Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

They are giving TCG mounts… World Bosses mounts for free… They will probably bring back all the MoP/WoD/Legion stuff as well. So you can’t brag anymore. You can only play the way Blizzard wants you to play.

Basically what it means is… Bend over and take it like a man.

I have every single weapon from the og tower.

I say they should bring them back. FOMO is a meme.



Its amazing how much people gatekeep pixels. Try getting some actual achievements that matter irl lmaooo


I have both, soooo yeah plz keep em gate kept blizz.

Perhaps 1 different color, like the werebear, but not the OGs.


People who have Fear of Missing Out in the first place are weirder.

Stop being afraid of not owning pixels.

Dude, you missed out on a few pixels. So because of that, you just literally went on a rant insulting others who were subbed to the game at the time.

Don’t you guys see that you’re actually the toxic ones here ?

I just own the pixels man, I don’t flash them around. I also don’t look down on people who don’t, while you look down on people who do.

None of that stuff was timed exclusives, and was still available in game.

you mean the thing where they forgot to assign evokers a loot table other than ‘all the generic/non specified armor class’ stuff?

They literally patched that when they caught it no?

Also about the TCG mounts? There was nothing anywhere that said ‘this TCG is and will be the only way to get X prize.’

I ultimately don’t see the problem with them being reintroduced here and there ultimately because after a couple years being unable to be acquired (if the demand still exists) the price tends to hike back up a bit. Look at MTG card sales involving older formats and more expensive cards when they come back into print and how the price tanks followed by the price going back to around the same price (if not higher) once said cards fall back out of print for a year or so for an example.

I didn’t miss out on anything, I have all 36. I’m saying to bring them back for people who don’t have them.


I guess OP is onto different bait threads;
But people really are getting all bent outta shape.

Blizzard have said time and time again; it isn’t coming back.

That said it would be cool to get reskins of it, or give the ones that got it some achieve or feat of strength and bring them back, they were cool looking and the subs are falling more than rising. Plus majority won’t even get a mage tower done, especially not in this iteration. So don’t see why people think ‘‘EVERYONE’’ will have it.

When I got something , I wanted more people to get it, to enjoy what I got.

I guess I’m the odd person out who doesn’t get some great feeling of having something only a few others have.

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I mean yeah I hope they don’t bring stuff like that back. Limited time things that you worked for should stay exclusive to that time/event. I can imagine recolors are probably gonna happen, as they always do.

prestige for pixels how low the bar must be


They’re not coming back my man. Move on to other pixels.

“They’re not prestigious!” also “I must have them you must bring them back!”.

I don’t need to move on to anything, like I’ve said 20 times on these forums, I have them all already.

Point is, they were so easy to get in Legion, there’s nothing prestigious about them, bring them back so people can use them for transmogs. Specially if they are newer players.


“I have them!”

“If you have them you’re compensating for lack of interesting things in your life and you suck”.

“They’re not prestigious!” also “I must have them you must bring them back!”.


Ok dude.

They’re still not coming back.

Dude, i was making a joke about the tupac guy compensating for something… else.

I mean, they’ve brought other things back that they said they wouldn’t… like all of classic, let new people get them.

I’m not asking for them to bring back anything I don’t already have so /shrug


They’re likely not being brought back, but as someone who did get the skins I was after I always kind of laugh at the revisionist history some people like to toss out.

People didn’t have two years, they had about a year, as Mage Tower came out in 9.2, not at launch. It also wasn’t available all the time, for a good portion of its existence. Moreover, it was able to be overgeared, and just before pre-patch people could literally buy the correct Legendary to make the fights even easier. Many could be cheesed, at least in part, by using things like Bear Tartar and Blessed Bandages and even item summons, for the fights that were set on Azeroth.

This happens with a lot of similar things. They’re held up as the pinnacle of challenge but in reality a lot of people figured out ways to make it easier, and then once enough time has passed the narrative shifts to try and add value to the pixels.

Do I think they should be brought back? No, I think Blizzard should do more features like it, but don’t make it reliant on FOMO.

insert I was only joking meme

I don’t see Corrupted Ashbringer anywhere in my mog collection.

Is that your only example ?

Pretty bad one.

You can get them in Legion Classic I guess.