Please do not turn the Maw into Dark Souls

It’s almost a deal breaker if when you die, you lose half of your Stygia.

I seriously can’t understand that. If this feature is required then, that’s really bad.

Take more durability. I don’t know. I feel like there are unlimited options than just removing currency in something that’s required for end game.

This is a really disappointing decision.


You can actually recover your Stygia if you go back to where you died.


Doesn’t matter to me. I’ll avoid this like the plague. This is an incredibly disappointing decision. I really hope it’s changed.


But you won’t lose it if you just use your head. And even if you do lose it you can recover it.


I dont think it’s that bad, but then ive played through the dark souls games myself and I’m used to that sort of punishment…

Don’t get hit you don’t die I guess?


Just play a paladin and bubble hearth.


My character wears cloth. You’ve obviously never played a cloth class. We die extremely easily, and getting back to your body will likely end up in the same result.

If I “used my head” then that means I don’t even step foot in the place as I don’t want to engage with something that can take currency away from me.


lol Its not like dark souls have you even played dark souls

you don’t loes anything (unless your stupid and roll off a cliff in dark souls) you can always return and get your souls in dark souls … (if you even die that is)

plus dark souls requires real skill and knowledge to do well wow doesn’t and I mean “weapon combat styles” where I can dodge non stop on every weapon because I know its attack pattern I can go untouchable

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Hopefully the Maw has giant archers that when they hit you, the arrow sends you flying halfway across the zone and more than likely to your death.


ya that or a a fat guy running away from you while sending psycho demon dogs at you

or mushroom men that one punch you = death

Good thing I brought my eskus flask! Now to take off my clothes and roll my way to victory.


I have. Just don’t pull the entire universe and you’re fine.

If you used your head you wouldn’t put yourself in a situation to get yourself killed. You’d play it safe.


Don’t forget your humanity on before the boss fight or you will have only half a hp bar :slight_smile:

That type of anxiety is not fun.

Sitting there, with so much anxiety that your hands are shaking because you’re so afraid of being set back by the risk of losing currency is just not fun. That’s like, waiting at the foot of a guillotine (this may be hyperbole but you get the idea).

Playing in a constant state of anxiety is just not fun.


Thats where your wrong… it is rather fun… theres a reason why nintendo was great with the old zelda and Castlevania games … (because it didn’t hold your hand and forced you to use your brain and go onto it)

also Dark souls community also highly disagrees lol with that statement


But you’re a priest… Just bubble and Heal and you’ll be fine. Go in with a group too.

But I do agree with changing the Maw a bit. I hope they add some storyline to it to make things more interesting.

Uh - I’m also a clothy and I think you’re overreacting big time. It’ll be fine.


You’re a shadow priest. Your spec will be trash in Shadowlands, not even worth playing.

Overacting just a tad there

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Then have no fear! Because never setting foot in the Maw removes the chance you’ll ever have any currency to lose in the first place. I mean, it also means you won’t get very far in Shadowlands systems, but at least you’ll be safe!

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