Please don’t remove Hunter pets

The answer here is that they just log in, kill a few quest mobs everyday and don’t read a thing any of their talents do, do this for 5-10 years on repeat with changes only being noticed when they want to scream at the sky. I’d be surprised if many people in this thread could even name many of their talent interactions.

I think SL was worse. Higher IO players were standing vers in higher keys.

I only played hunter a little bit in SL during SotFO due to my moms health issues.

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It’s like that warlock Phenomenom was claiming they had been playing for 17 years.

I’m just sitting there thinking”yet you don’t even know spec basics”

It was super cringe

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If I remember right, everyone geared vers in high keys.
But hunters had some solid conduits for defensives. I was pretty annoyed when we lost them and got nothing in return.
My favorite was DR when you feigned. Hunters mark also gave you DR. Then exhil had a nice little buff.

So on pull, you’d hunters mark for easy DR, then if you knew a hit was coming. You could just feign death. And if you took any damage. You could also hit mend pet and it acted like a priests renew.

I miss it lol.

Dang I’m sorry to hear that, also sorry you missed it. SL bm was probably the best times I had in m+.

As far as I can tell, only the blue posts in that thread still exist in archived form.

Late BFA versatile corruption stacking was pretty degenerate.

I didn’t really participate in that lol.
I did decent in keys, but… the corruption system was disgusting lol.
I think the 2 most used were twilight devastation and infinite stars? Like 80% of their overall damage with max ranked.


That was true towards the beginning, but for a lot of specs they just wanted %more stats.

funny thing about this thread is it’s just the same 2-3 guys saying theyre the ones in the majority lol

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Do you?
Do you play it?
Do you remember what it’s like to level without already having endgame gear?

No you don’t.
Because you suggested frost trap (lol) and conc shot (st). As if those are useful tools in questing when you just want to misdirect, barrage, and then split the damage between yourself and your pet instead of taking 4 hours to delicately pick and then whittle down a single target as if this is classic.


I literally just leveled an MM hunter from ~24 to 80 a few days ago.

Pure lone wolf.

Never felt like I was in danger of dying.

Even T8 delve bosses at 600 ilvl just fell over.

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Wow it’s crazy that it’s easy with a pocket healer, I wonder what could be different about delves.

Unlike leveling content, the mobs actually do something that resembles damage. The bosses fell over and died, but that was the closest to death my hunter ever felt in solo content.

You should not need the crutch of a pet to survive in solo content as an MM hunter.

So, delete rarespawns too since they’re immune to cc, that’s cool.

Or, OR
Take the extremely simple step of not removing pets, and giving their utility to MM while they’re put away.

And keep the enjoyable part of MM leveling intact. Its AOE. Its ability to make a barrage pull of everything in range, and burst that down instead of perpetually kiting and trapping and playing keepaway for all of exhil’s cd.


Since he is actually doing PVP with another Tauren, nothing rly imply he is a pre lv 10 dwarf, so you completely missed the mark here mate, the character in the cinematics are always the max lv for the expansion and this is proven in the TBC trailer, with the orc wielding Ashkandi, from previous expansion.

Beastmasters don’t use GUNS usually, so no, he cant be one, gun are made for markmanship, especially for dwarves, like we see in WC3 game unit. Dwarves are not know to be beastmasters and only the wildhammer clan befriend the grypons(and the clan was not in the alliance in vanilla). And if you want to talk about time, its being 20 years since MM can use their pets.

Which means nothing in the end when dire best is a crucial part of the spec, making you still have a ZOO anyway

that doesnt exist yet, he is markmaship with his pet out

thank you captain obvious, who would though Blizzard would not actually give real reasons of what they did something, and instead what looks better.

I can just racechange to dwarf and play MM and transmog my weapon to a gun

yeah, thats how i emulate him.


Wasn’t BM’s Legion artifact weapon a gun?

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The Eagle, or whatever they allow you to choose to replace it, is a “Spell Effect”. It’s just visual clutter used to give some color to the spells used.

Given that I would request that they delete the Eagle as it serves no purpose at all for the new MM.

I’m going to guess if you are playing MM sans pet right now you won’t care if the Eagle is present or not, as long as the spread sheet out put of the spec is unchanged and Lust/Hero is still present for MM to bring to the group.

OT - Frankly Lust/Hero should never have been a buff provided by Hunter/Mage when M+ was added. When M+ came out every healer should have gotten a Lust/Hero baseline and it should have been removed from DPS.


Yeah, and it was dumb, some titan TECH shenanigan, truly something BEAST MASTERS would try to get lol

Legion artifacts were half miss half hit

Going by the spec fantasy expansion, BM uses a gun, and MM uses a bow and doesn’t have a pet.

If you are going on that route, in the spec fantasy expansion MM DID use pet, Lone wolf was an option after all