Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Actually I am being very genuine if you want me to spin some sob story about how your spec matters for delves and world content that would be me lying to you.

both of those things are not toxic, you entirely choose who to play with.

because it’s true? Auto attacking might be an over exaggeration for delves possibly but you can most definitely still complete delves if you just randomly mash buttons on your keyboard, spec doesn’t matter for this content.

You already have like all the choice in the world, BM is 2 pet, survival is 1 pet, MM is 0 pet. This is very varied, complaining that you are pressing barbed shot over aimed shot is very silly.

It’s fun seeing someone come in here on an alt to armory-stalk others. Really shows how utterly dishonest they are at actual discussion.


I’ve already said why earlier in this thread, I play retail on EU. If you are that interested in my main I’m more than happy to provide it you simply have to ask :saluting_face:

Choice is always, a good thing. Removal of choice never a good thing. Especially when said choice has existed for 20 years.

And given that Blizzard has Acknowledged that MM should have a pet, and removing LW entirely. Why can’t this new rendition of MM not work with our existing pets, but instead must get this Generic Eagle that is proc based only?


Citation needed.

Its okay for a classic lvl 10 to talk in here for days, but a lvl 49 classic toon jumps in and you criticize them because what their saying goes against your opinion?

Get real :joy:

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This gives some real “my girlfriend is from Canada” vibes.

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I also literally have screenshots of me on my character but sure :rofl: let me pull up my most recent screenshot. one moment.

here ya go brother

Choice is not a good thing when both suffer because it exists.

Pets for mm suck. Going petless for mm sucks.
Neither option is good.

Remove one. Make the other better.
Blizz decided petless was the way to go.


This tells me that they don’t want pets in their current form.
They said as much in their patch notes.

  • Developers’ notes: Moving into Undermine(d), we are looking to reimagine Marksmanship’s Sharpshooter fantasy and reconcile some large spec friction points such as Lone Wolf. Undermine(d) is seeing Marksmanship lose their pet functionalities and it is instead joined in battle by a unique Eagle pet that will exist outside of the game space but continue to support you in combat in a uniquely Marksmanship way.

Cool story, now explain why Blizzard should be designing a class around 1% of the player base.


Idk you tell us. You are the one arguing pets should stay and there should be a compromise. That is the 1% you are talking about, no?


are you saying only 1% of the playerbase raids and does m+? because that’s demonstrably false.

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They are wrong by their own statement since they themselves are currently using lone wolf, as a casual that doesn’t raid or m+.

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It’s definitely a minority, especially with the damage done to M+ this expansion and the existence of Delves.

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im interested in the statistics of all players who aren’t using LW. That might actually be the 1% :rofl:

Again, being willing to use a talent doesn’t mean that you’re willing to give up on having the option to pull out your pet.


That’s not how this works. I haven’t made the claim that majority of anyone feels one way.

No I’m stating the doctrine of burden of proof.

This reply has absolutely nothing of value in it what-so-ever.

I never said it wasn’t popular.

Well since I never said it wasn’t popular this statement is irrelevent.

Nope. Not once. Just called it “useless fluff” I don’t think “useless fluff” should be removed for the sake of it. and clearly blizzard doesn’t either as lock’s still have voidwalker. Heck eye of the beast, and eagle eye are also useless fluff. One of which was removed from the games code and was difficult to bring back.

Never said it was.


It really isn’t. It’s the most fair system where anyone who makes a claim has to prove it. Otherwise anyone could claim anything. And then what? Are you telling me since you have no way to prove that you don’t have an invisible and intangible banana 5 inches away from you at all times that it is then true?

I don’t have to accept your statement as true. I’ve already suported my own stance and refuse to take your claim into account in it because it hasn’t been sourced.

I never said you’re a liar either. But without evidence your claim is forfeit. Doesn’t matter if it’s true. You have to prove that it’s true in the conversation.


It is not.

This literally makes no sense. All I want is for people to be able to keep the freedom to use pets for solo content. That’s it. I haven’t at any point advocated for pets being meta. Or picking pets over meta where it matters.

Some MM hunters do bring their pets into endgame. Though the most successful will take LW at the highest difficulties. Either way I’m fine with LW being better if it’s impossible to balance. If they could perfectly balance it to be equal 100% would I prefer that? sure. But if one has to be better I am fine with LW being better and pets mostly being used for solo content.

What are you even talking about? 11.1 isn’t even on PTR yet. Maybe it launches like this maybe it doesn’t. Neither of us can know for sure.

It’s impossible to tell who do it for this reason and who do it because it’s meta because it is always meta. So without an official poll from blizzard we’ll never know. But yes at least some people like playing petless and I’ve never disagreed with this statement nor do I think LW should be removed.

There is shared macros. Or you can copy/paste them into a folder.

This is a prediction more then a statement of fact. I can’t know for sure because I can’t see the future but the reason I came to this conclusion is from previous times they attempted this.

Technically true. But it does make it more likely it’ll happen again. Something that has happened once is more likely to happen again. (not counting a thing where by definition it can only happen once).

It means blizzard is willing to back out of their stance on this matter from feedback because they did before. Which means it’s plausible it can happen again.

Fun fact: You can still equip a bow as survival.

As for outlaw maybe I missed it but I don’t remember seeing many people upset about the change. Certainly not a nearly 3k post about it within days of it’s announcement. With 200 like OP against the change.

I do remember more controversary around survival.

But we’re talking about a specific thing they walked back before.

Yeah but that was in spite of player popular for the new class that doesn’t play remotely like old demo lock. I’m still bitter about that and part of the reason I am excited for MoP classic.

Who has been doing that? From what I can tell no one here has said once that MM should be forced to use a pet. Merely that removing the option of summoning a pet is a problem.

Why does this make you happy? What part about some players losing their pets as MM brings you joy? Because you were never going to lose petlessness. You already had what you wanted. You can get increased QoL by transfering pet utility to the hunter which should make you happy while keeping the ability to summon a pet for others (somnething that makes others happy) that won’t effect you one way or the other.

I’ve yet to meet anyone who plays the game only be auto attacking.

Outside of that joke character from dark legacy comics.

The game shouldn’t be ruined for the sake of the PvP players finding something annoying.

If it’s that big of a deal bliz should do the FF route for pvp and give every class their own simplified kit for pvp.


They don’t have any because they threw a farfetched number out there to be to try and prove a ridiculous point.

But because they are being ridiculous, they keep digging their hole deeper and deeper.

Claims to know toxicity in m+ and the state of m+, when they haven’t done ANY.
It’s pretty wild people chose to blatantly lie like this to get their point across.

I know a thing about a thing but I’ve never personally done the thing.
This is why people stalk profiles.


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Brother, you are fun to debate. But you need to condense that.
That is so much to unpack and reply to lol.

I find when you start stalking the person’s profile, that’s when you might be taking this a little too personnel and should probably take a step back.