Please don’t remove Hunter pets

Because there is more people playing for fun, for the lul and who don’t want to engage in rated or high ranking content, there are more noob there are more people without time compared to the the ones who try to push higher difficulties.

Just see the number of keys decreasing as it goes up, it is how it is.

Because directly affects and impact their gameplay

Suddenly a casual will tart dying questing because he doesnt have a pet, and he doesn’t change SPEC for the min-max mentality you people have, it will affect his time. This and other content as well

And you think what will keep the lights on is a elitist and small game mode like M+? they are devouring itself making the mode insufferable and dying as many people are quitting by crap balance and toxicity.

You can have the changes and the pet just fine, stop pretending it just one or another

What makes you think they would like a dumb bird and not the pet they always had?


apparently they are incapable of swapping to BM. I find it pretty weird as well :dracthyr_shrug:

The difference between LW and no LW is over 100k dps. That’s not 5% :joy:

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Casual solo players still would not care, sit.

Based on a lot of people in this thread sadly that’s very true.


Then just don’t be marksman. My survival hunter hugs his scalehide.

The point is to make it an option for people that do want their pet. I think you interpreted what I was saying incorrectly. It doesn’t even have to be equal damage, not having the pet out can easily be more and many wouldn’t care. We just want to option to pull out a pet when max dps ISNT needed (outdoor content, older content, etc)

You mean a “dumb bird” like Tyrande and Delas Moonfang had since WC3? This fantasy has been around for a long time.

And please read mine and the many others who have posted. IT MATTERS TO OTHERS. The solo content players who do tribal content are NOT the main demographic that Bliz is catering to.

Also, I was replying to YOUR post that you endorsed the change that said it would be an “easy solution with ZERO friction”. Which is BS, which is what I said. The fact that we are even having this flame debate is proof.

Marksman hasn’t really been a pet spec for what feels like a very long time now, lone wolf is usually the pick outside of niche circumstances. If someone wants their pet can’t they just play BM or Survival instead? Chances are they weren’t playing marks very optimally if they aren’t taking advantage of Lone Wolf.

Why do we have to be force to change specs? I don’t understand this logic of just telling someone to just change specs.


Because why not? Anyone that this change affects realistically isn’t playing on a level where swapping a spec would make a significant difference. Moreover, specs change all the time. Having 2 other dps specs you can swap to if you don’t like the design direction of your current spec is a godsend regardless.

Ah yes, the famous priest tyrande, who had a scout bird ( that you can already emulate by playing sentinel hero spec) and Delas moonfang, a priest turn paladin

Those are your references for MM fantasy being forced to use stupid bird :joy:

So it is okay for Blizzard to change a spec and then tell someone to just change spec if they don’t like the change?

Yes unironically. It happens all the time LOL. specs change somewhat like every expansion, sometimes every other patch.


Yes, the closest we can get to those archetypes is a Hunter. Unless Blizzard gave you access to the secret bow-using Priest and Paladin?

I’m curious to know how many are actually wanting to be Marksman after this change. They would probably boycott the spec for Survival or Beast Master for the sake of principles.

Those arent archetypes, you just missed the ball with the examples

If you want to play these fake archetypes, just pick MM and summon an owl.

they will when they let priests use sword and heavy armor like anduin

If you seriously think there are more casuals playing for fun then prove it.

Currently Blizzard are doing all these changes, which are entirely catering to those seaty elitists, because they must believe there are more people that want it than those that don’t.

If you reckon they are wrong, then you need to back it up with something besides feelz.

I have bad news for you, if blizzard catering to 500 players who do m+ they wont have a game in a few months.

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