Please Don’t Nerf Solo Delves

I completed multiple 8 Delves last night, starting at 560 iLVL as a prot paladin.

I have to say, it was pure skill that got me there. Skill > Gear.

With that being said, it was hard as f***. Some felt literally impossible at times.

I think it’s balanced about perfectly for “me”. It’s harder than 5 mask Visions, it’s harder than Mage Tower, it’s even harder than Mythic Raiding.

But if I switch off Prot Paladin? I would probably say it’s impossible.

As I begin to get higher ilvl, it will probably become easier, but by then I won’t need any of the gear from there, so it will have been what it was set out to be, an additional pillar of gaming.

I hope they do something like this EVERY patch/expansion and NEVER leave it out. This is the best pillar I could have asked for, but I really hope I can have similar success on other classes/specs besides prot pally.

Nevermind the ?? boss, that’s something different. I’m talking about mainly level 8 delves. Everything else is just gravy.

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Remove your armor, have fun that way.
Most of us are happy with this

You don’t even have the achievement to level Brann to level 10. That’s a warbound achievement. Why are you even weighing in on content you’ve yet to experience?

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There’s nothing challenging about unavoidable damage or playing a class that has one interrupt and trying to survive mobs that spam 1m damage abilities.


Delve achievements are bugged on armory.

I’ve done Zekvir on ? and completed a 10.

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Well said they do need some fixing i did a 9 on my 594 dk was a nightmare

Just a side note here to say that this is not exactly true.

Gear is actually much better than skill until you reach a fairly high level of skill… then the gear starts to matter less.

Ironically, when skill becomes so good that that it outshines the impact of gear, you can legitimately say that the player “doesn’t need” better gear. While the under skilled player actually needs the gear far more. So computer games (in general) kind of have a backwards reward system.

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See, the thing about “fun” is that everyone’s version is different (ditto with “easy” and “uninteresting” - they’re all 100% subjective). What you’re essentially implying is that everyone that isn’t in agreeance of your versions of fun/easy/uninteresting, well their views are of no consequence. Well, at least until it impacts YOUR fun.

Because those are for bragging rights and achievements/mounts/etc. I’m not sure why you’re worried about item level though with as much as you are praising and advocating for the current difficulty level of delves. I thought you didn’t want them easier? Because that’s what having a higher i-level does.


I absolutely love delves. I haven’t been this excited to down content since raiding on my priest in MoP and getting Thunder King down. I actually screamed my victory to the entire household. I managed t8 below 585 and it was thrilling and challenging and so much fun! I hope they eventually scale better to different roles and classes, so others can enjoy that rush of success too.


I chose mage because it had added benefit of providing teams with a poral out and food, many many moons ago.

Now, my mage is the only class I have that needs to eat food, and no one needs mage portals.

Overall, I’m grateful on my other characters not needing mage food and portals, but on the other hand it’s made my mage my least favorite class to play now. The second mobs are resistant to CC, it’s a dead mage.

I really hope they make old reps account-wide. My mage has almost all of the reps at exalted, which makes it the only reason I keep dragging it on into new content.

Nerf them compared to what? They’ve changed so much in such a short time nobody even knows what level of difficulty anyone is talking about.

We’ve just been beta testing them and nobody even knows what the design intent was/is.


I am yin and yang on that. I do enjoy the solo’s, because I think it may help me be a better player. But sometimes it’s just so frustrating and I want to bang my head on the desk…but that’s just me.


I guess that may be true, gear can carry low skilled people a bit further, but high skilled can carry themselves much further even in low gear, than gear carry will ever be able to do.

I think that’s what you are saying, and I agree.

… you’re going content designed for 610. lol.

Done a 7 & 8 Bountiful solo on Holy around 68x - Dominate Mind on a focus macro helps provide an extra DPS to clear the trash, but that’s not an option on bosses and they are just - well not always (edit) fun. But I actually expected that due to my gear level. I’ve completed two others after too many deaths, but I used those runs to figure out when to run, when to stop and cast, and when to blow cooldowns.

This is a good point.

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This. Mage Tower was very challenging but in the end the victory mostly depended on clean execution of mechanics that were also seperately balanced for each spec! Bashed my head against the wall countless times, but the mechanics were absolutely learnable and followed a clear pattern that I had to follow and allowed me to make progress.

Delves don’t have any challenging mechanics. The mechanics have the quality of a Classic style dungeon. The difficulty only lies in unbalanced auto attacks and spam-casts that are often unavoidable and create a frustrating experience because there’s no clear pattern. Just RNG and the lack of tools to deal with some stuff.

PvE content can be a well designed challenge as Blizzard has already proved in the past, but with Delves there’s clearly a lack of creativeness and tuning. Some people seem to completely misunderstand the feedback regarding this topic. It’s not about just “Nerf it so I get the shiny”. It’s about putting a bit more effort into the development process so it’s a more fair and well-rounded experience, not a chaotic and hectic zerg where all kinds of unavoidable crap is thrown at the player.

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rotating defensives is part of skill. Zekvir also has mechanics (along with many bosses.)

Buff branns damage back up to pre hotfix levels and we good.

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The issue is the difficulty doesnt come from delves actually being difficult. It comes from being able to live through white auto attack damage or not. If delves ACTUALLY made you do mechanics and you as a player were rewarded for it then yeah it’d be amazing. But instead, its just a matter of simply out gearing the delve tier level OR playing a class that is perfect for solo content survivability to auto attack damage. Take a shadow priest versus a ret paladin for example. The ret has MUCH more of an advantage in delves than the shadow priest does. Because Delves are hard in the wrong way.
Thanks for your time.