Please do something about epic bg premades

you have a 50% win rate though

This is the #1 Honor Level player in the worldā€¦ look at the premade groups win rate.

The difference between his/her premade group and our premade groups isā€¦ laughable. Itā€™s not even close. Their efficiency actually accomplishes somethingā€¦ Our premade groups wonā€™t even heal me. Some of you refuse to see my pointā€¦ My point is that our premade groups are not only annoying - but serve no purposeā€¦ ZERO. A premade group should be efficient, and beneficial. These so called win rates lead to nothing. So, next time you see Owlcapwn or Charming in your BG - do something beneficial for onceā€¦ I expect ALL healers to be on me. I donā€™t like dyingā€¦ Itā€™s the least you guys can doā€¦ while Iā€™m trying to get that #1 spot back to the US.

those win rates are on par with our premades, different content though.

again why? even with your honor level your win rates donā€™t indicate you know how to play.

Youā€™re not under the impression that I care about wins/losses, are you?

The only reason I do Epics is to make up for the lack of WPvP since PvP servers were removed. I search for stragglers/1v1s. The wins/losses are meaningless to me.

The larger maps allow more stragglersā€¦ unless I end up in a premade group - where you guys box everyone inā€¦ forcing me to do objectives. I care about 1v1s, and my win rate is 100%.

My point still standsā€¦ with your high win/loss rate - Iā€™d think one of your members would be a respectable Honor Level. Letā€™s say you try to recruit me - the only pitch you guys would have is - a friendly communityā€¦

LOL - thatā€™s not going to cut it.

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i didnā€™t ask why you do epics, you do you, but again, if you have managed 2000 honor levels worth of pvp and have practically nothing to show for it, why should a premade community recruit you?

Nothing to show for it? LOL.

Iā€™m ranked 24th in the ENTIRE worldā€¦ do you know how many people have PvPed throughout the years? I only care about two things in Warcraftā€¦ 1v1s and Honor Level.

My twitter is loaded with clips from my 1v1 winsā€¦ I have over 145 streamers hunted down, and defeated. My folder has thousands of clips. I keep them as trophies.

Thatā€™s what I have to show for itā€¦ the fact that I never lose - and it doesnā€™t matter how many times I do itā€¦ it never gets old. The feeling I get from beating somebody 1v1 is worth five months of subscription. I hunted down Arrow Assassin a few weeks ago - made him rage quit AV, because my skill is unmatched 1v1. I still watch the clip.

Nothing to show for it? ROFL.

Let me tell you something - if you or any (US) premade can get a person ranked in the top 25 - message me. Iā€™ll change my stance on premade groups. Until then, its you who has nothing to show for it.

Now, I have Honor Levels to gainā€¦ and people to beat.


and yet you are no more capable of delivering a win than any random player.

I really donā€™t get your pointā€¦ Iā€™ve won my share of BGs - and never once was I happyā€¦ or felt as if I accomplished anything. In my eyes - its the same as a loss - but slightly more Honor.

Now, once Rated Blitz is released - I might feel differentlyā€¦ winning will actually mean something, I guessā€¦ although, rating of any kind will never mean much of anything to me.

Iā€™m on a 5 game winning streak on my Rogueā€¦ and itā€™s no different than a 5 game losing streakā€¦ other than Honor gained. I do appreciate the Honorā€¦ but other than thatā€¦ meh.

I just move onto the next.

i disagree, you have been in winning bgs, but you havenā€™t won them.

And yet the end result is the sameā€¦

Honor Level 2111.

24th in the ENTIRE world.

it seems like the result is no more certain than a coin toss.

Iā€™ll tell you what - if anyone in your premade can beat me to 3000 - weā€™ll talk about whose way is more efficientā€¦ and Iā€™ll concede about the importance of winning an EPIC BG.

But we both know thatā€™ll never happen.

You guys simply canā€™t do itā€¦ not even as a team effort.

Your win/loss rate is meaninglessā€¦ and doesnā€™t result in, well, anything of importance.

Sorry I had to mix the responses to you both together (in my mind they are very similar), anywayā€¦

You are right that these might not be related, but Blizz leaving the situation alone, combined with all those Devā€™s comments, would certainly make people wonder if perhaps Blizz doesnā€™t see Premade as a problem, or/and wonā€™t do anything.

From my past posts, it should be clear that I enjoyed Pugs as much as Premade, and I fully understand it is not a solution Pug players would want to hear, and people rarely love being bossed around.

But for players who only want to have some fun, how long must they wait for the situation to get better? Every minute of not enjoying the game they paid for is their money wasted.

Oh, and not all premadeā€™s Leaders are bossy, I enjoy DJL for example, it is a pleasant group of people to enjoy the game with. However, my last premade gaming is over 8 months old so this might no longer be true (hope not :stuck_out_tongue: ).

Reading these same forum posts I just feel that, if people truely want the situation to improve, instead of complaining about the same problem, arguing and yelling at each other (Pugs and Premades), players should direct all this pressure at Blizz instead, demanding they clarify and act. It would be a far more effective method.

Itā€™s unfortunate that people had to grind Epic to earn conquest. I think itā€™s an unfriendly and bad game design to force players into playing something they are not interested in. Addressing this would also improve the experience for players who genuinely enjoy Epic BG.

you keep missing my point, which is that your honor levels have brought you no value. it doesnā€™t matter if you have 2 thousand or 2 million, if you arenā€™t progressing in skill as a player the honor levels donā€™t matter.

youā€™re literally the digital equivalent of a synthol swollen body ā€œbuilderā€ trying to act like a tough guy in a jujitsu dojo.

Pet collections - no value.
Achs - No value.
Mounts - No value
BG win/loss rate - No value.
Arena Rating (that doesnā€™t result in $$$ tournament invites) - No value.

Seems to meā€¦ that playing Warcraft in general hasā€¦ no real value. I think value should be left up to the person - and in my opinion, if something has a number ranking behind it - it matters, and is of value. So, being #1 in Honor Level does have value - which is why the current player ranked there - continues to do everything he/she can to keep it. I think you diminish the value in Honor Level because youā€™ll never achieve a high rankingā€¦ even with your win/loss rate and premade group. Your playstyle is meaningless.

Imagine doing something (1v1s for example) all the way to 2111 Honor Levelā€¦ chances are that much experience will make you pretty good at it. Just because I donā€™t put 2111 levels into Arena - doesnā€™t diminish that experience. I am ranked 24th in the ENTIRE world - the only way for you, or anyone in your premade to diminish that accomplishment - is to pass me.

Youā€™re never going to do thatā€¦ we all know it.

Itā€™s all about jealousy and envyā€¦ you canā€™t argue with that type of person. But, I guess, if my Honor Level was terrible - Iā€™d probably feel the same way you do. So, I get itā€¦ I do.

IDK about alliance (I assume it was a lot shorter), but back in BFA on horde, queue times could often hit 60min+

Have you ever seen those videos about mma vs jujitsu? its very 1 sided.

When weapons are involved sometimes the smaller person can win with skill but if its just hand to hand girth nearly always prevails everytime.

Oh, I recall. We had drinking games to keep us occupied.

Impulse and I just carried a Gilneasā€¦ 2800+ Honor Level healer healing a 2111 Honor Level Balance Druid to double digit kills, 0 deathsā€¦ an an easy win.

If healers are smart enough to stay on me - Iā€™ll try to winā€¦ otherwise, itā€™s every man for himself. I still got zero pleasure from the winā€¦ but a ton from the kills.

Unfortunately, not every healer is Impulse.

But according to some of youā€¦ Honor Level is meaningless, and the opposing team should have been able to pull off the winā€¦ LOLā€¦ It was over before it started.

You saying like its something, its really not,
WOW PVP is absolutely dead and utter disbalanced mess,
just avoid anything that is related to PVP in WOW you will be good.