Blizzard will see a topic this large and not even reconsider this drastic change to mm
This screams legion all over again when they destroyed survival permanently and ignored all feedback
You were very much intended to take lone wolf, as stated by blizzard in a post.
The other 2 talent options on that row were just bad (to the point where you had to take lone wolf if you cared about your damage).
This has been the paradigm for the spec ever since WoD really, where no pet is just strictly better.
And you know what happened in Legion? People who wanted pets played BM. Even when Lone Wolf MM was the better performing spec for basically the entire expansion.
This is going to be a repeat of 11.0.5 frost mage.
A very vocal sect throws a fit that they lost the ability to hurt their performance for aesthetic or RP reasons, then it goes live in a very strong state and nobody really cares anymore.
No, not really.
Hunters are the premier pet class, removing pets from a spec is a much much bigger shift than that. There will be even more toxicity in the hunter community just like when survival was removed
Wether blizzard cares or not depends on if they hired a loser like the guy who got fired for that decision back in legion
But i didn’t, it was not forced, it was not required, it was AN OPTION.
You dont get to talk about spec fantasy if you literally ignore their fantasy is the CHOICE
I wanted pet and used MM just fine thank you very much.
From a day to day gameplay perspective, these changes solves my biggest issue with MM as it is now.
On top of that, it adds a some cool new stuff, and some old friends are returning (double tap is back).
Picking the wrong talent on that row was effectively a 15 ilvl loss. It would be like if in your current gear on that character, you were actually 625 ilvl instead of the 639 like everyone else. You’d be nerfing your full conquest set down to being worse than honor gear.
Because those specs play in entirely different ways. I like the way MM plays. I want to keep my pet with the spec that I currently enjoy.
They are going hard with removing the noobtrap mechanics/talents for MM.
Good job Blizzard.
I’m just annoyed they freaking buffed it for bm.
Like what even?
Just throw the whole talent in the trash for ALL specs. Please. For the love of Arthas.
Having the option to pull out your pet isn’t a noob trap. A noob trap would be a talent that nobody would ever want to take. And we have no evidence that they’re actually doing that. The new MM is still going to have talents that nobody would ever take in their right minds because Blizz just isn’t that great at making meaningful talent tree choices.
Sending your pet in to hold threat so you can stand in place and do nothing but dps is a “noob trap”. Especially when the pet doesn’t even participate beyond holding threat.
Removing your pet forces you to actually learn your kit.
Next is barrage. Insanely high risk ability with almost a nonexistent reward. (the only reward is doing trash damage and pulling the next 2 room). I mean I guess it’s fine in solo content, but only for mm. Bm, you waste an absurd amount of damage channeling it.
And people also don’t talent swap for dungeons and make runs a nightmare.
If it was that wrong, the OPTION would not exist
It may not be as optimal, but it was a option nonetheless
The best barrage note was in the April fools Legion Alpha patch notes:
" * The talent Barrage has had its functionality extended to also pull extra packs from completely different dungeons."
Considering I’m literally posting in one.
Leveling is the easiest content in the game.
You attack enemy. Enemies close you frost trap so you create distance then you attack again.
Concussive shot make Subaru should never be touched by a single mob.
The reality is that you don’t know how to kite and it shows.
Also no one takes barrage because it’s an awful talent.
You go play a spec you don’t like. Go for it.
I think it’s been explained already by alot of people why this matters to them.
I’ll repeat myself, playing BM and SV are completely different playstyles. I don’t like either of them. I don’t think it’s fair to tell people ‘just go play this/that’ when most people play what they like and prefer.
I can’t imagine me telling you just go play something else even if it’s something you hate.
If my posting here bothers you so much why don’t you mute the topic or ignore me.
I don’t need you telling me what to do.
I wouldn’t say the 10 people in this thread count as “a lot”
If it’s only for RP then switch specs and summon a pet. Every issue you’ve raised is a problem you can solve yourself.