Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Man I love role playing game games

Evidently not.


I mean, you’re the one that can’t see past the identity of ONE spec

Says the non-gamer spewing nonsense from a Classic character. Go back to your spreadsheets brah.


I mean they completely changed Survival to a melee spec in Legion. It’s not like anything the playerbase says matters anyway. “We’re just going to try this out :)” I’m sure is the general vibe at Blizzard on the Marksmanship changes right now, and then they will proceed to never let Marksmanship summon their pets again when the anger dies down.


None of what you just said has any relevance to anything

I don’t think I’m that bad either. I just don’t sugarcoat things and some people can’t handle that very well.

He’s now the second person to put me on ignore in this thread.

The first one didn’t think me saying that using Skyrim and fallout mods were a good argument in comparison to wow.

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Please remove hunter pets. All I’ve wanted for Marksmanship since Warlords was to have a spec where I could shoot things with a gun and not have to have some stupid furry thing following me around all the time.

If you want a gun and a single pet, go Beast Mastery and pick up the talent they just put in for that option. You’ll get your class fantasy and have actual abilities that interact with your pets! And those of us who just want to snipe people will be over here doing so.

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Then do NOT tame a pet. If you DO, dismiss it and never CALL it. Or better yet, ABANDON it.

How do you people exist in a world so dense. No wonder our planet is going down the drain. So many of you.


When budgets are threatened they will suddenly come up with a reason why the class/spec must be completely rewritten again. In The Last Titan MM will be a plate wearing spellcaster with a pet duck that holds a shield.


Explain how “just don’t tame a pet” is a valid answer but “just play BM or Survival” isn’t

They will just add more combat pets to the shop. A lot more.

If you mean the OP I ignored him long ago in a thread about Mechagnomes because he got mad people were calling him names supposedly due to his chosen race so I wouldn’t let it get to me.

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Are you talking to your mirror?

Anyway, I do keep my pet dismissed and not call it. (I didn’t tame it, it was the free pet they gave me at level 1. I don’t throw away free things, I’m not a monster.) But it’s nice that they’ve finally seen the light and realized that it would be nice to actually support that playstyle with more than a 5% damage bonus that’s less than the passive bonus my pet would give me just for standing there.

I post on whatever class I’m maining.

Also my argument with rop was that good players didn’t complain about it because of the positioning as you aren’t moving when you’re bursting in CDs anyways.

Bad players would still be bad even if rop was removed.

That’s because when you play the game at a higher level like I do you have a better understanding of the game.

Talking about MM is a prime example. I have you reasons why the changes are happening and you went “lol blocked” like a child.

MM identity is being a marksman. Having a pet doesn’t change that. Imagine a huntsman in the woods. While their dog or whatever is distracting the target, the huntsman can line a more precise shot. That honestly sounds marksman enough for me. He’s not swarming it with a menagerie of beasts like BM or fighting alongside his pet like survival.


Yep, and with the changes coming they’re going to further solidify that concept with more flavor through the spotter eagle, rather than just calling it “guy who shoots things good” and calling it a day

Having to balance around two different ideas stifles creativity. Trying to balance Lone Wolf vs no Lone Wolf makes it that much more difficult to give the spec a stronger identity with more defined flavor

Incidentally, Blizz, please stop trying to make Single-Minded Fury a thing

This is a new level of wrong for you Primal. I use my pet all the time outside dungeons and guess what? I’m MM.


MM hunters have wanted to rid themselves of pets for years now, play BM, quit crying.

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They are allowing BM to use a single pet in this patch as well, if you want that fantasy.

The truth of the matter is that pets have been an afterthought in MM design since WoD, when MM lost all pet-based skills like Kill Command and Lone Wolf was introduced.

They are now finally consolidating the little utility pets provided into Lone Wolf, which they should have done a long time ago.

This feels like the discussion that was had when Survival became a melee spec in Legion. Lots of “don’t change Survival, I love throwing black arrow and stings and traps and don’t want to go melee”. The problem is that Survival had no proper identity, it felt just like a midterm between focusing on pets and focusing on shooting.

Likewise, pets for MM were just a bandaid to give them some utility that for some reason wasn’t baked into Lone Wolf. MM identity was always about sharpshooting, not pets.

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