Please don’t remove Hunter pets

This right here. Blizzard takes the easy route once again to appease the top 1% who create the meta for everyone else.


Always easier to block points you can’t refute.


Yep. Very standard for me here lol

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I agree with you that it definitely makes sense. Even I like using Lone Wolf and going petless. But there are times when I like to kind of RP and it’s cozy to be able to summon a pet. I put a lot of time into collecting rare pets and naming them and such. People care about these things.


Thank you for a very nice post that is helpful. :hugs:

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I don’t think you are that bad but okay then, lol.

As a death knight, I demand an undead eagle as my minion

:ocean: :milky_way: :ocean: :milky_way:

Honestly I think them trying something new with MM is refreshing.

My only thing this far is that the eagle should be mog gable to any hunter pet that can fly. Eagles won’t match everyone’s vibe and this is a mmo so everyone shouldn’t be locked to one type of flying animal

If they make it moggable, then it’s the best of both works as every hunter should have atleast one type of flying hunter pet that fits their character.This would allow them to keep the cool aspect of Hunter as a class which is the variety of pets.


That person has gone around on various classes with that name. I remember when they were a Priest, then a Mage for a while (constantly arguing that Rune of Power was good for the game), then a Warlock. Now a Hunter apparently. Every time anyone ever has engaged with them, they are extremely stubborn and never admit fault ever. They will say things like, “you can’t refute my points/facts” even when people make good responses in my opinion. There’s a handful of people on this site you just don’t engage with or you will lose hair. lol. You can do what you want, but read their argumentative post history if you don’t agree. All I can say. Better to just move on.


I agree. I love eagles and they match my hunter’s fantasy, but it would be cool to use owls, bats, vultures, ravens, falcons, parrots…

They could tie it to race, but making it customizable (via glyphs or barber) would be even better.

Yep. Definitely an owl for Night Elf for example or a bat for Undead, etc. I wonder if they would do glyphs or barber shop hmm.

no its the leftover hatred for player agency theyve had since legion. blizzard is that one stereotypical bad gm that throws a tantrum when their players roleplay wrong.


They shouldn’t even tie it to being race based as that’s still very restrictive.

All of my charters are witches and outliers among their racial groups so race based stuff would not fit them at all.

But I too would prefer it be an owl, crow or raven.

The best solution would be to allow us to go to the barber and select the model based on any flying pets in our stable.

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Because part of the changes is an effort to give MM a more defined identity. They aren’t just making Lone Wolf baseline, they’re solidifying the Lone Wolf identity into the spec as a whole

It’s the same reason they can’t just give Survival a talent that makes them melee or ranged, being melee is the identity of the entire spec

They aren’t removing hunter pets, they are blocking MM from using them, which is actually a good change that addresses the fact that nobody wants to invite hunters for their lust since they all b**** about changing pets.

On top of that, maybe now MM hunters can learn how to use traps to kite and play like an MM rather than putting a pet out and playing like a budget BM.

At the end of the day if you REALLY need to use pets for anything, just change specs to BM and do it.


I would even say any model that can fly.

Like there’s dread ravens that walk on the ground but can fly, they should be included too.

Homey doing something like this won’t take 10years.

Dontcha just love it when all these other mouth breathers keeping telling you how you should play?

Thank god we all know where they are lumped together. Muted and ignored.


It’s the meta chaser people that don’t see WoW as an RPG game anymore at all. It’s a big numbers simulator to them. The only content that matters is the 1% level in their minds lol.


^ I agree 100% I love Marksmanship as it is right now. I do not want to Lone Wolf. It’s still an option if I wish to, but please, please, please Blizz do Not force me to do that.

I will end up abandoning Marksmanship if I can’t have my pet.

I’m not fond of Beast Master, I like Marksmanship. I do not like Survival. I like Marksmanship and my 1 pet. That is my immersion. That is my fantasy.

Please do not remove it.


No, I prefer them with a pet, like they’ve been for decades.

It only exists as busiwork for Hunter devs to justify their existence. Player experience doesn’t matter.