Please do something about epic bg premades

I can not have whatever I want. No “trait” is innate. But honestly not surprised you think that way.

You’re illogical then.

You aren’t forced to post, you are choosing to post.

Thus, you have a self selection bias.

It is innate, because it is describing the bias that you have when you choose to do something.

In statistics, self-selection bias arises in any situation in which individuals select themselves into a group, causing a biased sample with nonprobability sampling. It is commonly used to describe situations where the characteristics of the people which cause them to select themselves in the group create abnormal or undesirable conditions in the group.

Ahh yes Wikipedia why am I not surprised that’s what you would use. I don’t have “biased” because there is no debate. You sync queue exploiters are by blizzard definition cheating. Most gamers don’t like cheaters. So logically, most players are against what you are doing. The many many many posts that you guys’ cry about people “complaining” proves that most players don’t like you and want you delt with. So again, you are wrong, but I suppose your feelings are “valid”.

Don’t like Wikipedia? Sure I can play that game…

In your opinion. It is not official, if it were, people would have been banned in the last 20 years.

No, you really do have a self selection bias, trying to pretend that you don’t doesn’t change anything.


You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

I know it’s hard to think outside of your emotions, so I am not longer going to waste my time with this.


Again, how you interpret the cheating clause is obviously not how Blizzard interprets it, otherwise people would have been banned in the last 20 years.

I mean, how many times have you reported players for cheating?

Has anything ever been done about your reports?

I know you have difficulty backing down from a stance that you’re incorrect about.

Idk what this 20 years bs is lol sure exploiters have existed and have been banned. You sync queue exploiters that sit on all day ever day are new sense the start of dragonflight. You will be delt with it’s only a matter of time. So, keep destroying the game all you want bud.

Already proved you wrong. Take your own advice for once.

There’s nothing to prove, you have a self selection bias, because you choose to post.

It isn’t possible to not have a self selection bias when you choose to post.

AFAIK, no player who queues into a BG has ever been banned for simply clicking an in game button.

Some have if they used scripts or software that is not part of the game itself. But using the game in a way that is frustrating to you is not in and of itself cheating.

Just keep breathing that copium, it’ll be fine.

Ironic and hilarious.

This is something called “your opinion” I hope someday that you will understand your opinion doesn’t matter to the rest of the world.

Let’s just stop pretending that’s all you guys do. You are using an exploit. If you were not, you would queue your group together because the game would allow a full raid to go in, yet the game does not. Therefore, you exploit the queue system to go around the games group size limitation. Anyways, you are already famous for spewing nonsense so I will leave you with the facts and you can continue to make all the excuses you want.

It isn’t though.

It is a characteristic of anyone that chooses to tell someone about anything.

You have self selected yourself to say the thing.

The bias is that you aren’t the person who hasn’t self selected. You can’t say that your view is the majority view unless you have a randomized controlled survey.

It’s like I’ve said that the sky is blue.

And you say it’s only my opinion that the sky is blue.

Or that fire is hot. Or that ice is cold. It’s simply a fact about reality.

the lack of self awareness is hilarious

I have a self selection bias, I know that. I certainly don’t have an issue with self awareness.

alright if you say so…

You’re appearing more and more unhinged with each post.

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Interesting observation but like usual incorrect. More lack of self-awareness like normal.

You really have to keep that copium flowing, don’t you?

I like the premades because I enjoy imagining their nasally voices yelling for help when I catch one of them alone and they fold like paper before their raid can run over to save them.

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speaking of unhinged, you didn’t like the meme because i misspelled one word?

yeah that’s right, i went there

What I dont get is that Blizzard just ignores clear breach of TOS.

We would have a valid case for chargebacks and refunds for all out monthly subs for their continued ignorance and esentially promoting breach of TOS.

While they permanently ban some poor guy cos they said “F*%K” in chat but will do absolutely zero about the garbage premade people that ruin that game for a HUGE base of the casual PVP community.


There’s far worse things Blizzard ignores. Literally every private server has an in game cash shop and Blizzard doesn’t do a thing.
They just don’t care about anything but whatever will make them more money short-term for investors.