Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Good thing the majority are in heroic.

Do you have stats or lying again?

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I do. Considering I haven’t lied yet.

Heroic has the highest number followed by LFR/normal as they share an achievement and naturally mythic raiding has the smallest number.

Lone Wolf was added in WoD and was available to MM and Survival. It was a bigger boon to survival then it was to MM. Then in Legion it became MM only and was pretty much forced upon you if you wanted to max your dps due to the talent getting buffed (even thought it actually makes more sense as a survival talent and BM should of been the melee spec and survival should of been the Rambo spec).

Off topic

Follow up: she said yes!!!


Congratulations man I was hoping you’d update!!!

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I don’t know why you think your stance is different or special. “This is nothing but the same very small few players on the other side of the fence” claiming choice is greater than all.

Welcome to GD. Where people think they are right, and people with differing ideas are wrong.

Why is having to change specs a bad thing?
I am failing to understand how giving mm some better class fantasy and more uniqueness by making it a pure petless class.

“All we want, is the ability to keep our pets. The pets we’ve had for the past 20 years.” - This is especially wild every time I see it. Your pets aren’t going anywhere.

“will gang up on you” - crazy, y’all have been doing the same to pro no pet people.

“Omg, theres 2 other specs that I dont want to play that will still have my pets.” - There are :+1: and it sucks you don’t want to play them, but welcome to wow. A forever evolving game where sometimes the changes don’t agree with what you want.

And did you ever question why it’s repeating itself?

Y’all can’t get past “I want what I want when I want it” that you can’t see the bigger picture. Completely blinded by “well why can’t I have a choice?!”.


Changes happen whether you like them or not.

How many people played survival prior to it being melee?
How many warlocks played demonology because of meta?
How many rogues played combat prior to outlaw?
How many dks played 2h frost before it became dw only?

Another one used above. SMF for fury being redesigned, removed, readded and still horrendously balanced.
Removal of changing pet types.

Like we can do this all day.
Why does it matter what YOU want when clearly blizzard has the data to back up it’s not what EVERYONE wants? Or what may or may not be best for the spec?

An extreme example is just dishonest.
They would never do that and have never done that.

They have however, reworked classes and specs countless times since vanilla.
And for all you know, this will only last through tww, or heck, 11.1 only lol.

Doesn’t matter to me based on your assumption of me?
I disagree with your stance, therefore I am a meta chaser and what not?
Do I need to link my smf war?
My frostfire mage?
Neither are meta.

“but it obviously does to a large part of the players” - And what is this “large part of the players?”
Y’all keep screaming for a source, yet making claims like this.

“I get that you dont have a single F to give for anybody but yourself, but other options do exist .” - I care about the spec. Not the whiny people on the forums kicking and screaming.

I look at the spec overall. I compare it to the other 2 specs. And I ask myself… is this a good change for ME or a good change for the SPEC or a good change for BOTH?
But because you can’t think past your own wants, you’ll never comprehend thinking like that.

You’re so self diluted that you don’t even understand the hypocrisy in that statement.

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So that’s a “no” on anything resembling proof of your claim.


Flying is a horrible analogy here. They simply took the compromise idea from another MMO (GW2), just like they’re taking the car mount in Undermine from GW2. And guess what else GW2 has, petless archers.

I’d be fine with petless archers if they weren’t butchering MM to make it happen.


I’m failing to understand how this change is “butchering” in any sense of the word.
Just because you don’t like the change, doesn’t mean its being butchered.


You wouldnt know the proof if I linked you the source and a spread sheet.

Since he only does solo content he cant actually fathom or comprehend how MM with a pet is an issue

All I’m hearing is excuses from somebody who knows they don’t have any proof to back up their claim.

Also, I’d like to add to the irony of someone who only does group content who doesn’t understand why solo players might want to still have their pet available.


It’s just weird because he runs lone wolf himself and has such an aggressive pro keep your pet stance.

Do you have anything to refute them?
Its kind of weird to keep asking for a source and not giving any of your own just to shut down the argument.

Meanwhile, looking at DataForAzeroth, and it says 12% have done Queen Ansurek on Heroic. Sure sounds like a majority to me.

Let’s look at some more percentages here:

Skittering Battlements is at 36%
Secrets of Nerub-ar Palace is at 34%
Queen’s Fall is at 32%
Nerub-ar Palace (killing all bosses) is at 31%
Heroic: Nerub-ar Palace (killing all Heroic bosses) is at 12%

Still not all that impressive considering that’s LFR/Normal/Heroic all wrapped together.


That’s because you can’t hear or comprehend anything.

It exists. Just not worth finding and linking to you.

There isn’t irony. I know and understand why you want pets. Because you can’t use any other part of your toolkit.

I just don’t care for your excuses. There’s a difference.

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Don’t remove pets from MM hunter. That’s incredibly silly.