybe he can sit on my shoulder!
Dumb comment. Take pets away from survival too then if the pet class of WoW is supposed to only have one spec that uses pets.
They should just remove MM from the hunter class entirely if they go through with this change.
stop used pets?
Remember the good ol’ days where you could equip a polearm with your ranged weapon, or a staff. Or two one-handed weapons?
Yeah that fantasy is clearly gone for whatever this garbage is they keep coming up with.
Lol, why?
While I wouldn’t argue that survival doesn’t need a pet. Why would you remove mm? All the pet can do is attack and use one cd.
I really miss my stat stick.
Look at any mythic log from legion to now.
The only time people pull pets out is when lust is needed or in pvp.
This is common knowledge.
I have an alt thats a MM hunter. He doesnt use a pet because of the lone wolf spec. More damage from no pet than with. Been around for quite awhile.
PvP is the only time you had a pet constantly.
In pve the only time you used a pet was for lust. Then you dismissed it before doing any damage.
Also lone wolf and pet ST damage was similar. The difference was in aoe when LW surged farther ahead by massive numbers.
If you don’t know what you’re talking about I suggest not pretending you do.
Not using a pet as MM in a dungeon doesn’t equate to using one in open world content. I dismiss my pet in dungeons because they are problematic in dungeons. I like having the option to use a pet as MM; taking that option away doesn’t endear me to the changes coming next patch.
I still have my original hunter decked out in all the stuff you can’t acquire anymore, forever stuck at some weird level between here and there.
I stopped playing it after the second expansion. All those awesome enchants from Zul’Gurub, those amazing hatchets from Strat, The staff and longbow with the flowers blooming on it. The Untamed Blade with a built in Crusader proc, I bought from BWL cause I didn’t have enough DKP but I had gold.
Fantasy is dead in this non-fantasy game.
Heres da proof. It’s on another account now with my other “deaded” classed mains I once played.