They are not, if I wanted to be led around by a screaming person, I’d join the army.
Only two on ally side have screaming leaders. Horde is all very chill.
I used Comp Stomp to collect Honor/Conquest boxes for alts.
I fully geared my Warrior (Conquest) during one week of Comp Stomp.
I only follow leaders I think are better than me.
And while I follow them I try to become better than them and then once I do that I either leave or replace them.
Even though I don’t really like leading I think people should be making their own decisions.
Wether it be in physical power or intellect or looks or anything else if you don’t have more of those qualities then me you don’t deserve to “lead” me.
I only follow people who have higher Honor Levels than I do.
That’s 23 people in the ENTIRE world.
i don’t think so, full time pvpers have plenty of conquest and honor for alts just doing their regular content.
thats not to say all your honor levels are from comp stop, napkin math says its anywhere from 40-80 honor levels. but that’s still a lot of not-pvp you are trying to brag about.
40-80 Honor Levels out of 2110…
L O L.
You people will try anything to dismiss my greatness…
Go back to bringing up my 0 Arena Rating.
can’t be that great if you aren’t in BSG
I assume that’s a premade community.
While I don’t think they should be banned - I have no respect and no use for any of them. I actually cringe when they end up on my team. Playing on a premade is pretty much on the same level as playing Comp Stomp. But I’m also as anti-social as they come - because my ego won’t allow me to share credit with anyone. Once TWW releases - I’ll do the daily Epic win on all four characters (every day) then avoid the cesspool altogether.
Premade communities do not offer anything… Torture just wants us to believe that they do. It’s just a group of people dropping queue for 20 minutes - and talking about things that nobody actually cares about. You got the guy who takes a smoke break after the first BG. The woman whose kid just woke up - and she disappears for 40 minutes to feed it. The 20 year old who tells the rest of us that he’s ‘‘high’’ and that’s like… totally awesome, dude. I can go on, and on… the guy who yawns, chews doritos, plays music on an open mic…
I absolutely despise premade communities… and every person in them.
Same, they actively ruin the game for everyone not themselves.
Game companies need to start moderating their games better to make communities like this not exist.
careful, you might cut yourself with that edge.
Plus - think about this - if any premade community were to invite me - I’d be the highest Honor Level… by far. I’m 24th in the ENTIRE world. A premade community that queues up every single day - and wins at least 98% of their games and not one member can come even close to my Honor Level. They’re not nearly efficient enough to benefit me. They bring… NOTHING to the table. It’s kind of sad if you really think about it.
The #1 Honor Level in the world uses his premade to keep his ranking intact. That’s a community, while annoying, very beneficial to him. I can almost understand it.
‘‘Our’’ premade communities are basically Temu quality.
so what. highest honor level doesn’t mean you are the best at leading a community, leading a game, calling targets, or even the best at killing players.
a strong team puts the best player in the best position to take as much advantage of their best skill as they possibly can. if you are looking at it from a personal benefit point of view, its the advantage of knowing all your bases are covered.
if you can’t recognize where you are not as good as someone else at a particular task and thus let them have that task to do, then you can’t call yourself great.
‘‘our’’ premade communities accomplish NOTHING.
The EU premade community logs on every single day to keep their guy at the #1 spot. Whether you care about Honor Level or not - that premade community accomplishes something. I do not like it, nor do I believe he should need a premade in order to keep his ranking - I recognize the fact that his community is beneficial, and actually accomplishes something… other than dropping queue for 20 minutes, and being annoying.
You would think our premade communities would want the #1 Honor Level to be in the US… but only Charming and myself are capable of accomplishing it.
So, instead of attacking Charming and myself on the forums and in game - your healers should be focused on keeping us alive… since we are the only two people in the entire BG that matters. We are the only two people who can bring #1 back to this great Country. I’ll do it with or without you.
Try something different for a change - play to accomplish something.
Oh, lol.
It all makes sense now.
It does make sense… for them. EU premades, while annoying, accomplish something. They serve a purpose. We don’t have to like it - and I don’t. It’s still lame.
But our premade groups? L O L. Dude’s rocking 500 Honor Level spamming ‘‘FOLLOW SKULL’’ and ‘‘DROP QUEUE’’ for 20 minutes. I think their highest Honor Level is 1900ish, and he’s been in the 1900s since 1985. I’m telling you - EU leaders know what they’re doing… while we have Temu grade people calling shots.
they have better win rates than you. cept for comp stomp of course.
Nobody’s scared. Isn’t a competitive issue.
We’re dealing with a toxic waste who uses their decades played to stalk, harass and target others, gloating and getting off when those players are miserable or quit. Not particularly bizarre if people avoid that. It’s bizarre when they don’t.
Yeah - and I’m still ranked 24th in the ENTIRE world… on my own.
Premade communities should be housing at least ONE top 20 Honor Level player. If they were - my stance would be loosened - because, again, while still annoying, they serve a purpose. Our premade communities serve no actual purpose - and benefit nobody. You guys just seem content on being annoying… It’s pretty sad.