I’m still where I was when I was posting in this thread originally where I don’t see the big deal lots of specs get changed and some get completely overhauled like Survival from ranged to melee and Combat to Outlaw and I say that as someone that’s played Destruction Warlock since day one as a main since day one until now.
Plus the whole pet thing is being highly over exaggerated because lots of people are acting like it’s being removed completely from Hunters and all Hunter specs but you will still have full pet access on Beastmastery and Survival spec it’s not actually being completely removed so I’m just like what is the major issue?
This retort doesn’t even make any sense. Switching your spec quite literally takes 5 seconds. Might want to choose to do something other than yap all day, doesn’t seem to be working for you man.
You either didn’t read the entire post before responding, or think restating the position I already disparaged will somehow convince me. Either way, no.
He’s not wrong that wow has a problem with players who have no idea what they’re talking about presenting themselves as an authority on topics related to high end play.
It even reached a point where (on one of the beta forums), a hunter who’s experience could be described as “gets carried through normal every tier” tried to mansplain PVE BM pet selection to one of the hunter mains in Liquid.
This is a good thing though? This is just lonely winter all over again, blizzard has data that suggests for years that everyone is using the no pet talent so they just remove it. A net benefit for the spec as a whole.
It’s not a big deal, but people being people on the internet…
The week this goes live, the forums will be silent. Just like every other time a change like this happens.
But it boils down to it’s not what THEY want. They want their spec exactly how they want it or the sky is falling.
I’d say “welcome to the internet”, but unfortunately people act like this out in public now.
I’ve seen hunters do some insane self healing lately.
I’ve been playing my girl since wrath. DF was probably the squishiest I’ve ever seen them. Full cds and still dying to stuff other classes could eat without anything lol.
I may be spoiled as I went from warlock in season 3 DF to Hunter in season 4 to now.
I feel it on my warrior right now. Outside of doing defensive stance after enraged regen and the victory rush replacement ability go on cd I’m like I need most defensives lol