Please don’t remove Hunter pets

You bet I do.
What I know even better is that you trying to gaslight us here and it aint happening.


Won’t happen . When Blizz truly feels like F’n up a class spec they go for the class they have shown they hate since Legion (imo) and that is hunter especially surv and mm.

I’d post the emogi bird Blizz is giving MM but I’d probably get a forum vacation for it .


That’s to mess up the class one spec at a time in hopes that people stop playing the class so they can get rid of it.

They need to fix pet AI and pathing in general, not keep removing pets.


People in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. You’ve been doing the same thing by proclaiming doom and gloom over how infinitely and insanely hard it would be for them to figure out how to let us keep our pets.


I mean, I think people arguing here should go back and re-read the OP. This is a very, very obvious troll post. Its well done, and it worked, I have to respect it, but it is obvious.

For goo :laughing:dness sake they talked about equine therapy as a reason not to change pet functionality for marksmanship hunter in world of warcraft.

Ok? Game isn’t balanced around open world.

Let me know when you have a valid point.

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Bringing dogs to hunt is a regular thing and has been going on for centuries. There’s all sorts of benefits like tracking, retrieving, treeing, herding, digging. While hunting deer, a dog can either find them or drive the deer to the hunter.

No doubt but I’m sure Blizz already knows that.

Understandable. I feel for those that are really tied to the spec the way it is now, but I personally am looking forward to seeing what they do with it. I’ve always wanted a pure ranger archetype and it seems like that is what they are shooting for. Hopefully they don’t fumble the implementation.

Frankly I think they should do away with the eagle mechanic all together and just make it a pure archer spec. If not, at least give us lots of customization options for it.

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Considering that they have whole teams of specialized and experienced developers and designers, and that the system has more moving parts than anyone can ever imagine, I’m sure the solution does not lie with a random complaining guy in the internet that has no concern about system’s complexity and no obligation to deliver the solution he proposes.

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And I’m sure they can figure something out if they’re willing to completely redo the spec mid-expansion.

Considering they’ve done this before, multiple times, of removing the pet entirely from the MM Spec, and every single time they have brought them back.

You’d think they’d have learned from history.

Time will tell if History, once again, repeats itself as it loves to do when people don’t learn from it.


I never take take lone wolf. I am one of these people. I have never felt the need to take Lone Wolf, because I always keep my pet out.


Then play Beast Master

This is one of the reasons I have two hunters. I have my Beastmaster Hunter which I play every week and then my Marksman Hunter which I go Lone Wolf and never use a pet. The damage that MM Hunter does compared to my BM Hunter is night and day, but I do enjoy not having to have a mob closing in on me in certain content. Then again lately, my Cleft hoof seems to not hold aggravation anymore on my BM Hunter.

“JuSt PlAy An EnTiReLy DiFfErEnT sPeC” is not a sane answer.


Why don’t you go play a spec you dislike?


I sadly see the facts that both Hunters and Warlocks, the two classes that have Pets/Minions that can tank for the class both having problems with their pets holding Aggro is a sign from Blizzard.

And given this radical change for MM hunters having their pets removed entirely for a passive “pet” is a sign of the potential near future.

Why bother having to “balance” the classes and their pets, when you can just remove the pets entirely and just have the “same effect” by making them passive? - This is the beginning of the new laziness for class design from Blizzard.


Single minded fury vs Titan’s Grip.
Demon vs Grim Sac.
2H vs dual wield.
Countless talents that change spells and play style.

And now they’re adding a Beast Master option to have one pet???

The idea that Lone Wolf is ‘impossible to balance’ is nonsense.