Please do not turn the Maw into Dark Souls

Ok Mr. “No Argument”.

You made the argument for me, over 4k hours combined according to you and unless you know exactly what to do for every situation then the game becomes fairly easy. Lets not count the amount of time you have to invest to aquire the mechanical skills those games require at minimum but nooo they are soooo easy XD

Also Dark souls 1 is the easiest of the bunch maybe besides Demon souls.

I would say Dark Souls 3 is the easiest because of the speed of combat, DS1 and 2 are much slower if your used to speedy combat.

Damn it’s almost like they’re puzzles games more than skill-based games, and Sekiro is even more of a puzzle game than the rest. Most multiplayers games are harder than Souls games. All fighting games are harder than Souls games. Abusing half a second of iframes take no skill. Spamming sloth and making one shot builds in Nioh takes no skill. Spamming Chaos Bed Vestige and rolls with infinite stamina and iframes in DaS3 takes no skill. Spamming lifegems in DaS2 takes no skill. Poisetanking takes no skill. Spamming the designated shinobi tool and using the red candy and purple weapon every boss fight in Sekiro takes no skill. Sorry that the gaming journalists lied to you. Most players aren’t bad, they’re dumb.

Multiplayer games cannot be compared.

Turn the Maw into Dark Souls. Let me troll people into jumping off the edge of the world with my floor messages.

How many times have you seen a DDoS attack in the last two weeks? I haven’t seen any, and certainly there was one time where I lost my internet connection and it was not because of Blizzard.

Well sure then they require knowledge and experience witch can also be translated into skill. Would you say puzzle games are simple cause you can look at the solution online

Yea I know it will not happen so No worries. I just don’t care anymore. But I do know this is not going to be well liked and will cause more problem than it is worth. I hope I’m wrong.

No you dont you hope your right cause losing your precious little ressources will break your heart.

If you say so. like I said I don’t care. Just seems like a place I will avoid. If it’s one of those voluntary things that is mandatory to progress it will not be much fun.

Fair enough hope you like the other zones.

If you play a sorcerer or pyromancy build it doesn’t

This will be so fun though for War Mode! I can see the tears flowing in already.

“I got killed by another player in The Maw and lost my Stygia!”

I can’t wait to camp and kill so many players to screw them out of their Stygia haha.

You’re discrediting an entire piece of content because of some external force that happens by random chance through the entire year. That’s not fair to anything the WoW Legion team is currently working on here in Shadowlands. Downplaying something for something they didn’t have any control over.

And I’m sorry, it IS going to be mandatory to get anything done in your Covenant, just because YOU don’t like losing something for dying doesn’t mean you should discourage other people from doing it inadvertedly. And if you’re worried about dying, then you should look at yourself as a player and see what the real problem is.

This is absolutely untrue. I did not ask for that at all. I enjoy a good challenge. I don’t enjoy losing progress when I die. There’s a HUGE difference.

Well you lose time in M+ for dying, you lose food, scrolls, and other temporary buffs for dying, you lose gold via repairs when you die. This isn’t any different, and in it’s current incarnation, it doesn’t seem like its pressuring you with a timer or being regulated to one Maw-run a day or making that Stygia go away on death. You can reclaim it, that’s the HUGE difference.

Whatever. For a company that want you to have fun and stay logged in they sure add stuff that is not fun and makes you want to log out. Like I said I just don’t care, BFA made not just not care, I rarely log in and when I do it just to farm some old waterlords rep and then log out.

You really write alot for someone who just dosent care huh XD.