Please do something about epic bg premades

No it would not work. Don’t pretend you know what you’re talking about

Communities would just synch in via solo queue

this is literally the 693409430943043th epic bg premade thread

newsflash!: blizzard doesnt care! now pay your sub money like a good little boy while blizzard AFKs until they can release mopclassic


*breaks out the popcorn

I’ve stopped giving premades the mental bandwidth personally I just enter game if I see a premade either afk and log an alt.

Or I just afk and do my own m+ key cause I have an io to raise. All the premade players will stay eternally bad at the game and I sleep well knowing that.


No, you accept the carry. We’ve all seen it firsthand.


I meant when i get put against them.

If i were to leave every game with or against a premade i would literally never finish a match.

outside of like 2 hours of the day.


No. Blizz is fighting for more different queues to split up the pvp population. Dont ruin my ability to farm honor easy. The addon and discord auto moving is fun as its easystomping when its 40 people coordinating lol.

The only thing funny is you and by extension premades believing you are good given the state of your account.

And premades get laughed at universally outside their echo chambers only intensifies when they post stuff like

And you just like inemia make the error of believing you speak for “pvpers at large” when in reality epic bgs and the people who premade them round the clock couldn’t be a more meaningless subset.

You are a subset within a subset in this game oof.

And ps I won plenty of games yesterday with or without you so there was no “carrying”

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I have been testing this for a bit to see how bad premades are. I run into them at about a 60% clip (can be worse certain times of the day) and that is only the ones I 100% know are premades. It’s pretty easy to tell honestly. Either by recognizing names (which I don’t know a lot of them) or how they a playing together. Horde side one night there was definately a horde side queue sync that was queue dodging alliance ones. 3 games in a row my team started with 20 players and we never had more than 25. So horde side outside of premades queues seem pretty dead if backfilling is that bad. I have come out of this wondering how active EBGs really are and think they are being carried by queue sync/EBG communities atm.

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We don’t take it if 3/4 pop. And if we do check it, if the usual suspects are there, we requeue. We fight RR & BF all the time.

So you don’t take it unless 100% of your que syncers get in? lmao.

So even with all your syncers in you still almost lose a lot to randoms? that’s brutal


Ya I don’t think they realize the affect they are having on the bracket. OR just don’t care. From my testing and if I am right and the bracket is as dead as I think (only Blizz really knows) minus the premades, the affect on the bracket will definately hurt it as far as new BGs being added or things like TB being added in the future. Outside of those communities there is a pretty big distain for these premades and you see it in chat all the time. I have friends who love BGs that won’t queue EBGs anymore because they think the bracket is awful.


We don’t lose often. Feel free to look at my win rates. Horde has the smallest premades, it is what it is. Sometimes we invoke the three or more pop we take it rule. But when there aren’t many of us, usually later at night, we make sure we all get in.

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play in a 30+ man premade everyday < win almost every game against pugs < dodge every game you que that ends up being against a premade (ironically is hilarious that you have below a 80% winrate in every epic bg considering the following) < brag about it on the forums < leaves and doesnt elaborate


Your Premade was yummy :yum:


DJL fights other communities regularly. They don’t want to play with or against AFK and his toxic band of stalkers and Terrance Howard knock offs.


just saying it would be a lot lower than what it shows.

I solo queued for years. Didn’t start doing premades until SL.

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There is still time to delete this invitation. Thankfully i wasnt drinking my coffee.

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Eh, I don’t care. I don’t leave games I lose like yall do…

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