Thankful? You’re still arguing with someone who isn’t me.
Pretty sure you are one of the people making this nonissue into an issue so at least own it.
And you know what lets you choose your own pet? BM and Survival
So now I’m attacked for not having the opinions you had assigned to me in your imagination?
Pretty sure I’m not the only one that’s called you but keep beating that made up “victim complex drum” maybe someone will feel bad for you someday.
No one is attacking you. We’re informing you that your stance isn’t really relevant. You’re allowed to have your stance but it’s not one that should be taken seriously.
at first i was excited for the idea. i use lone wolf and MM is pretty darn boring because of it. the idea of having some bird up in the air or whatever, helping me out but not needing to be watched sounds nice.
but it probably really sucks for those who dont use lone wolf. maybe this would be better off as a hero talent choice? or a fourth spec?
This is one of several changes that is a serious wait until the PTR to see the numbers and what actually happens. While I have a ton of issues with the changes their proposing, as this is walking down the same path as korthia slowly but surely. I’m waiting to see some numbers and changes before I voice my final opinions on things.
That’s why people keep saying that they have Beastmastery which is pet centric and Survival which while melee still allows you to pick a pet minus the exotic ones, it’s not like they are taking pets away from Hunters completely or something it’s a small change to a solo spec that most everyone that plays it uses lone wolf for anyway.
I don’t understand why the Lone Wolf mechanic can’t be reworked in such a way that allows pets to exist as they do now for Marksmanship— and then whenever you don’t summon a pet, the “eagle” bird thing automatically exists on the field.
This would allow the mechanical issues to be resolved for Marksmanship through the new eagle thing, but also still allow for the tradition pet summon to do the same things.
Because it’s a balancing nightmare. If you make mm have pets and no pets along with utility both have to be balanced. It’s why MM is so bad right now.
Because this is the main problem right now /facepalm.
Oh god not you again. Easy block.
Lol, point out facts and they block you, good lord.
Just gonna crosspost my thought from 4AM last night because I haven’t had any other thoughts on the matter. (I don’t play MM often)
If it was anyone else I would engage, but they are extremely hard to talk to.
Anyway, Blizzard could do something to let Marksmanship keep their pets, but they’re taking the easy road here. It is what it is. Really sad for Hunter identity on the whole.
But when I asked you what my stance was, you got it wrong? So … sigh … sorry to everyone reading for the part I’ve played in prolonging this wild tangent into a wilderness of forum misunderstandings, misattributions and hiveminds.
Just do yourself a favor and disconnect from discussion with that person. You will not win.
The thing is there will always be a “better” option. I love Lone Wolf, but there are moments I’m forced to pull out a pet because it provides something the character needs but Lone Wolf doesn’t over. Lone Wolf exists since WoD and to this day it never felt like Blizzard focused on it except on Legion, when Lone Wolf became baseline and MM had no pets at all. On the other hand, pulling a pet out just makes MM feel like a suboptimal BM, with no skills around pet usage and no mobility. Balancing the spec’s kit around a single fantasy is just easier.
I’m very positive about the changes, it feels like Blizzard is finally giving MM a full petless kit. I can cast my Lust/Heroism, I can have petless utility, the skills all revolve around making Aimed Shot hit harder.
My only gripes are solo content and a few PvP situations (like guarding nodes) in which having a pet to tank or to attack while you are under CC was necessary. But I need to test the nee kit before saying there won’t be any compensation in those areas.
Just update lone wolf with this so people who want it can pick it while the rest of us can keep using traditional pets. Why force this change on the whole spec? Not all of us care about optimal dps numbers.
It’s not though, as I said in my last post before the one about you blocking them they aren’t taking away pets from Hunters completely Beastmastery will still be pet centric and Survival while melee will still be able to pick pets minus the exotic ones. Marksmanship is mainly being brought to where it is with most people anyway to be a solo spec because that’s what most people use it for anyway due to the constant usage of lone wolf.