Please don’t remove Hunter pets

That’s irrelevent. They’ve had their pet for 20 years as MM. There is no reason to force it off because you think using a pet in solo content as MM is “lazy”.

Because it has a use, a niche, a purpose. Overworld content/solo content.

Why do you insist they have to balance using a pet in group content? Voidwalker isn’t balanced for group content.

The difference is I’m not going into people’s armory and saying gatekeeping their opinion because they weren’t world first mythic queen or some such nonsense (an exaggeration but not by much).

Being on an alt to say “you don’t get an opinion because you aren’t an elite enough player” is hypocritical.

You have yet to explain how there will be any suffering by allowing MM to keep pets for solo content.

Fix this by moving pet utility to the hunter and keeping the ability to summon pet for solo content.

I wonder what percentage does m+12 (or higher) and mythic raiding?


join the club that mages belong to…lose your sidekick. no one really likes it.

this will work out as well as trying (and FAILING) to remove flying from the game after selling so many wonderful mounts in the cash shop. that’s right: populate the game with great pets and refuse MM hunters the ability to tame them.

sounds like an ion move to me…:(((((((((((


How so? It took me all of maybe 20 seconds to look at that and come back with an imgur link.

And if we REALLY want to get into it, they started it first by questioning the validity of marisia, claiming alt because classic account and their posts contradicting his.

Fair is fair.

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True, fair is fair.

The point stands however. You’re literally digging into their records, to use their records against them. And then you went the extra mile to screenshot it, and upload it to imgur. When you could have instead just potentially noted it.


The pet still sucks, and now it’s worse because you took all of it’s utility away.
At that point, why keep it purely because “I like my pet”?

How is it gatekeeping pointing out they haven’t experienced a thing and it’s okay for them to baselessly make statements that are instantly refuted by clicking their profile?

That makes zero sense and incorrectly using the term “gatekeeping”.

I don’t see your point.
I have the ability to not only see that they are lying, but also show everyone else with a link. And it took me less than 30 seconds to do both.

Minimal effort for a pretty solid end result imo.

I take this as you admitting defeat then.

If you have no more counters to my points. Then my points stand.


Idk if armory shaming falls under gatekeeping or not but I do know that its only done when the shamer lacks any kind of sound argument.


No. I’m just not going to read someone’s essays at me when they can’t condense it to a digestible form.

Quote things within reason and speak on it . You don’t have to make 20 quote in a single reply. It doesn’t do your replies justice as it just turns into a wall of quotes and replies.

I have endless counters :sweat_smile:
I’m just not combing through the great wall of quotes with replies sprinkled in lol.

This and to use in solo content.

Because there is no evidence that they have experienced the thing either. And it’s irrelevent because casual players shouldn’t suffer needlessly for endgame players.

Endgame meta chasers who hate pets lose absolutely nothing by allowing casuals to continue to summon their pets.


First off, it’s a game. Second, you want to change the lore this late in the game, that sounds like an evil overlord (smells like Ion and flying, that worked out well didn’t it :wink: ). Third, while it is your sandbox, it’s also ours because this sandbox wouldn’t exist if we didn’t subscribe. I for one will always run a pet regardless of hunter spec or location. It’s part of MY lore for this game. Would that mean I’ll be likely to hang up my hunter and start a petition to have the dev that thought up this junk fired? Absolutely (well, I’d probably shift to BM or Survival and remind Blizzard that they should stop listening to lame ideas).

Seriously, you want to run without a pet, it’s already there and has something to compensate for it. You want to run a pet? It’s already there, please don’t take away our choice in the matter, just leave it up to the players. If not, you better have MM hunters at the top of the dps list for the next 5 years to make up for dumb.


Tbh I did to shame the shamer.

Scroll up and you’ll see them being a jerk to someone purely because they have a classic account.
And it also showed that they are lying. So in this usage, would it not be correct? Or are you saying it’s not okay to call someone out on lying WITH proof?

I reread it after posting it. If you are unwilling to conserves with me. Unwilling to read and respond to my point in an attempt to counter them then you have forfeited.

If you were in a competition and quit midway through you can’t get upset when you don’t win the trophy.

Another statement without evidence that can be dismissed without evidence.

That’s all we’ve been doing this whole time. Strange that it’s only now an issue.


Just saying you’re going a little much to get your “Gotcha” moment. That is all.

Even though, it took “30 seconds”. Its still time you took, to open their profile, peer thru their acheivements, screenshot it, upload said screenshot to imgur, and then link said screenshot here. - This is where you crossed the line, and took it that extra mile that wasn’t necessary.

And then, even in your gotcha moment, instead of leaving it at that, you put up a gif of an actor laughing.

If I ever get the feeling “I should look up to see their achievements” I know I’m taking their comments a little too personal, and should distance myself. Because its just not worth it.


They called them out for saying “you don’t get an opinion because you don’t do endgame” while posting on a classic character. Thus obscuring if they do endgame or not and blocking if they are a hypocrite or not.

Because it’s tired. Why should I have to keep making concessions because you can’t condense your points?
Also why should I continue if you just want to attack me? We aren’t even discussing the topic anymore.
It’s literally you non stop jabs at me now lol.

Like you want to debate. Fine. I’m here for it. If you just want to attack me, I’ll just keep on with others.

why in the world would someone do m+ above 12’s that’s past where the rewards ends? That is content for the 1% I won’t contest that.

Well let’s take at raider io and look at 4/8 M which is halfway through the mythic raid. There are currently 4690 guilds that have completed it. 4690x20 is 93800 players. And this is operating under the assumption that every single guild has a perfect 20 player roster and doesn’t go over (untrue) and also doesn’t take into account people that have pugged 4/8. Go to anything before Rash’anan and the list jumps to over 100k players easily. Now let’s go over to every guild that has killed Heroic ansurek. There are 13226 guilds that have logged kills on Heroic ansurek (remember this assumes that every guild has 20 players, a lot do not) . So roughly 35% of guilds who have completed heroic raiding are also running mythic on some level, with this number not even including people who aren’t at the halfway point at least and this is also without taking into account that some heroic guilds may actually have less than 20 players.

Completing a mythic raid and doing a mythic raid are different things entirely, for the average player it is meant to take an entire season and not everyone will make it. And that’s ok that is the design structure.

Oh, and another thought that smells like the flying farce. I just logged in on my hunter with my two new for the season hunter reindeer pets with/without the red nose. Gee, that’s kind of like saying, “We’re going to remove flying from the game but we’ll still SELL you FLYING mounts from the store so we can pay for the dev’s office crawl.”


We’re both doing the same thing. I don’t know what you’re talking about you having to make concessions.

I respond to each point from you. It gets longer as your poitns get longer.

When have I attacked you? You’ve come A LOT closer to attacking me then I’ve come to attacking you.

My “jabs” at you are because you refused to counter my points and I’m simply stating the fact that if you give up that you forfiet. That’s just how things work. That’s not an attack or jab. That’s just the nature of debate.

I didn’t stop talking about the topic. You did.

False. You refused to respond to one of my things. I won’t accuse you of laziness like you accuse MM hunters of being who want to use pets in overworld but it is a not a good excuse.

Still haven’t attacked you.


Let’s bump that number up to 30 per guild, or roughly 400k players. Sounds like a lot, right? Now let’s look at that as a percentage of the 7.25 million players that WoW had as our most current number. That still puts them at just over 5% of the total population.