Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Yup, my last one was Resto shaman and I completed it freshy leveled shaman, you had so much power just from fully powered AF weapons.

Hardest one overall was probably Bear druid as I didn’t actually play druid so i didn’t have the legendaries at the time, and it was before you could just buy them. Had to do it with balance legendaries.

So you can’t see a joke right in front of you eh?

I don’t think toxicity is a laughing matter no. And trying to brush it away with “I was only joking bro” isn’t in good taste either.

Only toxic one’s here are the people claiming these easy to get looks should be locked for being “prestigious” just cause someone didn’t play during legion.


No, this is toxic :

You’re the only one here that’s toxic. Not people telling you pixels that were said to be time exclusive will remain locked to their time period.

If one wanted it back then because one thought it was cool, then one should be delighted about allowing new/returning players to share in that coolness.

If one wanted it back then for the prestige, that’s what dates on cheeves are for. One got it back when it was current. It would be a different kind of tough now with all the changes implemented since then.

“I got mine haha you cant” is about preserving Epeen and means someone missed the be a geek speech.

Game art dies when nobody new can get it.

Game experiences and lore die when nobody new can experience it.

With the cards out of print I’m quite happy that some otherwise game extinct loot items are coming back, in a manner that is reachable for players and also benefits content creators and the originating company.


It’s funny, because it’s the people who want it back who scream the loudest about Epeen.

No one who has them is under the impression it’s not a “right place, right time” thing.

It’s still not coming back.

Still can’t believe they removed huge questlines from MoP and WoD.


As someone who got pretty much all of the appearances I wanted, I’m perfectly fine with them bringing them back. I hate limited time stuff, even if it was stuff I was able to get myself.

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So you want to spit on the work others put in?

The thing we got for doing it, the artifact weapon appearance…

The challenge of obtaining them was the prestige, not being around during the right window of time. Thinking being in the right place at the right time gives something value is asinine.

Like, nobody gives a crap about mine or anyone’s 4th anniversary achievement. That doesn’t make my character somehow more valuable to anyone. There’s no prestige for being there.

I mean if it weren’t “valuable”, there wouldn’t be a daily thread begging to get them back.

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They are valuable, just not for the reason you think. They look cool. They took effort to acquire.

Removing stuff from the game is stupid.

I’m not saying “give them to people for logging in” or “watch a twitch stream for it.” They proved they can create a similar challenge with the content. Let people still earn the thing.

I hate FOMO designs.

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Hence why they’re not coming back.

The design isn’t FOMO.

The Fear is all in your head.

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unless you got them all your opinion means less than mine since i did get all of them and i would rather have a way for people to get them again than keep it locked to have some sense of yea im better than you because i played when this was live

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They’re not coming back because they’re sought after? That’s a stupid decision on their part.

Me having my mage tower appearances doesn’t make me special. But it sucks for the new players who can never get that celestial feral druid model or the cool brewmaster lantern.

People who only find value in something if they come at the expense of others are trash.


Please, what a bunk argument.

The only reason you want them back is because it would allow you to get other time limited exclusives you missed out on through precedent.

It’s pretty transparent.

Exactly. The very fact people beg for them back is the reason they were time limited in the first place.

It’s an incentive to keep an active sub.

oh yea i wouldnt mind that but lets use the mage tower as the example. nothing else only mage tower skins. i still wouldnt give a crap. let people get them again. it doesnt effect me at all. i use the skins i like cause it looks cool not cause i have something other people dont have. if anything im more happy seeing people with something rare that i have than when they dont. so my arguement is still the same regardless of if i have anything to gain or not…


How so? They don’t go away if you unsubscribe. If anything it gives newer players more reason to not resub.

If I came in and saw that druid model and I knew I could never get it, that’d be deterring.



It does, you missed out on something else and you’re hoping for precedent.

If you had been subbed during Legion, you wouldn’t be here begging. Guess you’ll think twice now before hitting that unsub button next time.

On the contrary, it gives them reason to stick around to get their own time exclusive pixels.