Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

Feldrake required no effort.

Mage Tower weapons aren’t coming back. It’s fine.

Everything will be a Twitch drop soon

I’m not so sure anymore.

Blizzard has already spoke on this and outright said they will respect player time, achievement and effort. It was stated on these forums. They’re not going to go back on a direct comment like that.

Better idea, completely remove all Artifact weapon appearances from transmogs.

Yes I’m salty, enough salt to fill the ocean.

Just throwing it out there, the hunter set from the mage tower is an ugly recolor of an ugly set. Not all mogs were created equal. They could have done a recolor for this set I’m mogged to, but no, they purposely didn’t choose the one good-looking hunter set. The mount is cool so that’s the only reason why I’ll work on the MT when it comes back for the other classes.

It’s a video game. Player A being able to obtain something that player B already has, doesn’t change anything in the game. Don’t let your in game achievements be you goal in life. Don’t let someone else’s happiness disrupt your life. Enjoy what you have, and let the rest wash away.

Breath a little.


People who support FOMO are so weird. Honestly WoW is like the only game I see this in, just because you have been playing for 18 years straight doesn’t mean you need to base your entire life off the game.


This. Anyone opposed to this idea is just arguing for the sake of arguing.

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…It doesn’t make sense they would do the set you’re doing though because the Mage Tower was released with Tomb. So they went with the Tomb set. I don’t understand why you think that’s an issue when it makes sense lol

That also requires effort and time. Respect it.

As someone with all 36, bring them back. They were so easy to get by the end of legion, there’s no prestige in them, let people have them.


No! If they do this I will unsub and tell my friends not to play. I’m not joking. I am not going to play a game that wastes my effort like that.

What effort?

They rolled over on undergeared alts at the end of legion.

Maybe the game would be better off without “you and your friends”


Blizzard rightfully disagreed which is why they didn’t come back. And they need to stay that way.

Nah, I disagree with you and blizzard.

Let people work on them, mage tower is harder now than when I finished up mine.


I don’t see either coming back as that big of a deal. Peoole who didn’t play during Legion could still earn them. I don’t see why we can’t have both. But then again people want to feel special with their removed digital items because they’re petty. Well I’d rather not punish late adopters.


I hope they bring it back because i hate this attitude


The things they’re bringing back via the ‘Twitch Promotions’ are generally pets / mounts and an extreme few super old transmog stuff. Challenge mode items I highly doubt they’ll touch …

Besides, we have some challenge mode stuff up to participate, if they were to bring it back to any degree – It’d be more respectful to make it earnable that way, than a free give away.

I’d be fine if they gave a NEW colour variant of said-challenge mode items such as the Mage Tower Weapons & appearances, much like they did with the druid bear form though – (And before someone tries to discredit me, this is coming from someone who got them all).