Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Bringing Classic wow didn’t ruin my past efforts. Big difference.

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here’s my brilliant idea: When wow moves on to the new expansion, all the old expansion content should be deleted.

Want to experience that? you should’ve been there sooner.


Bringing expired rewards back won’t ruin your past accomplishments either.


I think I’d be okay with MT weapons making a return, as long as the challenge was present, or perhaps even harder. Having exclusive items on single player content in an MMO has always rubbed me the wrong way.

In the same way that as a CM gear holder, I wouldn’t care if they brought those sets back to a new generation of players.

People shouldn’t have that gear because they couldn’t complete the challenge, not because they weren’t playing back then.

Bring back full MT with the artifact skins included and if people want to work for them, they should be able to. Plenty of people will still probably not be able to do it.

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Your past efforts won’t have been ruined either.

The Mage Tower was actually harder to complete in Shadowlands than it was during Legion. So the people who got the armor sets? They worked harder than you.

Your selfishness is honestly horrible. Be a better human.


Keep them exclusive. I don’t know why people are so up in arms over them. You had your chance.

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Why not delete all content when the game’s moved on? Way more exclusivity then.

I think it’s foolish to promote something as exclusive.

Sure, the people who played during Legion had their chance.

But what chance did the people who joined during BFA or Shadowlands have exactly?


Fun fact: Blizzard promoted the Legion Epic Edition Mount as Exclusive as well as the Epic Edition BFA mount…guess what? Both of those are now in the wowshop.


Nah, bring 'em back.

I mean you still gotta do MT for 'em, would only be fair.

Then what would hook people into subscribing for more than two months after a patch?

Why is OP Flagged ?

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Idk, the experience? fun?

envy makes people do funny things

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I mean timed exclusivity is fine.

Let’s say you complete a difficult piece of content right. That creates a status symbol for yourself to share, something that shows you did the hard content when it was current.

You should have that exclusive status symbol for a time. Let’s say, two expansions worth of time. Four years is plenty of time to show that you did the content when it was current, when it was hard. But after four years? Then Blizzard frees up that ‘exclusive content’ for other people to obtain again.

And once it’s freed up for everyone, the players who had it for those four years get a Feat of Strength they can link that says “Earned this exclusive thing during the expansion where it was current.” and that’s their permanent status symbol that never goes away.

And I’m saying this as someone who earned one of the MT skins, fury warrior specifically, and it took me a long time and a lot of consumables to earn it. I was seriously overjoyed when I earned it and I immediately used it during the rest of Legion and I continued to use it during BFA as well.

I’m okay with sharing, because I’m not a selfish tool.

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You kniw what to really piss every one off put them in the cash shop mage tower both mop/wod CM hell nax tier 3 from classic corrutoed ashebringer do it blizz its a cash cow

i agree don’t bring em back i don’t come here crying about cm weapons cause i was raiding on to many toons at the time and never did the dungeons it is what it is.

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What do you think about deleting past expansions raids? (logic being, rewards should be exclusive.)

FOMO is entirely personal. It’s easy to fix : stop being afraid. You miss out on some stuff, you don’t miss out on some other stuff. In the end, your life still goes on.

What makes someone afraid they’ll miss out on some pixels exactly ? Fix that issue, and you’ll never be the victim of FOMO ever again.


i guarantee you they will eventually. just like all the cry babies complaining about the feldrake mount and crap.