And how many are doing so because it gives a damage buff over having a pet?
Imagine if they boosted pet speed, gave them AOE damage, and boosted their damage by a huge amount. How many people would still pick LW over having a pet?
And how many are doing so because it gives a damage buff over having a pet?
Imagine if they boosted pet speed, gave them AOE damage, and boosted their damage by a huge amount. How many people would still pick LW over having a pet?
And you just assume casual players will like this change and loss of their pets. You obviously have no actual knowledge of the player base that perfers questing and other world content and doesn’t care about your dps in a raid. You just want to take their pets because it will upset them and you love griefing. Admit it. If you could, you would kill their pets and camp them like a lowbie in a pvp zone just to feel superior.
I hate lone wolf and never liked it when they put the option in 10 years ago. I prefer the old school mm hunter with a pet.
Youre assuming all casual players are solo players.
You are also 100% wrong.
This has zero to do with why I want the pets removed from Marks
Bless your heart, I dont care about world pvp unless I am bored. I have Dayz for that
You also come from a guild with a reputation for being awful at the game
Snozay’s just a FOTM reroller anyway. They don’t care about any individual spec, they’ll just switch to whichever does the most damage.
I am in a huge multiserver guild with more than one raid team, but many of the members do not raid and are not comforable in mythics. We don’t push them into it and people are fine if they chose to quest, chat/rp, do old content, farm pets and mounts, gather or craft. The variety of choices are what is good about this game. So why take a choice from MM hunters to use a pet that they have had for 20 years just to appease a few raiders who would not be harmed if the option remained for MM to summon pets?
I am sure the est 35000 members will love seeing you say that.
That includes solo play. Don’t try to make it out M+ is the only content that matters to people.
Am I supposed to care? Your guild has that reputation for a reason lol
No it doesnt
Never said it was but SOLO play by definition means no group content which is why SOLO players are a minority.
You do know what the definition of SOLO is right?
People actually enjoy playing by themselves without anyone. There is more people doing that then there is group play.
I spend more time fishing with my pet mauling mobs that bother me than I ever do raiding or doing mythics
Snozay: People like doing group content!!!
Blizzard: Here’s a guide on how to play the game completely solo
Didnt say they didnt. Still doesnt change the facts that they are a minority.
Ok? Do you have a basic concept of what anecdotal evidence is and what you do is not an indication of the majority?
I hope youre trolling as I never said people cant play solo. My man you just enjoy embarrassing yourself
And I never said that you said that.
What a bunch of unnecessary rudeness over a difference of opinion in a video game
No they are not a minority. How many people play m+/raid right now verse how many people play alone?
Yes they are
60% of the playerbase raid at some capacity.
I was here on wow launch and started my Hunter. Pets were a total different world back then. Pets actually had some differences that were amazing which made BM spec much more fun for me but a Hunter to me in wow has a pet and should have a choice like a Warlock. Hunter pets are a joke now
Cause they want pets to be a joke. It doesn’t have to be that is what i’m getting at. They can make pets viable. Letting players choose there own path is what makes the game more fun.
“LFR” aint raiding