I like how some people are acting like it’s too late and these changes are already live while the PTR hasn’t even started yet. They’ve got a couple months to iterate on their design. Which is part of why they started the feedback thread at such an early point.
Its just, this change is so atrociously bad there is nothing to discuss,
you dont want hunters with pets > add sniper spec, dont ruin the game for majority of players.
It doesn’t even have to be that complicated, they could easily keep pets with this rework, they’re just choosing not to because I guess someone at Blizzard just hates pets in general and is slowly whittling them away from the game.
I don’t see this exactly. I think it is more about people in high end content trying to min/max and finding pets don’t do them any good. They seem to be just a wildcard that can draw aggro and cause problem, with little DPS add.
So, of course, Blizzard wants to cater to this be revamping the whole class on EVERYBODY. Because everyone else kinda don’t matter.
Someone at squeenix feels the same way. They just deleted pets from the game rather then try to improve pet AI
Yeah, one of the posters a few hours ago actually said it best. The population has changed. The sweaty gamer geeks who loves number crunching games 10-20 years ago are now middle aged gamer geeks with families who like gaming with their kids.
Blizz need to reevaluate their priorities. Which is why they introduced actual Solo content for once. And as somebody else pointed out, with the Gilded crest changes for delves, this Solo content is pretty much going to be a new Solo Pillar.
I still think the changes are good. Plenty of other RDPS classes don’t have a pet. This does not mean this will kill MM for solo. They just need, really really NEED, to make sure the new pet-less MM Hunter has the right tools.
LOL no. Timing 6+ is NOT the same as solo world content. I can solo Tier 8 delves. That is not the same as a Mythic anything.
And yes, I do apologise to you at least. I do need to be more considerate to other people. That is really my bad.
You can have hunter with single pet, hunter with lots of pets and hunter with no pets.
If they dont have talent, nor vision (or anything for that matter in this case) you have situations like this.
Blizz also made this problem themselves when they made hunters only have 2 ranged specs. Now they want you to choose summoning a zoo vs a random bird proc. Nothing in between that lets you play how the class originally was.
Now they want you to choose summoning a zoo
They are adding an option for BM to have a single pet instead of two. If you take this option and Dark Ranger, and avoid summoning talents like Dire Beast, you can make a viable single-pet build.
Do you have a 2k+ rating MM Hunter who does 10+ and always has a pet out? If you do then I take back everything I’ve said
I’d be surprised if they were doing 8s tbh
Its just, this change is so atrociously bad there is nothing to discuss,
you dont want hunters with pets > add sniper spec, dont ruin the game for majority of players
Yet its changes the majority of MM hunters have been asking for.
You solo players aren’t he majority.
Yet its changes the majority of MM hunters have been asking for.
You solo players aren’t he majority.
Any evidence for your yapping?
Any evidence for your yapping?
The class discord abd years of discussion talking about the issues MM has faced.
If you had any basic understanding of the class you would know the issues im talking about.
You see? And that’s why Blizzard won’t listen. You are not in search of compromises or solutions, you just want to stomp your feet and keep things as they are.
Creating a opposite of Lone Wolf where you get tanking bonus having a pet out. Since MM usually have it out as a tanking pet.
MM hunters have been asking for.
I didn’t ask for it. I’m not sure where you are getting these magical numbers of hunter’s asking for MM to be shafted.
You see? And that’s why Blizzard won’t listen. You are not in search of compromises or solutions, you just want to stomp your feet and keep things as they are.
There has been like a thousand suggestions on how to fix the issue instead of lieaving MM as is.
Yes, and the development notes they shared are why I think this is an overall net positive.
I didn’t ask for it
Good thing I didn’t say “all” and only said majority.
I’m not sure where you are getting these magical numbers of hunter’s asking for MM to be shafted
It’s actually not being shafted. It’s fixing a lot of the issues that MM has had for group content.
The class discord abd years of discussion talking about the issues MM has faced.
If you had any basic understanding of the class you would know the issues im talking about.
I dont believe you.
This thread is evidence 2.3k comments against the change.
Try again troll.
I dont believe you
I don’t care.
This thread is evidence 2.3k comments against the change.
This thread is 2.3 comments of people going back and forth over the change and lots of trolls
The forums are also a very minor number of the player base so that’s not even a valid argument.
Try again troll.
I don’t need to try again. You and a bunch of other people have clearly shown you’re out of touch on the class basics and don’t have any clue what you’re talking about.