Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Healthy Perspective:
Man, if they bring back the Mage Tower good luck with the new scaling… It’s a tough road to those mogs.
In this instance the content difficulty is still the “gate keeper” as it was before.

Unhealthy Perspective:
You don’t deserve what I have because I was playing at the right time and you were not!
In this instance someone has become more concerned with keepinig others from the same sense of enjoyment they had when they completed a difficult task rather than allowing the content to be the test. Basically, they are under the misconception that other peoples achievements diminish their own. Essentially, they are attempting to become the gate keeper.


Yes and Blizzard awarded loyal fans.

Bring them back, let everyone have a chance at them again. You’ll be fine, I promise. Free your self-worth from digital pixel prestige!


I am really tired of this old “If I HaD tO SuFfEr yoU sHOuLd HaVe To As WeLl” attitude.


We will see, I think they will bring the old appearances back to the MT during the Legion rotation.

And having the challenge skins return to earn would make people feel like they wasted their time?

I always imagine some 80 year old Grandpa telling his great grand kids about that one time he killed Kruul in Legions Mage Tower event, and he got this really cool looking pretend weapon, that isn’t actually a weapon it just makes your weapon look more weapony!

“Son, you will never know the glory I felt that day…”


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Yes! We had our own particular challenge back then. I didn’t do Mage Tower and I don’t want to see them come back. I missed out, big deal. I don’t think Blizzard should be diminishing our efforts and setting bad precedence just because a few people whine.


The only prestige there was was just that you happened to be playing Legion at the time. That’s it. I’ve got all the mage tower weapons. All of them. Outside of a couple specs I’m particularly not good at (like Death Knight) they were easy, but not because I’m awesome at the game or anything, no. I got them all because it was ridiculously easy to outgear them to the point where many mistakes and errors could just be powered through with little issue. Hell, the entire Felskorn fight could just be endured until they ran out of mana and stopped doing most of their mechanics, and the twins had like 50 different exploits you could do to trivialize them.

Not really much prestige there, tbqh.

I, personally, do not care if all of the time limited stuff I have comes back or not. Weapon appearances, aotc mounts, old removed legendaries, challenge mode transmogs, titles, even blizzcon mounts, doesn’t matter. Everyone can have all those things if they want, I don’t base my self worth over if I have a shiny other people don’t. I just want to have a cool transmog with fitting titles, pets and mounts and such. Heck half the time I use the basic version of Skull of the Manari because it better suits my transmog than any of the other appearances, mage tower included.

My only stipulation: If it was something earned ingame, keep it earnable ingame. I don’t care if it’s just buying it from a vendor for 5 anima, as long as it remains earnable ingame. Do not put these things in the cash shop. Blizz has far more than enough overpriced cash grabs as it is.


Fine, whatever. Stupid things are never coming back anyway so the argument is the height of pointlessness.

My brother has every single mage tower appearance across all the specs (both the original and the new armor sets/book mount) and he says, “Bring them back, doesn’t affect me any.”


They’re so sure of that position that they won’t post it themselves? Ok.

They should add some new colors of the old ones, so that everyone can get something new.

As many have said the particular challenge during Legion for MT appearances was to both be there and to get ‘ilvl x’ to trivialize whatever troublesome mechanic exists. IIRC it was something in the mid to upper 900s based on the class.

Not to call ‘being there, upgrading legendary gear, doing invasion points’ a challenge but the hardest part was definitely the ‘be there’ part

People saying the mage tower was easy? Maybe towards the end but I remember failing the mistweaver one over and over and just about bursting into tears.

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Yeah he has better things to do than waste time on GD with trolls like you.


yep. at the end it was incredibly easy for everyone if you invested the time necessary to get double legendary and scrounge up enough of the not quite catch up gear before hand.

People who say the MT was hard were basically doing it on undergeared toons.

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God I hope they bring back everything. These threads are my guilty pleasure.

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Only way everything will be back is when wow “dies”

Even then prob not.