Please don’t remove Hunter pets

They just confirmed in updates all specs will lose the pets by S3. MM is just first in the new consolidated playstyle.

And I suspect you’ll get the opposite.

I also suspect it’ll be a complete Charlie Fox on release. But that’s a different issue.

Maybe if you’re a gullible fool

I don’t know. I look at the MM section of the hunter class discord and there are just people discussing about how they don’t even know where all these people that like having a pet for MM are coming from on the forums lol and the overall consensus is the change is good for the health of the spec itself.

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it’s criminal they aren’t just uncoupling lust/bear from pets and making them standard hunter abilities


Link the update info.

You keep believing that. I see more than 500 players doing mythics just sitting in queues. Just because you dont’ like something doesn’t make it untrue. If you truly truly think i’m wrong then show me some actual facts. Others have done so in this thread (the bit about gilded crests and delves) and I fully admitted I was wrong.

You just throwing insults and the will not.

We can estimate that wow currently have around 6-9million players/subs active - being generous - using wow data that was shared by Belluar and other media, when wow said stuff about wow subs and numbers from wrath and the numbers when classic came out

Only 10% of the playerbase did 10+ or above and roughly the same percentage does raids.

why should they do changes based around 10% of wow players?


It’s about removing player choices. That is why there is resistance cause people want a choice to have a stable pet or not.


Simply false.

That is way off last calculated projections were less than 500K subs

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Lmao, you are crazy, it would declare bankruptcy a long time ago if we had only half a million of players

If I were to guess there will probably be a glyph that has a stable pet take the place of an eagle. Overall though the reason for the change in the first place was that MM’s usually don’t have pets out and the eagle is an easy way for blizzard to give MM pet utility without having a pet out.

No, just a few loud ones. Most have not.


After catching up on the thread a bit, the general rule of “people using Classic avatars have the worst takes” is reaffirmed.

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There much easier solutions for that, other than destorying what people were enjoying for many years.

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I will be fine with a stable pet glyph to take the place of that Eagle. As long as we get to at least get to keep one your pets of choice even if it acts as that Eagle will.

Words mean things.

I will, after they take your land-bound pet away :sunglasses:

And they dont mean what you think they do, especially when paladins and priests dont apply to hunters

Well, we will see who get the last laugh

Wait til they take your pet next…