Please don’t remove Hunter pets

It will be changed back. It is inevitable. When not if.

Like melee Survival?

It really isn’t needed to be a weird talent. Just keep it as a class skill.

But glad you agree.

So your proposed solution is to force MM back into being a pet spec?

What’s the choice in that? Or are you only in favor of player choice when the one you agree with is correct?

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Trolling is when someone posts or comments online to deliberately upset others


I mean, if you extrapolate the definition required for that to be true, then you’ve been trolling here as well.

When did I say this?

You are imagining a scenario in your head that is not remotely related to reality.

Taming/having a pet should remain a class feature. But if you got marksmen, you unlock lone wolf right away which is recommended to use in group content. That communicates to players that you want to use this passive rather then your pet in more serious content but doesn’t take away the option to use the pet.

You shouldn’t lose the ability to summon a pet at level 10 then get it back at a later talent. That makes no sense.

I haven’t said anything with the intent to upset anyone.

If you’re upset at my words which have been me heartily defending player choice and freedom. Retaining a harmless feature that a not-insignificant portion of the player base enjoys I really don’t know what to tell you.

But my words do not exist to cause upset. For I want everyone to get what they want. Unless what they want is to take away from what someone else wants.

In order for that to apply to the person you were responding to, your definition of “posting with intent to upset” includes: “posting an opinion someone might disagree with”.

If it’s a baseline class feature, and there’s no damage loss for doing it, MM becomes a pet spec again, and running no pet becomes the deceptive wrong choice.

Lol, it’s hilarious how forumgoers that barely show understanding of class design find “solutions” for problems that teams of developers paid for that struggle for years to solve.

Unless it’s purposefully gimped heavily by developers, Lone Wolf will NEVER be the “deceptively wrong choice” by the simple fact that it relies solely on player skill and not on an AI not fully under the player’s control.

And Lone Wolf isn’t just better because of AoE, it was better even when it only affected single-target skills.

Under a complex system there’s no possible equal performance between choices that behave differently. There will always be a slightly better choice. Take Frost DK, for instance, which can’t find balance between 1 2-hand or 2 1-hand weapons simply because the RNG nature of two 1-hand attacks will be different from one 2-hand attack.

Frost Mage lost elemental because once a petless version came in, it instantly became better as the player no longer needed to rely on an unreliable AI for a fraction of its DPS.

So, what you are asking is: “please, developers, purposefully make the better skill-based option worse because I like the worst option more”.

Make no mistake: the ONLY reason MM kept its pet in BfA onwards was because players wanted it for tanking rares and questing. That’s a particular use where the pet excels over no pet. Frost mages didn’t have tanking pets, so there was no reason to keep a pet for them.

Quotes or it didn’t happen.

You don’t think passing false information about recent changes or false information regarding a class isn’t trolling?

You would have to have your head in the sand to think that solo content gets any balancing priority over raiding and mplus.

Raiding and mplus will always have the priority when balancing classes.

TLDR: game complex, easier to land on moon than balance game with 12 classes.
Its absurd everything that you said, please stop being delulu and stop defending incompetent developers.


The game is an EXTREMELY complex system made out of smaller extremely complex systems. Each spec is a complex system in its own right.

But sure, Eàu-warsong knows how to keep it in order despite not showing even the most basic knowledge in system design.

Never made one. Frost mage doesn’t appeal to me much.

Arcane and fire though…

How are you a sniper with a bird still tagging along? Also I’m really interested in how a sniper does solo content without a tank to keep mobs off your squishiness?

Dont speak for me , I am not " more stupid" ( proper grammar) for having read that . That is exactly what wow is implying, provide buffs and dps the boss and keep quiet in your corner and let the Prot Palladin ( the only tank class left) tank the boss.

Is this good for hunters or just tweaking somebodies tanking fantasy?

I think the latter.

Is Qamaits really ?

I’m MM and use a pet in open world have since I switched to MM from RSurv when it was broken in patch 6.2 to get it ready to be made into a melee spec :face_vomiting:

Nothing against melee specs or melee with a pet . I do have a Unholy DK for that.

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Stop assuming or implying this want of our pets is only about RP.
You’re seeing people whose playstyle isn’t geared around elitist min-max content.
This game isn’t made just for meta players.


Snipers have spotters. The idea of a “spotter eagle” is actually pretty cool, IMO. Plus, it’s just a gameplay visual and can be easily ignored. It’s no more immersion breaking than summoning dark hounds, applying murder of crows or current petless Intimidation summoning a dinosaur to stun your target. The eagle is not fighting in your stead, it just provides support. And if we get to customize it, it can add a lot of racial flavor (Sentinel owl? Highmountain eagles?) or give it a more personal touch.